Everybody is...
...gonna believe what they want but FWIW...
From the Zap film:
Connelly obviously hears and reacts to a shot from behind (miss)
Jack obviously gets shot through the neck from behind (hit #1)
then the round goes into Connelly, Jack barely reacts forward and this is more from clutching at his wound than the force of the bullet. There is little resistance so no pressure builds up. The energy is not conserved, it exits.
Jack gets hit in the back of the head (hit #2)
The bullet easily penetrates, as did the neck shot, barely moving Jack at all BUT the neck shot met little resistance and exited him intact. The head shot penetrates, starts coming apart because it hit something hard and fragments work towards the front, piercing his skull and starting a chain reaction.
In the mean time, all this energy has built up, conservation of energy, in an instant and MUST go somewhere, path of least resistance, bums rush out the front EXPLODING his head and forcing him back. Fragments and a shower of blood flying forward under pressure absolutely preclude this from being a frontal shot.
Fragments from the front that are just coming free fly backwards with him. He is a horrible mess.
2 hits in 5.6 seconds from about 100 yards.
Numerous tests have been done, same type weapon, bullets, scope. The Zap film was used to establish the timing from when he was fine to the fatal shot.
2 hits and 3 shots was achieved in every test. One even had 4 shots two hits in the time allowed. Some 3 for 3.
At no time in the Zap film does anyone look toward the camera because all the shots came from behind.
The film, to me, is clear, the front of his head comes apart, not the back. All the people who swear it was the back are simply wrong according to the tape.