JP for Governor.


Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
I see that you claim the democratic party, do they claim you, if so it tends to vindicate every condescending thing I've ever read here about them.


In My Opinion
That is why I put it onto my website = left side "Custodial Dad", link HERE.

Here is the text of an email I just received, and I get lots of offers but this one seems worthy of sharing here;

Turnkey Campaigns Services-Persuasion Calls, Voter List And Direct Mail

What is Automated Voice Broadcasting and who can use this service?

Automated Voice Broadcasting is a new state of the art telephony technology where you can leave a message on the Answering Machine of the voters or relay a message to a Live Person anywhere in the United States. Voice Broadcast can be used by Politicians to broadcast their messages to a large audience in a short span of time. It can be used for Advocacy calling for issues, Electronic polling, Membership contacts, Volunteer recruitment and fundraising, Direct Mail Enhancement, Telemarketing Enhancement, Voter Persuasion, Grassroots and Drive voters to the Web-site.

Easy To Use - Call our Recording system and record your message over the phone. Your message is then delivered by our automated technology to your constituents in a timely manner.

Very Effective - Not only do the voters receive your message, but they can respond to your call by pressing a button on their phone to leave you a message... or they may call you back at your office or visit your website.

Very Efficient - Your automated messages can be delivered to your constituents in a matter of hours.

How would you compare the cost and the effectiveness when compared to Direct Mail?

The cost is less than 1/5 of Direct Mail and the results are far greater than Direct Mail, because it is the live voice of the candidate which the people will listen to.

What is the minimum Automated Voice Broadcast Agreement?

The minimum Automated Voice Broadcast Agreement is for up to 5,000 dials for $395.

* One Message up to 30 seconds.

How long it takes to set-up and start an Automated Voice Broadcast campaign?

Not very long. After you sign the Agreement with us and provide us the data and the recorded message, we can set-up the campaign in less than one hour. You will have to provide us the list with the phone numbers and the voice message you want to use. We can help you with acquiring the list with phone number for your city, county or state. Unlike Direct Mail you can change your message any time you want and you do not have to keep a huge inventory of pre-printed letters and forms.

What if I do not have the voter list?

We can provide you the voter list with phone numbers at very reasonable price. If you want the voter list on labels, we can deliver that at an extra charge.

Is there a sample message to listen?

Yes, you can call our automated message recording system and listen to a sample messages that is left on the answering machines. Please call anytime xxx-ooo-xxxx and enter mailbox number 103 for Democrats or 203 for Republicans to listen to sample messages. Unlike direct mail letters you can change your voicemail message anytime you want.

*Company Name here Deleted*
Phone: xxx-ooo-xxxx or ooo-xxx-oooo

Email: sales @ CompanyNameDeleted .com

Call Center in Southern California

We can broadcast 20,000,000+ messages a day

I am not going to pester voters like that, but other candidates do this.

I guess welfare does not pay enough for you to do this. Besides, do you REALLY want the voting public to know what an idiot loser you are?


J.P. Cusick

I see that you claim the democratic party, do they claim you, if so it tends to vindicate every condescending thing I've ever read here about them.

I do not speak for the Party locally or otherwise, and I did not ask anyone's permission or consent to run for Office.

I would imagine the status quo certainly does not much like me, but I expect they will come around in my due time.

The Party has not endorsed the reform of Child Support so there is no endorsement for me otherwise that I would accept.



J.P. Cusick

he says the people of SOMD love him. That's a hoot.

A new email request to my campaign as follows:

We were wondering if you needed any help on the campaign. We would love to have the opportunity to help get you elected.

We do polling of all sorts. Our basic 1,000 person poll runs $500/month.

If you would be interested in having us help out,

Shamrock Polling

I did do a couple Internet searches for that "Shamrock" company and found nothing - so maybe it is a sham?



In My Opinion
A new email request to my campaign as follows:

We were wondering if you needed any help on the campaign. We would love to have the opportunity to help get you elected.

We do polling of all sorts. Our basic 1,000 person poll runs $500/month.

If you would be interested in having us help out,

Shamrock Polling

I did do a couple Internet searches for that "Shamrock" company and found nothing - so maybe it is a sham?

You are an idiot.
that being said, I dont want to see anyone lose money to scammers, dont send a check.
but, you are still an idiot


New Member
God Bless America! This demonstrates that anyone can aspire to be Pesident when they grow up.

