JP for Governor.


Well-Known Member
Every time I see the title to this thread, I can't help but think that you don't even know all of your initials, Jimmy.

But, given that you've admitted you don't know how to answer your only issue, and that you don't want to win because you might have to actually be held responsible for your actions, I guess it's only right you try and get people to vote for JP.


J.P. Cusick
J.P. Cusick, for Maryland Governor 2010

Every time I see the title to this thread, I can't help but think that you don't even know all of your initials, Jimmy.

I guess it's only right you try and get people to vote for JP.

When a candidate registers with the State Board of Elections then we get to decide how are name is to appear on the voting ballot, and I want mine as "J.P. Cusick" so the "JP" has a better ring to it, and easy to remember, and it will look better on the ballot - IMO.



Well-Known Member
When a candidate registers with the State Board of Elections then we get to decide how are name is to appear on the voting ballot, and I want mine as "J.P. Cusick" so the "JP" has a better ring to it, and easy to remember, and it will look better on the ballot - IMO.



The space between the line looks the best on the ballot for your candidacy. :cheers:


Methodically disorganized
The space between the line looks the best on the ballot for your candidacy.
That is basically what he is saying when he has no political background, no track record (other than a criminal record) and he answers every question asking for specifics with, "I have no way to answer that now. It will take a lot of work to figure out," OR "I will have my advisors take care of that." :rolleyes: :lol:

Seriously, Jimmy, I think you'd have a better chance of winning if you said nothing at all and hoped for people to vote for you just because. :lol:


J.P. Cusick
... he answers every question asking for specifics with, "I have no way to answer that now. It will take a lot of work to figure out," OR "I will have my advisors take care of that."

I say I have answered every question put to me.

And I do give specifics and particulars in a very in-depth and high level.

The fact that you and your buddy are not up to the discussion is your lacking and not mine.



In My Opinion
As one that actually collects and manipulates data to be used in some fairly high level government decisions dealing with funding of various things, I am pretty sure that when I say your idea of "high level" and the reality of "high level" are pretty much two different things altogether.

If you honestly think that you have answered anything here with fact, and "high level" reasoning based on available data, then I expect you will be viewed as a child trying to play like an adult.

you have no substantiating data to back up your theories.
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J.P. Cusick
J.P. Cusick, for Maryland Governor 2010

As one that actually collects and manipulates data to be used in some fairly high level government decisions dealing with funding of various things, I am pretty sure that when I say your idea of "high level" and the reality of "high level" are pretty much two different things altogether.

If you honestly think that you have answered anything here with fact, and "high level" reasoning based on available data, then I expect you will be viewed as a child trying to play like an adult.

you have no substantiating data to back up your theories.

There are only two (2) subjects or points or "facts" to be considered here and everything else is side issues.

1) JP is to be the next Governor of Maryland.

2) The Child Support and Custody laws will be reformed.

You might make things complicated in your cushy gov job - but it is not done so here.



Methodically disorganized
:lol: Facts: what most people on earth see. "Facts": what Jimmy sees.

1) JP is to be the next Governor of Maryland.
I could tie on a cape and call myself Superman, but that would not make it so. You can wear a suit and call yourself a candidate, but that does not mean you will be the governor.

I am so willing to guarantee you will not be the next governor that I would put $100K on it. Only thing is, you have a crappy reputation for paying your obligations, so I'd never see a penny of my well-earned bet. :ohwell:


Methodically disorganized
your cushy gov job
Oh, and if his job is so cushy why can't you get one, you government leech? You cry about your "disability", saying you can't work because it's too tough, but then you deride other people for having jobs that are so easy.

The day you stop contradicting yourself will be the day the earth stops spinning.


J.P. Cusick
John Wayne + Rooster Cogburn + VoteJP = true grit.

There are only two (2) subjects or points or "facts" to be considered here and everything else is side issues.

1) JP is to be the next Governor of Maryland.

