JP for Governor.


J.P. Cusick

JPC, if you don't make it to Governor, will you run for President in 2012? Please?
:howdy: It would actually be easier to run for President if I first get elected as Governor, so I figure to keep my expectations on the positive side.

And I like President Obama so I would have that reason to wait for my second term as Governor and run for Pres in 2016.

That seems like a better plan to me.



American Beauty
PREMO Member
:howdy: It would actually be easier to run for President if I first get elected as Governor, so I figure to keep my expectations on the positive side.

And I like President Obama so I would have that reason to wait for my second term as Governor and run for Pres in 2016.

That seems like a better plan to me.



Have you picked out your Monica yet?


J.P. Cusick
Custody means legally stealing the children.

Lets draw lines in the sand!

I guess knowing that, it would be a very scary thought of giving you power (over my tax dollars no less) of what crooked crap you would do, giving your impulsive actions, you know. :whistle:
:popcorn: My actions (crimes) were not impulsive at all because I though about it first each time and worked out the best wording that I wanted to spray paint and then pick the time to do it and everything was done by calculation.

And I really do follow rules and laws in every case and I only ONLY break a law when I myself believe it needs to be broken for some higher purpose of doing right against wrong.

And as the Governor then if I did brake any law then I could be impeached and lose my Governor job and I would not want that to happen.



Honorary SMIB
:patriot: Greetings.

I just want to introduce myself as being the next Governor of the State of Maryland.

Campaign website is HERE.

The registration with the State Board of Elections was done on Tuesday.

My name is James P. Cusick Sr., but I will be listed on the Democratic Party election ballot as just "J.P. Cusick", as I see that having a better ring to it.

Democrats rock! :larry:

You'll only be listed as J.P. if you legally change your name. James P. Sr is your legal name, so that is what election laws requires. No nicknames or titles.


I eat red meat


Methodically disorganized
And no one really knows if the Forum has any real influence or not, and I did do Newspaper ads and public events / debates and those might be more influential but that is not known for certain either.
Their influence in insignificant; all that really matters is the result... that you lost. And will do so again.

The saying that he was drinking and partying and womanizing means the Man had big unresolved personal issues which means he was confused and needed help in his life.
I'm surprised you didn't whip out your ignorant claim that no custodial ever willingly abandons their family, even when a textbook case is right in your face.


New Member
:getdown: It is true that if even one person goes to Hell then I will go with them, because I would defy any person or any God that would do such a thing as Hell. But in my own religious beliefs I know that there is no Hell after death and everybody gets saved in the end. Way to avoid the issue, which was your comment that parents do not leave by their own free will.

:popcorn: The saying that he was drinking and partying and womanizing means the Man had big unresolved personal issues which means he was confused and needed help in his life.

Parents like that need help and not to be hunted down and attacked by Child Support thieves which surely made things far worse then they already were. Where did I say my father was attacked by the CS system? He indeed was NOT.

See, instead of teaching the children to love and to honor their father, the children were taught to want their father to burn in a Hell, so the system we have now destroys the family unit and it alienates the parents and it produces unwholesome adult children. WTF are you talking about? Did I say I do not love my father?

:popcorn: It is common knowledge and not some thing out of a survey.


So you knew my dad? A little pretentious of you to decide what the actions of a dead man you never met mean, don't you think? When did you earn your Psychology doctorate by the way?

I love how you avoid questions and issues by redirecting. I also like how you worm little insults and misdirections into people's comments. You do realize that statements such as "I'll see you in hell" are figures of speech and not meant to be taken literally... and for you to imply that I somehow want to see my own father 'burn in hell' simply shows your absolute lack of concern for your fellow man and willingness to use them for your own ends. Spoken like a true politician!

Now, back to the issue... My post appears to have confused you. I did not state that my father never paid child support... I said he walked out on his family of his own free will, which you stated does not happen. How can it not happen absent of force or coercion, if it indeed DID happen, and happens every day, to thousands of kids and families around the world?

YOU want to believe that somehow, the child support system was responsible for forcing you away from your family, fine! But fact is, child support is not involved if you are living with them. You have to LEAVE before they will even get involved. Child support only plays a part in disancing the NCP from the kids and CP when the NCP becomes embittered at the fact they have been court ordered to pay CS, or when the CP becomes embittered that the NCP is not meeting their court ordered responsibility.

Now for a dose of reality... I love your 'needs are met to overflowing' comments, but such makes it obvious that you live in a fantasy world. I LIVED as a child in the child support system. Yes, my father paid, after he reappeared married to another woman two years after he walked out. And he willingly paid $250 a month back in the 70's. My mom worked as a bank teller for little more than minimum wage, and REFUSED to go on public assistance, because she didn't want her kids to grow dependent or accustomed to hand-outs. Wise women, and my pride in her is unending. Things were very tough for us but she made due. My sister and I always had clothes, shoes, food, a roof... Meager, but there. That child support my father paid enabled us to have a two BR apartment instead of a small one bedroom. It paid for our clothes so we didn't have to wear rags. Little things like that. It did NOT go for my mom... how do I know? Because I was there.

My dad on the other hand lived in a nice 3 BR home on the water, beautiful view of Casco Bay. Drove a brand new Mercury Cougar. Had two big TV's, a nice stereo. Ate well, had lots of booze money. Always had cash in his pocket. His new wife always had the best of everything, including a new Volvo. My mom? She drove a beat up old Maverick until she won a raffle and got a new Chevette. Volvo vs. Chevette.... Huh. Seems those CS payments were really killing my dad... NOT.

My father wound up very distanced from his kids because in the end getting laid by strange women was more important. The booze? He actually quit drinking when I was in high school. When I was in Germany in the Army he divorced his second wife. When I went home on leave I drove up to visit, and he spent all of about 5 minutes with me then had 'something he had to do'. Nice. Three years later my sister got married... in MN, where I was living. My dad flew out. I drove to his hotel after arranging to spend the day with him. He had 5 minutes for me, then off to play golf... Nice. He passed in '96. Was engaged to yet another woman, much younger than himself. Nobody in his family knew her, or even knew she existed. During his eulogy his sister said "Joseph always had beautiful women in his life, lots of them."

Do I love my dad? Sure. He's my dad. You are a pretentious pompous ass to assume otherwise. Do I hate some aspects of my dad's life and behavior? You bet your bippy. Do I resent how he treated me and his family (families?)? Yes.

Child support had nothing to do with his treating his family and kids like crap. We simply were not a priority in his life. He was having affairs with other women when he was still married to my mom.

So go ahead, try to find a way to blame my mom the CP, or the CS system, and rant about your 'honor the parents' crap all you want. It has no bearing on my situation or that of most others, because I and many others do honor their NCP despite what they did to their kids and families. You just don't want to see it because you need justification for your own failings.
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New Member
It is common knowledge and not some thing out of a survey.

Yes JP, it is common knowledge that BIOLOGICAL parents molest their kids. Hence the word 'incest'. It is common knowledge that they do so much more often than 'rarely'. And yes you are right, it is not something out of a survey. It is something out of nationally collected sex crime data.

And yes, you do need to back it up with citations, at least in order to appear at all as if you are putting out legitimate info. THAT my dear boy is common knowledge. What are your sources? Ohhhh that's right... you don't have any. Yet somehow, we are all supposed to believe you because you know everything! Right!


You'll only be listed as J.P. if you legally change your name. James P. Sr is your legal name, so that is what election laws requires. No nicknames or titles.
I thought you couldn't be a criminal in order to run for office? :confused: I must be wrong because Congress is full of them. :lol:


J.P. Cusick
Everybody gets saved on Judgment Day.

Graffiti,.....YOU'VE GOT TO BE KIDDING!!!!

OMG... What did you spray paint???
:howdy: Most other people on the Forum know my accomplishments but I will be happy to give a little detail again as the events are very meaningful to me.

It was 1996 or 97 (does not matter which) and I was forced onto the streets homeless by the Child Support enforcement and they ordered me to pay the C/S first instead of me paying rent or getting out of the weather, and in January of 97 (I think it was) I decided that if I were to die outside on the streets that I needed to give a message like my epitaph or my death message, and so I thought that I would spray paint the SMC Circuit Courthouse with the words like "Child Support is legalized stealing" and "Thou shalt not steal" and some other words, and so I did it in green spray paint to the 4 front pillars of the Courthouse. And I stayed there so the police could arrest me and kept the spray can in hand. Judge Raley gave me 18 months for the crime because I told him in Court that I was happy to do it and I refused to pay any restitution and I would return to the Courthouse whether they liked it or not. So I served my 18 months (15 minus 3 months "good time") and as soon as I got released I went to the Child Support enforcement Office in Leonardtown and painted that building too with similar words of "Child Support thieves" and "Thou shalt not steal" and again in green paint. On that time I went before a visiting Judge Cooper who told me my Child Support case was then closed and I told him that it did not matter to me and he gave me 14 months and I served 12 minus 2 months "good time" deducted. By this time I found my spray painting idea to have been inspired and effective as my own form of civil disobedience and so after that release I took a Bus to Annapolis and bought some red spray paint and spray painted the Maryland State House with the words "Child Support thieves" and "Thou shalt not steal" and I waited around to confess but I sat there for half an hour and got tired of waiting and left the scene, and it was a month later that I got arrested and taken to Annapolis for trial. At that trial I refused to enter any plea as I did not want to lie and say "not guilty" so by refusing to plea I was given a jury trial with witnesses and News report, and the Judge gave me the maximum sentence of 3 years in State prison for the misdemeanor of "Destruction of Property" and I did all 3 years day for day because I was not given my "good time" because I was not a "good" prisoner in the Prison.

Then I got released as homeless and destitute and with physical injuries in mid-2003 and I applied for Disability because of my injuries and in Nov 2005 I was accepted under the Social Security Act as disabled, and in 2006 I first ran for election to the MD House of Delegates 29B and got 465 votes (13.4%) against the rich incumbent, link HERE down to 29B.

Silly little man. Are you a CRACKPOT? or have you been smoking the same?:cool:

How old are you?:baby:
:popcorn: I am 53 now, and I do not do any narcotics.

You mean you couldn't find a more intelligent way to get your point across?

Like maybe a news paper article.....?:coffee:
:howdy: I did do Newspaper letters and did get them published, and I sent letters to every Representative in the US Congress and Senate and to the President Clinton and many other letters against the thieving Child Support and I got online Internet tactics and contacts too.

I still see the spray paint as more inspired inspiration rather than simply intelligent because the action instead of words really changed my reality for the better - IMO.

So you actions were a premeditated scheme.....that failed, .......Hmmm,... much like your election (or lack there of) campain.
:popcorn: I do not see any of my resistance to the Child Support thievery as a "failure", but I have had many other failures in my years.

In fact I see the resistance against the thieving Child Support as getting more and more effective every day, and I see it like the old "Columbo" movies where the thieves see it coming and they can do nothing to stop their own loss.

It seems that maybe you need to put on your big boy panties and rethink your approach (and the fact that you are a deadbeat dad, and you breeding resulted in a dead beat dad.....a real chip off the old block.)
:coffee: My son is not really like me in this regard, and I hope he will some day see the light.

The sad fact that you and other call any separated parent as a "deadbeat" is reason enough to fight the thievery - IMO.

Tell me, what was your dad like???
:popcorn: My own father was a Federal Guard in the downtown Washington area and he would commute back and forth to our home in Hollywood SMC, and he died of cancer when I was just over 17 years old.

He and our Mom had 12 children and I am #6 and mother died this past February at 86 years.



:howdy: Most other people on the Forum know my accomplishments but I will be happy to give a little detail again as the events are very meaningful to me.

It was 1996 or 97 (does not matter which) and I was forced onto the streets homeless by the Child Support enforcement and they ordered me to pay the C/S first instead of me paying rent or getting out of the weather,

No one forced you into the streets except yourself. Accountability is a powerful thing. When times get hard and money is slim, you have to WORK harder to make ends meet. Even kids know this.

Get a life.


So JP, you get to collect disability because you were injured in a prison fight, one that you no doubt started. For some reason this just does not seem right.


J.P. Cusick
Custody means legally stealing the children.

So you knew my dad? A little pretentious of you to decide what the actions of a dead man you never met mean, don't you think? When did you earn your Psychology doctorate by the way?
:howdy: We do know about the Courts and the laws and about Child Support and Custody demands, so it is not based on some individual personalities but on the over all picture.

And it would be foolish to take the word of the Man's unsatisfied adult child as the facts of the case.