"I was a poor white man, growing up in a large family. I didn't pay child support, I was unemployed, and homeless. (almost forgot) > when I got out of prison > I had a brilliant idea that I could run for Congress and beat Steny, but got my a** kicked. Now I'm going to be Governor. Then after Obama's second term, I'll be POTUS."

Very optimistic to say the least. Good luck! I still wouldn't vote for you.


J.P. Cusick
J.P. Cusick, for Maryland Governor 2010

You are an idiot.
that being said, I dont want to see anyone lose money to scammers, dont send a check.
but, you are still an idiot

That company just sent me another email saying that my blog posted above about their Company is seen as slander and libel and they are going to sue me if I do not take it down.

So "Vrai" those people might contact you too?

I do not see it as libel, and I have no objection to being sued since I have nothing to lose and the publicity might serve me well, but do any of you have some suggestions here?

You "Vrai" can delete it if you want, but I say to think it through first.



Well-Known Member
That company just sent me another email saying that my blog posted above about their Company is seen as slander and libel and they are going to sue me if I do not take it down.

So "Vrai" those people might contact you too?

I do not see it as libel, and I have no objection to being sued since I have nothing to lose and the publicity might serve me well, but do any of you have some suggestions here?

You "Vrai" can delete it if you want, but I say to think it through first.
Clearly they think they're dealing with someone who knows what they're doing, and has an actual chance at being a candidate. They didn't realize they were up against some deadbeat welfare loser who doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground.

I wouldn't worry about being sued - they'll realize they already provide for your livelihood and can't get that money back since it's all taxpayer money.


J.P. Cusick
J.P. Cusick, for Maryland Governor 2010

Clearly they think they're dealing with someone who knows what they're doing, and has an actual chance at being a candidate. They didn't realize they were up against some deadbeat welfare loser who doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground.

I wouldn't worry about being sued - they'll realize they already provide for your livelihood and can't get that money back since it's all taxpayer money.

It is sad that after so long you are still so blind to reality.

I am the legally registered candidate for Governor, and with some 19k voters backing me up, and the forum on the Internet is a powerful mechanism, and my postings do count very much, and history will show you as the blind fool that never grew up.



Well-Known Member
It is sad that after so long you are still so blind to reality.

I am the legally registered candidate for Governor, and with some 19k voters backing me up, and the forum on the Internet is a powerful mechanism, and my postings do count very much, and history will show you as the blind fool that never grew up.

Who said you weren't legally registered?

When did 19,000 people vote for you for governor?


J.P. Cusick
John Wayne + Rooster Cogburn + VoteJP = true grit.


Who said you weren't legally registered?

When did 19,000 people vote for you for governor?

As I have tried to point out to you T_p, that if you want to be respected then you need to try to grow-up.

You are not fooling me, and I do not believe you influence anyone else, and you are only deceiving yourself.

I am the friend that tells you such things.



Well-Known Member
As I have tried to point out to you T_p, that if you want to be respected then you need to try to grow-up.

You are not fooling me, and I do not believe you influence anyone else, and you are only deceiving yourself.

I am the friend that tells you such things.
Does that mean you now realize no one said you weren't registered, and that you've never gotten a single vote towards governor, and your previous post was just a bunch of hooey?


Methodically disorganized
I have no objection to being sued since I have nothing to lose and the publicity might serve me well
Not surprising, since you think all your other times in court were a positive thing for you. :lol:

Obviously that company is out to get money out of you one way or another. Proving a case of libel can be difficult because they have to show how their business and/or reputation has been negatively affected by your comments.

Imagine you sued T_P on the grounds of him posting libelous comments about you here. You could stand before the judge and plead, "He ruined my fine, upstanding reputation!" To which a judge with any sense whatsoever would respond with: :roflmao:, followed quickly by a "Case dismissed."


J.P. Cusick
John Wayne + Rooster Cogburn + VoteJP = true grit.

Obviously that company is out to get money out of you one way or another. Proving a case of libel can be difficult because they have to show how their business and/or reputation has been negatively affected by your comments.

I emailed back to them saying I thought it was a nice "blog" and said that I would not delete it, and that I was open to discuss it further if they want to.

So we shall see.



J.P. Cusick
J.P. Cusick, for Maryland Governor 2010

I saw on his website ... where it says he doesn't not need donations because he is financing it all himself.

