JP for Governor.


J.P. Cusick
Rock and roll.

You need to seek help.
:howdy: Hi, and welcome to my thread.

The idea of running for election actually is a type of way of seeking "help" as each person that votes for me will help me to win the election and thereby help in reforming the Child Support laws and as such we all help each other.

So I really am seeking "help" in this regard.

It is the American way, and the democratic way, and the Maryland way, and so I do it too.



:howdy: Hi, and welcome to my thread.

The idea of running for election actually is a type of way of seeking "help" as each person that votes for me will help me to win the election and thereby help in reforming the Child Support laws and as such we all help each other.

So I really am seeking "help" in this regard.

It is the American way, and the democratic way, and the Maryland way, and so I do it too.


I think she meant you need to seek help for your mental illness and you should do it now.


J.P. Cusick
Everybody gets saved on Judgment Day.

I think she meant you need to seek help for your mental illness and you should do it now.
:whistle: Now you can not be talking for other posters like that, and she is a "Realtor" and not a Psychiatrist so you are dead wrong in saying that about her.

For me or any realistic person then we have to go by the words a person actually says or post, and we are not going to figure things out like reading people's minds, or seeing some message that is not there, or what ever you do to draw your own conclusions from what some other person says or post.

I replied to the post correctly and I gave her suggestion to me a realistic reply.

I appreciate when others give me sincere advice and I would never see some ignorant unfounded add-on as you are suggesting in her words.



Methodically disorganized
we are not going to figure things out like reading people's minds, or seeing some message that is not there
:lmao: I'm telling you, Jimmy, you should be a comedian. You could kill with this "Look at me, I'm a crazy old guy" material. And you wouldn't even need to use your mangled little fingers. :yay:

I appreciate when others give me sincere advice
I am pretty sure everyone who has told you to go find a cliff and jump off has been sincere. Why are you not listening to your public? :tap:


New Member
:whistle: I just do not see it as the same equation because most Men / fathers act as Gentleman in these cases, while most Women / mothers behave like cry babies in these cases.

The handicap between Men and Women is that the Men will not fight back against their own Woman and particularly not when the Woman is the mother of their children.

It is a matter of the male / masculine mentality and Manliness that Men are not to fight back or even resist the females even in situations where the Woman is a mean and hateful witch.

This male mentality is the big reason that the Child Support and Custody laws go unchallenged and the females have escalated it to the perverted levels as it is today.

There is no such female or feminine restraint as they attack and slander against the fathers of their children with a callous disregard while the fathers just take whatever is thrown at them.

And I agree with the fathers that it is proper to refuse to resist their children's Mom because it is not Manly to fight against Women, but we all do need to fight against the unjust laws of Child Support and Custody that attack and hurt the family unit.

It is like the "Salem Witch Trials" mentality, in that innocent citizens were being called "witch witch" are now slandering citizen parents with "deadbeat deadbeat" by the emotionally immature people, and it is the law and the Courts that need to stop empowering and enabling this modern dysfunction.

It is the law and the Courts that give power and execution to the cry-baby slander against the separated parents when all the children are already fine and provided to overflowing.

In the Child Support and Custody system we have emotional ignorance overflowing.


Misogyny anyone? Perhaps a wee bit of gynophobe?


J.P. Cusick
Custody means legally stealing the children.

Misogyny anyone? Perhaps a wee bit of gynophobe?
:popcorn: No, I am not against Women and not afraid of Women, and my post was not saying anything like that either.

My perspective is that we give a far higher regard to all Women when we ask for and expect Women to do right and to vote for right and to work against the wrongs of this World.

And I truly dislike the "Men" groups or "Fathers" groups because that is more of the "divide and rule" mentality of Men against Women and fathers against mothers, and I believe we must work to help both the Moms and Dads and the children too.

The ignorant Child Support and Custody laws hurts everyone concerned and they damage all the family members (male and females), as it degrades the custodials with the dishonest claims and living on stolen money, and it mistreats the separated parents in stealing their money and stealing their children and then the slander and threats of jail, and it alienated the children from their parents and turns the children into a cheapened commodity.

So I sincerely do believe that giving respect to both Men and to Women is in expecting them each and both genders to support justice and truth in opposition of the Child Support and Custody laws.



Methodically disorganized
I am not against Women and not afraid of Women, and my post was not saying anything like that either.
That talking out both sides of your mouth is neat; you are very adept. Did you have to be taught how to do that or is it a natural talent?

it mistreats the separated parents in stealing their money and stealing their children and then the slander and threats of jail
And it can take their jobs, too. Hey! You should be defending former DJ John Hunt and fighting to get his job at radioSOMD back. Once you have helped him, I'm sure he would be glad to put you on the air to speak about your cause. :yay:


New Member
:popcorn: No, I am not against Women and not afraid of Women, and my post was not saying anything like that either.

My perspective is that we give a far higher regard to all Women when we ask for and expect Women to do right and to vote for right and to work against the wrongs of this World.

