JP for Governor.


New Member
Mentallly challenge people prefer to be called, "Mentally Challenge"
Using the R word is degrading and disrepectful to them. If you knew anything about
mentally challenge people, you would have know that.

That's just like calling deaf people, deaf and dumb. That's also is degrading and disrespectful.
I agree with all that too.
If you really agree with it, You would have never used the "R" word in the first place. As you did in the post below.

What I do say is that you are trying to give cover and even justification to the bigots that degrade retarded people and I say you are doing wrong by doing that.

I think that Bus icon should be removed from the forum.
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"Fluffy world destroyer"
I become severely mentally challenged every time I meet a person like your self.

So that's it? You can't deal with people smarter that you? Smart people make you mentally challenged. I truely believe this. Well, you better give it up and go back to living in the shelter.


New Member
:patriot: Greetings.

I just want to introduce myself as being the next Governor of the State of Maryland.

Campaign website is HERE.

The registration with the State Board of Elections was done on Tuesday.

My name is James P. Cusick Sr., but I will be listed on the Democratic Party election ballot as just "J.P. Cusick", as I see that having a better ring to it.

Democrats rock! :larry:

Can't the police put him away for being crazy!!!!!




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New Member
Mr. Cusick, who was diagnosed during a psychiatric evaluation as having a personality disorder with excessive/compulsive traits, requested a jury trial but had no attorney. He denied having any mental illness, but when asked by Judge Lerner when he would stop vandalizing buildings, he did not give an answer after pondering the question for several seconds.

Read The Truth Here: Homeless man gets 3 years for graffiti
Another forum poster from another forum brought the full article.


J.P. Cusick
Mr Short-Bus.

... when asked by Judge Lerner when he would stop vandalizing buildings, he did not give an answer after pondering the question for several seconds.

I remember well how that question really stunned me, as I had no intention of "stopping" as I was happy about RED spray painting the State House with "Child Support thieves" and "Thou shalt not steal" and I saw that with the jury trial as a great success for me and for my civil disobedience, and I surely was not about to consider stopping it, so I could not figure out a sensible reply and therefore said nothing.

The Judge got really irritated at me saying nothing and then he gave me the maximum of 3 years plus the max fine, but I always wished thereafter that I could have irritated him better with some clever reply to his question - but no.

I do believe that in a week? or month? later that I sent him a letter from jail telling him in some detail of my true feelings for the evil Child Support system, and about my feelings on the due process.



Methodically disorganized
That is great! I have searched for articles chronicling his myriad smackdowns but have not found anything.

This last bit is my favorite part:
Ms. Prigge requested Mr. Cusick be incarcerated, saying there's no indication his antisocial behavior will cease.

"I don't think he' s going to stop. He's not getting the message," she said.
:killingme :lmao: :killingme How right she was! All these years later and nothing has changed.

I had no intention of "stopping"
Then I think you should head right back up to Annapolis and do it again. You have to admit your "campaign" to get elected is an utter flop, so maybe spraypainting would put you back in the news for a couple seconds. Do it! Do it! :popcorn:


JP's Favorite Heckler
I remember well how that question really stunned me...I could not figure out a sensible reply...

How about this...In you standard Hymie the robot reply...
I ran for the Maryland Legislature district 29B in 2006 and got 13% of the primary vote. Then in 2008 I ran for the US Congress 5th District and I got 17% of that primary vote. And 17% means over 19,000 votes for JP. So now I run for Governor 2010. :patriot:


J.P. Cusick
Mr Short-Bus.

That is great! I have searched for articles chronicling his myriad smackdowns but have not found anything.

I have done searches too and I agree that was a great find.

I remember that Newspaper report while I was in the Annapolis Detention Center after the trial was over.

Several of the other inmates saw it as hilarious that I got the maximum three (3) years in prison for my misdemeanor of spray paint and they rolled and roared over that.

You have to admit your "campaign" to get elected is an utter flop,

My campaign is not a flop as it is progressing very well.

See above as "thunderclapp" posted that in 2006 I got 13% in my very first effort shortly after getting out of prison and against a rich incumbent, then 2008 I got 19,067 votes just in 5th District, and now I have a legitimate shot at winning the Governor's position, so mine is NOT a flop.



Methodically disorganized
now I have a legitimate shot at winning the Governor's position, so mine is NOT a flop.
Only in your twisted mind could 13% be a majority. Of course, you also believe a ton of people on the forum support you, despite the fact that none of them ever speak up. :lol: Have you begun preparing your concession speech/post yet? You know, just in case.


