Well-Known Member
Seriously though, what's the auction thing about?
Seriously, it's fruits and veggies
Seriously though, what's the auction thing about?
i wanna go.
I wanna go.
I thought Mig was coming already.
Mig, You have to come buy some veggies with us. I think we are going to buy a chit load and put it in iCit's van. It should be a smashing good time.
Seriously, it's fruits and veggies
Seriously, why would I ever BID on fruits and veggies? An "auction"..? There's got to be more to the story...THERE'S GOT TO BE MORE TO THE STORY!
Seriously, why would I ever BID on fruits and veggies? An "auction"..? There's got to be more to the story...THERE'S GOT TO BE MORE TO THE STORY!
Anything good?
It's bulk fruit and veggies. and sometimes plants etc.
Why not go in with some friends and get a case of tomatoes for cheaper than you can buy them at the store. Split the cost and the case between you and your friends. Costs savings
I dont know, I go to the mall to get my drugs. :shrug:
But you have to bid on them? Like Pawn Stars or whatever??
I go to the Farmers Market for fruits and veggies and split stuff with my Mom
You're so hood
I need to buy a palette of tomatoes.
Exactly how many tomatoes is that?
More than a few, but less than a lot.
Exactly how many tomatoes is that?
I need to buy a palette of tomatoes.
Happy 4th of July everyone!