I love how you avoid questions and issues by redirecting. I also like how you worm little insults and misdirections into people's comments. You do realize that statements such as "I'll see you in hell" are figures of speech and not meant to be taken literally... and for you to imply that I somehow want to see my own father 'burn in hell' simply shows your absolute lack of concern for your fellow man and willingness to use them for your own ends. Spoken like a true politician!
:howdy: My own words can be taken as literally and as my own perception of truth as I see it to be, and if your words are not "literal" then they are not worth very much.

Politicians do this because it is a smart and productive way, and you would be wise to follow the example.

Now, back to the issue... My post appears to have confused you. I did not state that my father never paid child support... I said he walked out on his family of his own free will, which you stated does not happen. How can it not happen absent of force or coercion, if it indeed DID happen, and happens every day, to thousands of kids and families around the world?
:popcorn: You did not mention the Child Support but I know that it is always there hidden in every background and that is why I brought it out.

I did that because I wanted to and it was not some accident or slip.

Claiming the father (or Mom) has a "free will" in such cases is never correct because there is always some force or coercion in every separation or else it just would not happen as it does.

You said that your Dad had a drinking issue and womanizing and those are types of outside control (force or coercion) over the person. Even in the worst of abuses the thieving Child Support will always leave enough for the parents to buy more booze if nothing else.

The claim to "free will" can only happen when there is no outside pressure.

YOU want to believe that somehow, the child support system was responsible for forcing you away from your family, fine! But fact is, child support is not involved if you are living with them. You have to LEAVE before they will even get involved. Child support only plays a part in distancing the NCP from the kids and CP when the NCP becomes embittered at the fact they have been court ordered to pay CS, or when the CP becomes embittered that the NCP is not meeting their court ordered responsibility.
You and others here are trying to claim that I have some personal vendetta against Child Support as breaking up my family and my marriage but I have never ever said such a fool thing.

People fail to take me literally for what I do say and they add words and meanings to me that I never said.

I left my marriage and family because I messed it up and I could not repair the damage done by myself.

I even tried several times to cooperate with the Child Support but the system would not cooperate with me.

Now for a dose of reality... I love your 'needs are met to overflowing' comments, but such makes it obvious that you live in a fantasy world. I LIVED as a child in the child support system. Yes, my father paid, after he reappeared married to another woman two years after he walked out. And he willingly paid $250 a month back in the 70's. My mom worked as a bank teller for little more than minimum wage, and REFUSED to go on public assistance, because she didn't want her kids to grow dependent or accustomed to hand-outs. Wise women, and my pride in her is unending. Things were very tough for us but she made due. My sister and I always had clothes, shoes, food, a roof... Meager, but there. That child support my father paid enabled us to have a two BR apartment instead of a small one bedroom. It paid for our clothes so we didn't have to wear rags. Little things like that. It did NOT go for my mom... how do I know? Because I was there.
:howdy: The problem that I see is that you give the credit to the thieving Child Support instead of to your Dad.

I find that all ALL parents provide for their own children, but parents being forced to pay the Child Support provide far less than they would otherwise.

The Child Support interferes with the role of parenting so that a parent pays the gov demands and nobody ever wants to give more or extra to a thief.

It is highly likely that your Dad would have provided far more if the ignorant Court was not in the middle of the family.

My dad on the other hand lived in a nice 3 BR home on the water, beautiful view of Casco Bay. Drove a brand new Mercury Cougar. Had two big TV's, a nice stereo. Ate well, had lots of booze money. Always had cash in his pocket. His new wife always had the best of everything, including a new Volvo. My mom? She drove a beat up old Maverick until she won a raffle and got a new Chevette. Volvo vs. Chevette.... Huh. Seems those CS payments were really killing my dad... NOT.
:whistle: The Child Support was not killing him as it was killing you.

He would have fixed you and your sister up with your own cars and cloths and everything as that is what fathers do, but instead he had to face the Court and the Child Support demands and that is what got in the way.

Your family did not need the Court or the law but that is what you got and the law is what held you down.