New Member
My campaign is not a flop as it is progressing very well. and now I have a legitimate shot at winning the Governor's position, so mine is NOT a flop.
Oh Really, You think so. Dream On

My source told me that your Lt. has to walk with a walker sometimes, also had a arrest history.
Your Treasury person, is a known drug addict with a long arrest history.

You say, Your going to fire state & government employees.
You say, Your going to give pardon's to all that hasn't committed a voilent crime.
You say, That you want people automatically declared married when they have a child.
You say, Two people can't get divorce until the child is 20 years old.
You say, You see yourself as John the Baptist.

You don't go out and talk to the public about your beliefs.
You don't belong to any parent groups where you can talk one on one, in person.

You say, that women don't know how to raise children.
You degrade women by calling them nit wits, witches, and basiclly calling them liar's.

You say, You don't have a mental illness. Even when the newspaper states that you do.
You say, that NO non-custodial parent/ separted parent should support their child/ren.
The one that has custody should provide all, or rely on others.

There's a lot wrong with this picture.


Oh Really, You think so. Dream On

My source told me that your Lt. has to walk with a walker sometimes, also had a arrest history.
Your Treasury person, is a known drug addict with a long arrest history.

You say, Your going to fire state & government employees.
You say, Your going to give pardon's to all that hasn't committed a voilent crime.
You say, That you want people automatically declared married when they have a child.
You say, Two people can't get divorce until the child is 20 years old.
You say, You see yourself as John the Baptist.

You don't go out and talk to the public about your beliefs.
You don't belong to any parent groups where you can talk one on one, in person.

You say, that women don't know how to raise children.
You degrade women by calling them nit wits, witches, and basiclly calling them liar's.

You say, You don't have a mental illness. Even when the newspaper states that you do.
You say, that NO non-custodial parent/ separted parent should support their child/ren.
The one that has custody should provide all, or rely on others.

There's a lot wrong with this picture.

Mr. Cusick, who was diagnosed during a psychiatric evaluation as having a personality disorder with excessive/compulsive traits, requested a jury trial but had no attorney.

He denied having any mental illness, but when asked by Judge Lerner when he would stop vandalizing buildings, he did not give an answer after pondering the question for several seconds.

Ms. Prigge requested Mr. Cusick be incarcerated, saying there's no indication his antisocial behavior will cease. She speculated his dislike of child support laws stems from the time he spent in jail in 1995 for failure to pay support.


New Member
:killingme Highlander, if that don't get people's attention nothing will.

I'm sure most thought it, but those few sentences in the newspaper confirms it. He's nuts
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J.P. Cusick
Mr Short-Bus.

Of course, you also believe a ton of people on the forum support you, despite the fact that none of them ever speak up.

In 2008 there were 19,067 that voted for JP / me, and that is real speaking.

Your claim is in your imaginary world as mine is recorded in fact.

After I win the election then I will create my own Forum so anyone can talk to the Governor, or to a representative?



:killingme Highlander, if that don't get people's attention nothing will.

I'm sure most thought it, but those few sentences in the newspaper confirms it. He's nuts

You shouldn't talk about our next Governor like that.


I can't wait to post it some more tomorrow.


J.P. Cusick
Mr Short-Bus.

You say, that women don't know how to raise children.

No, I love Women as Moms and wish them all well, but I do say that Moms can not replace the real father, and Moms can not fill the role of the Dad, and some other Man as a replacement for the real Dad is always a dysfunction even when done well.

And it is not a competition between Moms and Dads, but the 2 parents do have separate and distinct parenting roles and when one parent (Mom or Dad) is separated and or alienated then the children are lessoned.

The Mom can not raise a child by trying to fulfill the Dad's role.

You degrade women by calling them nit wits, witches, and basically calling them liar's.

I might degrade some Women in some cases, and I wish I did not, but I love and respect Women and Moms even if I might call some few as un-nice names.

Women / Moms (and Dads) that stand behind the thieving Child Support and Custody laws are self destructive and need to get out of that evil but legal dysfunction.



You shouldn't talk about our next Governor like that.


I can't wait to post it some more tomorrow.

ahhh....why wait?

Mr. Cusick, who was diagnosed during a psychiatric evaluation as having a personality disorder with excessive/compulsive traits, requested a jury trial but had no attorney.

He denied having any mental illness, but when asked by Judge Lerner when he would stop vandalizing buildings, he did not give an answer after pondering the question for several seconds.

Ms. Prigge requested Mr. Cusick be incarcerated, saying there's no indication his antisocial behavior will cease. She speculated his dislike of child support laws stems from the time he spent in jail in 1995 for failure to pay support.