JP for Governor.



I am so grateful in a weird way that JP can come here and use his right to speach to explain everything that goes through his mind. Otherwise, many people would be clueless about his insanity.

As much as his words make my skin crawl... I say "bravo, keep them coming." Tell EVERYONE how crazy you are.


In My Opinion
:howdy: I do tell about my injuries on my website, but I will try to make it clear here.

1) I hurt my hands by getting the left hand small finger caught in a ramp of a loading dock as I was helping to unload a truck, and it was a job of mine. Then over time that injury failed to heal properly and the two left fingers became stuck closed and the condition called Dupuytren's Contractures spread into my right hand and there it is today in both of my hands which makes it impossible to fulfill the requirements of any job available to me. And I type on my computer with a middle finger one letter at a time as tap tap tap.
In 1992 I had an accident that took two fingers off on my left hand, they put them back on, but they are not exactly right. I had to stop playing lead guitar and concentrate only on chords (boring) and I do drop things alot when I hold them with my left hand, but I go on with life and refuse to let it slow me down.

2) Then I have a second injury that I over worked myself and I strained my abdomen while I worked as a Maintenance Inspector at the Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant. And I did not report the injury there as I expected it to heal but it never did, and it became so I could not walk under the pain and Dr. Moon and the Hospital gave me an operation for free (gov paid Hospital) and it improved the injury very much as I could them walk without the pain but I still have troubles standing too long and the abdomen becomes inflamed at times which cripples me again for relatively short durations.
I injured myself a few years back and ended up with a triple hernia operation all at the same time. Still hurts like hell if I over do it, but once again, Life goes on so I have no choice but to do the best I can in all aspects of making a living for my family.

3) The third injury of mine was to have my backbone collapsed and crushed and that was in the SMC Detention Center as the Correctional Officers beat me up, and the Guard apparently had training to strike me on the shoulders so that my backbone would collapse and it worked without leaving a scar. Of course they gave me other scars and scuffs and several cracked ribs but all those healed faster then the backbone. Now some 13 years later the backbone appears to have healed and the last x-ray showed no damage but I still have to be careful of not hurting the backbone again.
I have now had two back surgeries. First time was for an injury that left a vertibrae cracked, and a disk exploded. Surgery fixed it but I now have back pain that can put me down for better than a week if I move the wrong way.
second was just two years ago, another exploded disk, this time I was not so lucky, it pulled a nerve out and I lost partial feeling in my left foot, and I do not have the ability to lift the toe of the foot when I walk, took a good time to learn to walk without falling, but I have pretty much learned. Of course, too much walking and the foot and leg gets tired and the tripping starts up again.
I go on.

maybe 5 years ago I ended up with a blocked artery, I ended up with a stent to clear it, constantly have to watch what I eat now because of it.

Basically in short, You do not work because you have no sense of personal responsibility. It just pisses me off to no end when I see some POS like you, with less disabilities than I have, milking the system and expecting others to pay your way through life.

Get off this elected official kick, get some damn self respect, get off your lazy ass and get a damn job and support yourself you sorry non handicap POS.

Sympathy is not going to be easy to get for you.


J.P. Cusick
The Child Support problem.

In 1992 I had an accident

I injured myself a

I have now had two back

maybe 5 years ago I ended up with a blocked

Sympathy is not going to be easy ...
:howdy: You are one spoiled rich white cry baby with a cushy gov job.

You would never face the kind of real life as I have.



J.P. Cusick
Custody means legally stealing the children.

Oh you don't have to. He's obvious insane. Thinks he's a psychic or something. My father didn't have to pay child support after I was fourteen because I (unwisely) decided on my own to live w/ him, wish I hadn't.... Yet JP assumes he would have given my sister and I cars etc, LOL. I lived with him for four years till I was 18, he paid no child support, did nothing but go whore around on his current wife those four years...

LOL JP you are an idiot. YOu should not make assumptions and assertions about things you know nothing about. But you are obviously living in your own little world, where JP makes the truths and rules, so what can we do... LOL
:popcorn: The difference here is that you describe your Dad while I am talking about the Child Support and Custody injustices.

You are stuck in your own self-centered-perception when I am running for Governor to improve life for all.