My father wound up very distanced from his kids because in the end getting laid by strange women was more important. The booze? He actually quit drinking when I was in high school. When I was in Germany in the Army he divorced his second wife. When I went home on leave I drove up to visit, and he spent all of about 5 minutes with me then had 'something he had to do'. Nice. Three years later my sister got married... in MN, where I was living. My dad flew out. I drove to his hotel after arranging to spend the day with him. He had 5 minutes for me, then off to play golf... Nice. He passed in '96. Was engaged to yet another woman, much younger than himself. Nobody in his family knew her, or even knew she existed. During his eulogy his sister said "Joseph always had beautiful women in his life, lots of them."
:popcorn: But you are critical of him, and clearly you are brain washed by that Child Support lies and he knew it.

Do I love my dad? Sure. He's my dad. You are a pretentious pompous ass to assume otherwise. Do I hate some aspects of my dad's life and behavior? You bet your bippy. Do I resent how he treated me and his family (families?)? Yes.
:popcorn: You blame him instead of the ignorant Child Support and Custody laws and it was the law that violated your family unit by attacking your father.

Child support had nothing to do with his treating his family and kids like crap. We simply were not a priority in his life. He was having affairs with other women when he was still married to my mom.
:howdy: Yes it was the Child Support that did him wrong and thereby did you wrong, but that was after the separation.

What went wrong in the marriage is a different subject.

So go ahead, try to find a way to blame my mom the CP, or the CS system, and rant about your 'honor the parents' crap all you want. It has no bearing on my situation or that of most others, because I and many others do honor their NCP despite what they did to their kids and families. You just don't want to see it because you need justification for your own failings.
:howdy: I do not want to see that, as I want to repair it so as to make it stop.



Methodically disorganized
So you knew my dad? A little pretentious of you to decide what the actions of a dead man you never met mean, don't you think?
If I had the time, I would go back and pull up a few of the instances where he has accused people of "speaking for" others, like himself or some other deadbeat. It's another of his ways to avoid the issue and continue on his boneheaded way spouting his boneheaded beliefs.

But when he wants to speak for others then it's acceptable, of course, because he is omniscient and knows everyone's situation.


New Member
If I had the time, I would go back and pull up a few of the instances where he has accused people of "speaking for" others, like himself or some other deadbeat. It's another of his ways to avoid the issue and continue on his boneheaded way spouting his boneheaded beliefs.

But when he wants to speak for others then it's acceptable, of course, because he is omniscient and knows everyone's situation.

Oh you don't have to. He's obvious insane. Thinks he's a psychic or something. My father didn't have to pay child support after I was fourteen because I (unwisely) decided on my own to live w/ him, wish I hadn't.... Yet JP assumes he would have given my sister and I cars etc, LOL. I lived with him for four years till I was 18, he paid no child support, did nothing but go whore around on his current wife those four years...

LOL JP you are an idiot. YOu should not make assumptions and assertions about things you know nothing about. But you are obviously living in your own little world, where JP makes the truths and rules, so what can we do... LOL


J.P. Cusick
Custody means legally stealing the children.

So JP, you get to collect disability because you were injured in a prison fight, one that you no doubt started. For some reason this just does not seem right.
:howdy: I do tell about my injuries on my website, but I will try to make it clear here.

1) I hurt my hands by getting the left hand small finger caught in a ramp of a loading dock as I was helping to unload a truck, and it was a job of mine. Then over time that injury failed to heal properly and the two left fingers became stuck closed and the condition called Dupuytren's Contractures spread into my right hand and there it is today in both of my hands which makes it impossible to fulfill the requirements of any job available to me. And I type on my computer with a middle finger one letter at a time as tap tap tap.

2) Then I have a second injury that I over worked myself and I strained my abdomen while I worked as a Maintenance Inspector at the Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant. And I did not report the injury there as I expected it to heal but it never did, and it became so I could not walk under the pain and Dr. Moon and the Hospital gave me an operation for free (gov paid Hospital) and it improved the injury very much as I could them walk without the pain but I still have troubles standing too long and the abdomen becomes inflamed at times which cripples me again for relatively short durations.

3) The third injury of mine was to have my backbone collapsed and crushed and that was in the SMC Detention Center as the Correctional Officers beat me up, and the Guard apparently had training to strike me on the shoulders so that my backbone would collapse and it worked without leaving a scar. Of course they gave me other scars and scuffs and several cracked ribs but all those healed faster then the backbone. Now some 13 years later the backbone appears to have healed and the last x-ray showed no damage but I still have to be careful of not hurting the backbone again.
