Joel Osteen on Mormonism


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
see, this is where religion loses it.

At least I went to Salt Lake City to the Temple Square and the visitors' center and got the books and information and did the research. My opinion is based on the Mormon literature and on the Bible. They are not in agreement.


New Member
I like...

... Joel Osteen.

I've seen him on fox5 in the morning a few times. He's a breath of fresh air from all the black televangalists who shout so loud that you can't understand them and from the Pat Robertsons.


Harley Rider
Well, I was raised in the religion and had 4 years of seminary on it. I can assure you, it is the same Christ.
4 years of seminary and you can't tell me who "your" Jesus is? Stop hiding and tell me who YOU Mormons say Jesus is (as much info as you can give me). Just repeating that they are the same is not an answer.

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
4 years of seminary and you can't tell me who "your" Jesus is? Stop hiding and tell me who YOU Mormons say Jesus is (as much info as you can give me). Just repeating that they are the same is not an answer.

Jesus is the son of god, sent to earth to live as a man and died for the sins of the world. Does that sound different from yours?


New Member
WEll, that's not Christian. The Bible clearly states he is the Only begotten son of God.

I would like someone that is Catholic to chime in on this one as I was brought up in the Catholic and Methodist churches, i don't have enough knowledge to elaborate.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
And what difference is there?

The Mormon Jesus Christ
A created being: the elder brother of Lucifer
Common (one of many gods) and, in some ways, of minor important in the larger Mormon cosmology
Conceived by a physical sex act between God the Father (Adam or Elohim) and Mary, thus not through a true virgin birth
Once sinful and imperfect
Earned his own salvation (exaltation, godhood)

The Biblical Jesus Christ

Uncreated God
Unique (the Second Person of the one and only Godhead) and of supreme importance through time, eternity and all creation
Conceived by the Holy Spirit, who supermaturally "overshadowed" Mary, thus a true virgin birth
Eternally sinless and perfect
As God, never required salvation


Harley Rider
It is different from what some believe. Some say that Jesus is God.
He is.
WEll, that's not Christian. The Bible clearly states he is the Only begotten son of God.
Is that the ONLY verse in there? If you knew how to interpret the Bible you'd see the truth. And, that IS Christian. Jesus is God incarnate (in the flesh), He claimed to be the great "I AM" (John 8 v 58) and said that He'd raise Himself up from the dead after 3 days in the grave AND HE DID. Man can't raise himself from the dead. Bustem, I hope you didn't pay for your seminary training. I could give you hundreds of verses showing the Deity of Christ but you wouldn't read nor believe them.
This is what I meant when I said: if you aren't saved and don't know the Bible, you should listen, ask questions and not make assertions about a book that you don't understand. Not being mean here folks, just truthful.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
WEll, that's not Christian. The Bible clearly states he is the Only begotten son of God.

True, but it also states that Jesus and the Father are one. It also says that Jesus is the Word.
John 1:1-5

1In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

2He was in the beginning with God.

3All things came into being through Him, and apart from Him nothing came into being that has come into being.

4In Him was life, and the life was the Light of men.

5The Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it.
And your statement conflicts with Mormonism that believes Jesus and satan are brothers.

You must have missed a lot of classes or studied the Cliffs Notes.