You claim some personal knowledge while I seek to reform the entire thieving Child Support system.



J.P. Cusick
Everybody gets saved on Judgment Day.

Hey, JP..Suck it
:whistle: I get along well with ladies.
Oh yea and...:howdy:
:flowers: And I thank you for the welcome.
and one last look like you belong in SMCDC...ha-ha:yahoo:
:getdown: It was some adventure to do, and I made the best of it as far as I could.

And I got into trouble with the Warden of every jail and Prison that I went to, and I mean I got into really big troubles.



Board Mommy
PREMO Member
:howdy: You are one spoiled rich white cry baby with a cushy gov job.

You would never face the kind of real life as I have.

JPC, if you are elected Governor, wouldn't that make you a spoiled rich white cry baby with a cushy gov job?

Is it not somewhat of a sellout for you to go from rabble rouser and truth to power speaker, to a slimy political power monger?


New Member
:popcorn: The difference here is that you describe your Dad while I am talking about the Child Support and Custody injustices.

You are stuck in your own self-centered-perception when I am running for Governor to improve life for all.

You claim some personal knowledge while I seek to reform the entire thieving Child Support system.

No. The difference here is that you previously emphatically stated that NCP's do not voluntarily walk out on their families. I stated personal experience to the contrary. You then began rambling about CS again, YOU brought CS up and attempted to apply it to my dads case, you made statements that are not true based on your own personal assumptions. I was merely stating that the facts are that NCPs walk out on their families daily (a fact of life I'm sure you will deny). The difference is, you are incapable of answering a simple counter to your statements without wandering off into your own mental fantasy realm somewhere. The difference is, you cannot accept the reality that people screw up their own lives, they except in rare cases, they themselves are responsible.


Lem Putt
No. The difference here is that you previously emphatically stated that NCP's do not voluntarily walk out on their families. I stated personal experience to the contrary. You then began rambling about CS again, YOU brought CS up and attempted to apply it to my dads case, you made statements that are not true based on your own personal assumptions. I was merely stating that the facts are that NCPs walk out on their families daily (a fact of life I'm sure you will deny). The difference is, you are incapable of answering a simple counter to your statements without wandering off into your own mental fantasy realm somewhere. The difference is, you cannot accept the reality that people screw up their own lives, they except in rare cases, they themselves are responsible.

I hope you understand that no matter how many times you prove to him that 1+1=2, give him one orange and one orange and show him he has two, he will always insist that 1+1=ketchup.

Don't bother with truth, facts, or rational arguments. It's a complete waste of your effort.


Lem Putt
JPC, if you are elected Governor, wouldn't that make you a spoiled rich white cry baby with a cushy gov job?

Is it not somewhat of a sellout for you to go from rabble rouser and truth to power speaker, to a slimy political power monger?

He thinks being Governor will get him laid. It probably is his best chance. Don't rain on his parade.


J.P. Cusick

JPC, if you are elected Governor, wouldn't that make you a spoiled rich white cry baby with a cushy gov job?

Is it not somewhat of a sellout for you to go from rabble rouser and truth to power speaker, to a slimy political power monger?
:getdown: Your are on the right track - and you are starting to see into my world now.

To actually get elected would be a huge threat and challenge to my better character, and to be Governor is not my idea of a morally worthy position to seek after or to hold, but I still do feel obligated and even compelled to do it as my own moral duty because it is the way to actively fight the evil of the Child Support and Custody laws.

If some one else would do that, then I would be happy to bow out of the campaign and give my support to them, but that is not going to happen because I am the one that both knows how and has the ability to make it happen and I know it.

So I do believe I can fulfill my part without losing my principles, but failure is always a possibility.



Board Mommy
PREMO Member
What I do like about you, JPC, is that you actually answer questions and don't just spin it around. Unlike some other candidates who shall remain nameless.


I hope you understand that no matter how many times you prove to him that 1+1=2, give him one orange and one orange and show him he has two, he will always insist that 1+1=ketchup.

Don't bother with truth, facts, or rational arguments. It's a complete waste of your effort.



