JP for Governor.


~Save the horses (from human intervention)

Just a starting point suggestion JP. :buddies:


Oh, ....... and can you guys in the ELECTION forum keep JP entertained please.! We found wandering aimlessly in the HORSE forum. Afraid he may get himself hurt over there in the "wild wild west." :killingme

If we need that kind of amusement, we know where to find him!!

I'd say tie him to a horse and send the horse into the desert, but then I couldn't do that to the poor horse. Best thing you can do is put that idiot on ignore.


J.P. Cusick
The rock.

If we need that kind of amusement, we know where to find him!! :howdy:

I am done with the horse board, as I offered them the moral way out of their problem and I have no more to say there.

I find that animal abusers are not open to discussion about the welfare of the animals.

But that is a side issue as my main determined issue is putting an end to the injustices of the Child Support and Custody laws.



Methodically disorganized
I am done with the horse board, as I offered them the moral way out of their problem and I have no more to say there.
No one in any of the other forums, particularly this one, are about to change their beliefs on your other topics. Everyone thinks you're a wack job. You should apply your lesson learned over there to, well, everywhere and stop cluttering the forums. :yay:


J.P. Cusick
The rock.

No one in any of the other forums, particularly this one, are about to change their beliefs on your other topics. Everyone thinks you're a wack job. You should apply your lesson learned over there to, well, everywhere and stop cluttering the forums. :yay:

I must point out to you that in the 2008 campaign that I was voted for by 1,194 people here in St Mary's County alone, see it in the link HERE.

So you might think that you and your few friends on here speak for the entire community, but my friends here speak with their votes.

Mine is the one dealing with reality, as I am the one that will be on the ballot as the candidate for Governor of Maryland, and your foolish claim is the only clutter here.

And I am not trying to be mean to you as I use your own words, because you fail to see that I am your best friend on this board, and I value your opinions and I am trying to suggest to you to start putting a higher emphasis on real live equations.



I must point out to you that in the 2008 campaign that I was voted for by 1,194 people here in St Mary's County alone, see it in the link HERE.

So you might think that you and your few friends on here speak for the entire community, but my friends here speak with their votes.

Mine is the one dealing with reality, as I am the one that will be on the ballot as the candidate for Governor of Maryland, and your foolish claim is the only clutter here.

And I am not trying to be mean to you as I use your own words, because you fail to see that I am your best friend on this board, and I value your opinions and I am trying to suggest to you to start putting a higher emphasis on real live equations.



Yeah but most of those people use the blindfolded voting technique (kinda like playing pin the tail on the donkey) ((no pun intended)):whistle:, or they liked the way your name sounded. If they honestly knew what lunacy you spout, I doubt that you would have received that many votes. JMHO:coffee:


Methodically disorganized
you fail to see that I am your best friend on this board
[In the tone of Luke being told that Vader is his father...] NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!

If that's true then I need to go into exile too. :ohwell:

The fact that you got any votes is the reason why potential voters need to be given an IQ test before entering a voting booth; anyone scoring lower than a rock should not be allowed in.


Mine is the one dealing with reality, as I am the one that will be on the ballot as the candidate for Governor of Maryland, and your foolish claim is the only clutter here.

When is the Primary?

I'm seriously considering registering as a Democrat for the single solitary reason of voting for you in the primary.


J.P. Cusick
The rock.

When is the Primary?

I'm seriously considering registering as a Democrat for the single solitary reason of voting for you in the primary.

The primary election is to be held on Sept 14, 2010, which is a Tuesday, and one must register before August 24, 2010, in order to be eligible to vote in the Maryland Primaries, link.

It surely is true that if I win this primary then we are going to have some really great fun thereafter.



Lem Putt
The primary election is to be held on Sept 14, 2010, which is a Tuesday, and one must register before August 24, 2010, in order to be eligible to vote in the Maryland Primaries, link.

It surely is true that if I win this primary then we are going to have some really great fun thereafter.


Jimmy, why do you still use the short bus smiley, even though you know it mocks retatrded people?

I finally figured out what your real motivation is. You know you'll never be Governor, you're just trying to get the White House to bribe you to drop out of the primary.

Too bad you actually have to be a viable candidate to partake in the bribes. :ohwell:


Rocky Mountain High!!
I am done with the horse board, as I offered them the moral way out of their problem and I have no more to say there.

I find that animal abusers are not open to discussion about the welfare of the animals.

But that is a side issue as my main determined issue is putting an end to the injustices of the Child Support and Custody laws.

Dear, Dear JP did you bother to take a peek at the HUGE number of horse peeps resident in MD (do they all have the same "problem" they need to be rescued from?) using the link that I posted in the horse thread? It's not a group you want to distance yourself from by making silly, uneducated, off handed comments about something you have no knowledge of, and certainly not on a very public local forum.
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havoc is havoc
I must point out to you that in the 2008 campaign that I was voted for by 1,194 people here in St Mary's County alone, see it in the link HERE.

So you might think that you and your few friends on here speak for the entire community, but my friends here speak with their votes.

Mine is the one dealing with reality, as I am the one that will be on the ballot as the candidate for Governor of Maryland, and your foolish claim is the only clutter here.

And I am not trying to be mean to you as I use your own words, because you fail to see that I am your best friend on this board, and I value your opinions and I am trying to suggest to you to start putting a higher emphasis on real live equations.


Wow so we aren't the only one to see you are not our path forward. You always try to get on the Dem ticket and can't. You are even too gay for them, give it up you are a proven putz and not enough of a diva to make the grade for the Dems. Us republicans laugh at you to no end so keep digging your own grave. You are a total LOSER that is stuck in denial. Get unstuck soon or just stay away.

The short bus logo helps to prove my point.
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Wow so we aren't the only one to see you are not our path forward. You always try to get on the Dem ticket and can't. You are even too gay for them, give it up you are a proven putz and not enough of a diva to make the grade for the Dems. Us republicans laugh at you to no end so keep digging your own grave. You are a total LOSER that is stuck in denial. Get unstuck soon or just stay away.

The short bus logo helps to prove my point.

Hey, JPC. Where can I get a bumper sticker? I'd like to attach it to the back of the urinal at work.


J.P. Cusick
The rock.

Jimmy, why do you still use the short bus smiley, even though you know it mocks retatrded people?

The school bus / short bus does NOT mock anybody as it is a clean and decent icon.

If you see something "mocking" in a bus then it is only in your own perception and it is not real.

I myself love all retarded people, and theirs is just a happen-chance of birth and not a defect in character.



Methodically disorganized
The school bus / short bus does NOT mock anybody as it is a clean and decent icon.
Most people know what it means and how it is used; I dare say everyone knows but you. If you weren't lost in your own world, you might see things as others do, even if momentarily.

I found the perfect bus for you: seating for 1...


  • shortbus-46967.jpg
    8.6 KB · Views: 50


J.P. Cusick
The rock.

Most people know what it means and how it is used; I dare say everyone knows but you. If you weren't lost in your own world, you might see things as others do, even if momentarily.

If you and some others see some derogatory message or symbol in a school bus or a short bus then the defect is in your own perception.

And I reject your claim that "most people" view the bus with bigotry or degradation of any kind.

I would not want to share with anyone in that kind of mentality - not even for a moment.