And I truly dislike the "Men" groups or "Fathers" groups because that is more of the "divide and rule" mentality of Men against Women and fathers against mothers, and I believe we must work to help both the Moms and Dads and the children too.

The ignorant Child Support and Custody laws hurts everyone concerned and they damage all the family members (male and females), as it degrades the custodials with the dishonest claims and living on stolen money, and it mistreats the separated parents in stealing their money and stealing their children and then the slander and threats of jail, and it alienated the children from their parents and turns the children into a cheapened commodity.

So I sincerely do believe that giving respect to both Men and to Women is in expecting them each and both genders to support justice and truth in opposition of the Child Support and Custody laws.

Interesting how whenever someone points out problems withthe music you change the beat.

most Women / mothers behave like cry babies in these cases.

where the Woman is a mean and hateful witch.

no such female or feminine restraint as they attack and slander against the fathers of their children with a callous disregard

That all sounds pretty hateful to me. Doesn't seem to be directed at the 'system' at all. If that indeed is your intent, perhaps you should not attack the women w/ your words, eh?


J.P. Cusick
Custody means legally stealing the children.

That talking out both sides of your mouth is neat; you are very adept. Did you have to be taught how to do that or is it a natural talent?
:howdy: I have no idea what you mean by talking out of the "sides", but as to my speaking it did not come natural to me at all. In fact I was a shy child and I still am a quiet person but not shy as I will say what needs to be said if I believe so.

What I did was I studied politics and about speaking and read biographies on great people and their styles of presentation and reasoning, and I educated myself in it. Plus my religious beliefs have pushed me into many arena to testify and to make stands that I myself would not have done if I had not believed it was "right" as in the way God determines right from wrong.

As I do not really want to run for Governor but I see it as my duty to fight the unjust Child Support.

And it can take their jobs, too. Hey! You should be defending former DJ John Hunt and fighting to get his job at radioSOMD back. Once you have helped him, I'm sure he would be glad to put you on the air to speak about your cause. :yay:
:popcorn: I do known that he has some connection to the RadioSoMd but past that I do not know anything about that person.

So did he lose his job because of the thieving Child support?



J.P. Cusick
Custody means legally stealing the children.

Interesting how whenever someone points out problems with the music you change the beat.

That all sounds pretty hateful to me. Doesn't seem to be directed at the 'system' at all. If that indeed is your intent, perhaps you should not attack the women w/ your words, eh?
:howdy: My point is that I do not say such things against the female gender but only against the females that demand Child Support.

Women are the ones that claim not paying the Child Support is a form of child abuse, when the same children are not abused at all and the children have everything to overflowing and the so-called abusive fathers have limited or no visitation at all.

And only the mothers demand Child Support from Men that are not the real father of the children.

But I do indeed denounce the Men / fathers that have legal custody of the children because those fathers have stooped into the dirt and slime as much as any female does it. There are now many a dastardly father with custody that mis-uses the law to degrade and slander his children's Mom.

And in my posting message it is only Men that have the masculine mentality that we do not fight back against the Women and the Woman can trash the Man and we do nothing in return but take the hits. That is what happens in Child Support and in Custody cases that most of the fathers will not tell evil stories against the Women while Women tell any sort of trash and more in public view and with no restraint. And Women do know that they can hit or slander the Men without getting hit back.

And most Men need to see that this is not about fighting the Women but about fighting the gov and its ignorant laws.



Methodically disorganized
I have no idea what you mean by talking out of the "sides"

but as to my speaking it did not come natural to me at all. In fact I was a shy child...
:lmao: Oh man...

I do known that he has some connection to the RadioSoMd but past that I do not know anything about that person.

So did he lose his job because of the thieving Child support?
That was the rumor. (This place is rife with them, in case you have never noticed.) If you really want to know, there are a couple threads out there that you can search for. And I'm sure everyone will love seeing it come up again.



:lmao: Oh man...

That was the rumor. (This place is rife with them, in case you have never noticed.) If you really want to know, there are a couple threads out there that you can search for. And I'm sure everyone will love seeing it come up again.

...... :elaine:


Methodically disorganized
I'm so glad to hear that you are throughly entertained. :lmao:
How else would you take him? I think he could clean up being a comedian, and I tell him so; he could make people laugh while being an employed, productive member of the community.


How else would you take him? I think he could clean up being a comedian, and I tell him so; he could make people laugh while being an employed, productive member of the community.

How do I take him??? Hmmm. Like a swarm of mosquitos really. he annoys the shiat out of me. I have him on iggy.


Methodically disorganized
How do I take him??? Hmmm. Like a swarm of mosquitos really. he annoys the shiat out of me. I have him on iggy.
I see that. But some of the stuff he says is humorous. Even this CS stuff could be if he were to stop being gloomy and put the right spin on it.


I see that. But some of the stuff he says is humorous. Even this CS stuff could be if he were to stop being gloomy and put the right spin on it.

I suppose I wouldn't be so dismayed if I would just remember to picture him as he was at Crownsville.