Methodically disorganized
Dupuytren's Contractures spread into my right hand and there it is today in both of my hands which makes it impossible to fulfill the requirements of any job available to me.
This makes me chuckle every time. You're so pitiful and helpless... yet you can sit on forums all day. :lol:

And of course, you could be governor. :killingme

And I type on my computer with a middle finger one letter at a time as tap tap tap.
So what do you do when you come upon a real toughie, such as typing a special character like a )? Do you mash the shift key with one hand, hoping you hit it correctly, then hit the other key with your good finger? And how do you operate a mouse with only one finger?

You would never face the kind of real life as I have.
The vast majority of the 'troubles' you've had in your life you have brought on yourself, like most serial whiners. It's a shame any tax money goes to support you and your kind; you should most certainly be tossed onto the church handout support system, just as you wish upon single parents and their children.


hey JP, a friend of mine lost both his hands completely in a farming accident and guess what, he has a very productive job and makes very good money. The thing with you, you look for excuses rather than get out there and see what you can do. You don't know until you try. "Hoping" to be the governor of Maryland is not a job and I'm sure does not bring money in. You need to get out there and see what you can do and be positive, not sit on your butt on the computer tap, tap, tapping away.


J.P. Cusick
Custody means legally stealing the children.

No. The difference here is that you previously emphatically stated that NCP's do not voluntarily walk out on their families. I stated personal experience to the contrary. You then began rambling about CS again, YOU brought CS up and attempted to apply it to my dads case, you made statements that are not true based on your own personal assumptions. I was merely stating that the facts are that NCPs walk out on their families daily (a fact of life I'm sure you will deny). The difference is, you are incapable of answering a simple counter to your statements without wandering off into your own mental fantasy realm somewhere. The difference is, you cannot accept the reality that people screw up their own lives, they except in rare cases, they themselves are responsible.
:whistle: I just do not see it as the same equation because most Men / fathers act as Gentleman in these cases, while most Women / mothers behave like cry babies in these cases.

The handicap between Men and Women is that the Men will not fight back against their own Woman and particularly not when the Woman is the mother of their children.

It is a matter of the male / masculine mentality and Manliness that Men are not to fight back or even resist the females even in situations where the Woman is a mean and hateful witch.

This male mentality is the big reason that the Child Support and Custody laws go unchallenged and the females have escalated it to the perverted levels as it is today.

There is no such female or feminine restraint as they attack and slander against the fathers of their children with a callous disregard while the fathers just take whatever is thrown at them.

And I agree with the fathers that it is proper to refuse to resist their children's Mom because it is not Manly to fight against Women, but we all do need to fight against the unjust laws of Child Support and Custody that attack and hurt the family unit.

It is like the "Salem Witch Trials" mentality, in that innocent citizens were being called "witch witch" are now slandering citizen parents with "deadbeat deadbeat" by the emotionally immature people, and it is the law and the Courts that need to stop empowering and enabling this modern dysfunction.

It is the law and the Courts that give power and execution to the cry-baby slander against the separated parents when all the children are already fine and provided to overflowing.

In the Child Support and Custody system we have emotional ignorance overflowing.



:whistle: I just do not see it as the same equation because most Men / fathers act as Gentleman in these cases, while most Women / mothers behave like cry babies in these cases.

The handicap between Men and Women is that the Men will not fight back against their own Woman and particularly not when the Woman is the mother of their children.

It is a matter of the male / masculine mentality and Manliness that Men are not to fight back or even resist the females even in situations where the Woman is a mean and hateful witch.

This male mentality is the big reason that the Child Support and Custody laws go unchallenged and the females have escalated it to the perverted levels as it is today.

There is no such female or feminine restraint as they attack and slander against the fathers of their children with a callous disregard while the fathers just take whatever is thrown at them.

And I agree with the fathers that it is proper to refuse to resist their children's Mom because it is not Manly to fight against Women, but we all do need to fight against the unjust laws of Child Support and Custody that attack and hurt the family unit.

It is like the "Salem Witch Trials" mentality, in that innocent citizens were being called "witch witch" are now slandering citizen parents with "deadbeat deadbeat" by the emotionally immature people, and it is the law and the Courts that need to stop empowering and enabling this modern dysfunction.

It is the law and the Courts that give power and execution to the cry-baby slander against the separated parents when all the children are already fine and provided to overflowing.

In the Child Support and Custody system we have emotional ignorance overflowing.


You need to seek help.