Got some new email offers concerning my campaign, so here are 4:

1) Dear Democratic Candidate,

The primary season is starting to get underway in most states, and no doubt you’re hard at work meeting voters and raising the money you’ll need to be competitive all the way through November.

But this is also the time to start planning campaign strategy: What are the key issues in my district? What are my opponents’ greatest vulnerabilities? What aspect of my own record are they most likely to attack?

In my experience, the most successful campaigns begin their research efforts early in the cycle. And as with the rest of your campaign staff and team of consultants, you get the best results by hiring professionals to do the work for you.

That's where XXXX Research xxxxxxxx comes in. We specialize in online and archival research products for state and local candidates. That means we focus on delivering airtight reports while keeping an eye on the bottom line.

In addition to creating traditional opposition research “books,” we also work on short-term projects – e.g. analyzing a recently-released campaign finance report – and rapid response issues.

For more information on how XXX can help your campaign maintain its competitive edge, please visit our website. Or contact me directly at person @ email .com or phone

Best, vvv name here vvvvv

2) Group Text Messaging for Politics and Winning

Text messages are easy, instant communications between candidates, campaigns and supporters.

XXXoooo is a perfect text messaging solution for politics:

Affordable - options designed to fit the needs of campaigns of all sizes.
Control - campaigns own and control the data captured. Even better – campaigns control both the mobile strategy and the platform.
Powerful - two-way text message service. Don’t just blast your text group. Interact!
Simple - designed for politics and ease-of-use. A full featured text message service.

Learn why XXXoooo is the best choice for politics.

Contact us to learn more.

Name given here
Business Development

3) My name is bbbbb jjjjjjjj with vvv Business nnnnnn, a national company out of North Sioux City, SD. At xxxx Business kkkkkk, we specialize in technology rental solutions for short and long term use. We rent and lease a wide range of TVs, Laptops/Notebooks, Tablets, Desktops, and Projectors on flexible terms. Our products feature the latest technology and our staff is friendly, motivated, and experienced. We’ll eliminate the frustration of technical glitches from your event, election headquarters, training, or presentation.

SSS can make looking good easy and affordable. We will guide you through your technology options and provide you with the products that best suit your special needs – on time and at a great price.

Let us help you make a great impression and help you win in 2010!!

We are seeing if the JP Cusick campaign is in need of technology rentals. For further information, please call xxx-ooo-ssss or email at Info @ email company .com or visit www. Company name .com

Thank You! vvvvv Name here vvvvvv
Director of Sales and Marketing

4) We are offering 1 free story and 1 interview on xxxooo Radio, to each person running for office in 2010.

We also have some advertising packages available to help you get the word out about your campaign.

Please take a minute and look over the attached flyer and then feel free to call or email me so we can set up a time for you to come in and do a live interview with oooxxxx Radio.


So it goes.



Well-Known Member
Got some new email offers concerning my campaign, =======================

So it goes.

That company just sent me another email saying that my blog posted above about their Company is seen as slander and libel and they are going to sue me if I do not take it down.

So "Vrai" those people might contact you too?

I do not see it as libel, and I have no objection to being sued since I have nothing to lose and the publicity might serve me well, but do any of you have some suggestions here?

You "Vrai" can delete it if you want, but I say to think it through first.
Clearly they think they're dealing with someone who knows what they're doing, and has an actual chance at being a candidate. They didn't realize they were up against some deadbeat welfare loser who doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground.

I wouldn't worry about being sued - they'll realize they already provide for your livelihood and can't get that money back since it's all taxpayer money.


Methodically disorganized
no doubt you’re hard at work meeting voters
... or sitting at home every day doing nothing but talking with people who you know think you're an idiot.

raising the money you’ll need to be competitive all the way through November.
... or raising no money because bringing in too much extra cash would disturb your SSI payments; but that's okay because dropping all the money on earth into your campaign could not get you elected.



J.P. Cusick
John Wayne + Rooster Cogburn + VoteJP = true grit.

... or raising no money because bringing in too much extra cash would disturb your SSI payments; but that's okay because dropping all the money on earth into your campaign could not get you elected.

I can raise money for my campaign and it would not affect my disability benefits, because campaign funds are not considered as income and there are strict regulations concerning campaign financing and expenditures, so I am free to do as much as I can within those regulation as like any other candidate.

I do not seek campaign contributions because I do not want them and do not need it.