2) The Child Support and Custody laws will be reformed.

You might make things complicated in your cushy gov job - but it is not done so here.

Quoted above is my point.

So there is no contradiction with me or my postings.



Methodically disorganized


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J.P. Cusick
Rock and roll.

I just want to introduce myself as being the next Governor of the State of Maryland.

Campaign website is HERE.

Today I was just contacted by MSNBC seeking info about my campaign to be the next Governor of Maryland.

National press coverage for the reform of the thieving Child Support = :yahoo:



I honestly think that JPC will walk away happy with a few thousand votes. It's more about feeling surrounded than winning. That's just my honest estimation.


J.P. Cusick
Rock and roll.

I honestly think that JPC will walk away happy with a few thousand votes. It's more about feeling surrounded than winning. That's just my honest estimation.

I am not concerned about the number of votes as that is the counters job, and I got some 19,067 votes for the US Congress in 2008 so that is not my point of my happiness - no.

My intentions are far more sincere than that.



New Member
Vote No to JP Cusick for Governor of Maryland 2010

There are only two (2) subjects or points or "facts" to be considered here and everything else is side issues.

1) JP is to be the next Governor of Maryland.

2) The Child Support and Custody laws will be reformed.

You might make things complicated in your cushy gov job - but it is not done so here.

Quoted above is my point.
So there is no contradiction with me or my postings.

1. JP Cusick, Will Not Be The Next Governor of Maryland in 2010 ! :killingme

2. Child Support and Custody laws will not be reform in the way your thinking.

I believe I made myself clear. :loser:
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Well-Known Member
You had my support when you ran for congress and you have my vote for Governor JPC! Bring on the reform.


New Member
Don't Vote for JP Cusick for Governor of Maryland

A simple question was asked on the Baltimore Sun forum

"What have you accomplished in all of your years? Anything ?"

:eek: Well excuse me, as I just did not take your question as being sincere.
My mistake.
So, IMO, my biggest and best accomplishment was the day I decided to spray paint the St. Mary's County Circuit Court, painting ""Child Support is Legalized Stealing", and, "Thou Shalt Not Steal" (and see how I was preaching religion to the thieves), and this was the first time that I seriously decided to fight back as in non violent civil resistance.

And I did have the ability and the know how to construct explosives and I chose spray paint instead.This was my biggest accomplishment because it led to other acts of resistance and it changed my perspective and my life for the better.

Finally I understood what the US 2nd Amendment was telling us citizens that we have the right and the duty to resist the dirty thieves in any way I myself chose.
It marked my enlightenment, and it was one great accomplishment. :D

Baltimore Sun talk forum - JP Cusick (D) for Governor of Maryland 2010.

Are you nuts? Why would anyone running to be governor make such a comment?

I think you seem to think it's all a joke. You clearly only want attention.
I'm beginning to think you have a mind of a child.
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New Member
James P. Cusick Sr. Views on Bin Laden

Bin Laden spoke to us all in his taped message but most of that message was hidden from the land of the so-called free. Now I say I understand his message more correctly (thus he speaks to me) because I know the Quran and I know Islam and I understand the dispute and the injustices and I feel great empathy with him and his cause. Bin Laden has now made his position before God and man so continuing the war puts the blood guilt on the USA. And rightly so, because the USA is in the wrong.

Baltimore Sun talk forum - James P. Cusick Sr. views on Osama bin Laden

To view in full context click on the link.

JP Cusick - " Change We Can't Believe In " Vote No
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JPC's new plank on his PLATFORM ~Save the horses

~Save the horses (from human intervention)

Just a starting point suggestion JP. :buddies:


Oh, ....... and can you guys in the ELECTION forum keep JP entertained please.! We found wandering aimlessly in the HORSE forum. Afraid he may get himself hurt over there in the "wild wild west." :killingme

If we need that kind of amusement, we know where to find him!! :howdy: