JP for Governor.


It is a matter of honesty and of priority, in that my foremost objective is to reform the evil Child Support and Custody laws.

And I would love to do other things too and hopefully I can do more, but nothing else will have that same priority.

It also locks myself in to the one issue, so that I myself can not waver after the fact.

No, I have no idea, and any savings would probably take a couple years as it will take time to take down the thievery programs.

I usually just repeat that same rhetoric just to bring the subject back to the subject.

And that does not make it a lie as it is just an unknown equation.

I do not see any increase in Public assistance at all because the Child Support is totally irrelevant to any real need.

In fact the poorest of poor families on welfare do not get their Child Support even when the State successfully steals the loot as the State keeps the cash itself and does not let the children have the money.

No, I have no idea, and as I said it was just an idea and not a new platform issue.

Maybe it could be financed more-so by public contributions and public groups with lots of support from the State Governor.

Making-up-stuff is another way of saying "to-have-vision" and ideals and foresight and that is the task of any competent leader to make up stuff that will help and improve our society.

Reality often comes later.


You really believe the stuff you say, don't you? Oh, it's so entertaining. It's kinda like watching a kid licking the windows on a short bus. You know you shouldn't stare but you can't help it. We all know we shouldn't give you any attention but we can't help it. I'm starting to understand why people went to the circus to see the bearded woman or the elephant man. Maybe you should join the circus. You can stand on stage and just tell everyone your opinions and thoughts. You'd attract a lot of spectators. Maybe you could dress in that silly looking Salvation army hand me down suit plad shirt thingy you are dressed in on your web site.


New Member
I do not see any increase in Public assistance at all because the Child Support is totally irrelevant to any real need.

In fact the poorest of poor families on welfare do not get their Child Support even when the State successfully steals the loot as the State keeps the cash itself and does not let the children have the money.

Someone over on this forum showed you data about how many people receive child support that's not getting welfare. 92 percent of families are getting the child support money. Seems that the number of people having to apply for welfare have drop. I believe it's due to many factors, more people are chosing to work plus their getting child support payments. Rather then sitting on their buns doing nothing to better the lives of their family.

J.P. for MD Governor - Herald-Mail Forums

It said, " In 2007, 92 percent of child support collections have gone to families. Welfare recipients now make up just 14 percent of our caseload; the largest group of clients is families who no longer need public assistance, in large part because of child support collections. Preliminary data indicate that, in FY 2007:"

You don't think those number will drop, if child support was never received?

I think it would bring us right back to where we was approx. 20 years ago. More people applying for a public assistance due to the fact that the other parent are'nt supporting their children.

Found the lastest web site too. votejp-cusick A lot of info on there.


J.P. Cusick
The rock.

Maybe you could dress in that silly looking Salvation army hand me down suit plad shirt thingy you are dressed in on your web site.

I guess now there is some hateful bigotry against the Salvation Army.

When such normal people do not like some thing then it drives the rest of us crazy.



J.P. Cusick
The rock.

the short bus, like it or not, does represent stupidity.

How about lets just figure from now on the "short-bus" :shortbus: just represents me?

When I use it then it stands for me and no one else.

If you or others see it as negative or degrading then just apply all the negative onto me.



Methodically disorganized
And I would love to do other things too and hopefully I can do more
Hopefully? Hopefully? Even a trained monkey can multitask, certainly you should be able to do the same. Running a state requires doing WAY more than one thing, and damn sight more than overseeing child support.

No, I have no idea
:lol: As I thought. Do have to give you credit for being honest though.

I do not see any increase in Public assistance at all because the Child Support is totally irrelevant to any real need.
If it makes no difference, why would any family need to rely on public assistance as you advocate? This is one of the many areas where you receive a very rude awakening if you did succeed in your plan of tearing down CS.

In fact the poorest of poor families on welfare do not get their Child Support
Okay, well the "poorest of poor" are a minority of those due to receive CS. What about the rest? I guess you don't care about those cases because they do not fit your extremist agenda.

Making-up-stuff is another way of saying "to-have-vision" and ideals and foresight and that is the task of any competent leader to make up stuff that will help and improve our society.
Making stuff up is also a hallmark of a delusional half-wit who has nary a clue what they are talking about. A sound leader should be able to propose ideas with some foundation in reality, with at least an occasional fact mixed in. Your ideas have none of that. But I know you won't learn until you fail again on primary day. In the meantime, we can remain entertained. :lol:


Your claim of supporting the ideal but your self never using it - is a pathetic claim.

Wow - you really do hear only what you want to hear, don't you.

Perhaps even farther is that the idea that the name "retard" is mis-used as a negative insult is a big part of the name-calling because a retarded person is one that was either born with the defect or had an injury that caused the retardation, and even if I see a bus of any size or shape that carries retarded people then I still do NOT view it as any insult or in any negative context.

So you think it's just dandy to call someone a "retard", because the word was not originally intended to be an insult, even if it came to be one over the years.

Groovy. You go ahead and run with that.


J.P. Cusick
The rock.

So you think it's just dandy to call someone a "retard", because the word was not originally intended to be an insult, even if it came to be one over the years.

Groovy. You go ahead and run with that.

What you are doing there is equating the bus with that name and you are wrong in doing that.

Calling some one that name is insulting and I never do such a revolting thing, but claiming that a short bus means the same as that word is a slander and a truth only to bigots.



What you are doing there is equating the bus with that name and you are wrong in doing that.

Calling some one that name is insulting and I never do such a revolting thing, but claiming that a short bus means the same as that word is a slander and a truth only to bigots.


Lemme make this Short and Sweet :buddies:

short bus
•A mentally or physically challenged person, usually a school-age person. Often, public schools make two bus runs-- the "short bus" for challenged students and the "regular bus" for all others.

The Online Slang Dictionary | "S" Words | Page 30

Sorry but I can't understand that: I must be dain bramaged.

Sooo, now that we cleared up the definition and hidden meaning behind the logo of the short bus, we are hoping that you will refrain from using it. It is bad enough to think of you as a lunitic, but you have successfully added bigot to the list of words that come to mind when we think of J.P.C.
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Methodically disorganized
Your words are used as my footstool
:lmao: I know you're trying to work your arrogant prick persona, but that is simply funny. Keep up the march towards failure, Shortbus! :clap:

Lemme make this Short and Sweet
Someone already showed that to him several days ago. His response was writing a paragraph continuing to subvert reality, but less so, which is about as close to his admitting a mistake as you'll find.

we are hoping that you will refrain from using it
Actually, as MMDad said yesterday, I think Shortbus is a fitting name for him. He owns it. VoteShortbus!


Someone already showed that to him several days ago. His response was writing a paragraph continuing to subvert reality, but less so, which is about as close to his admitting a mistake as you'll find.

Actually, as MMDad said yesterday, I think Shortbus is a fitting name for him. He owns it. VoteShortbus!

Oops my bad. :doh: I remember someone defining it so I provided the link to the slang dictionary. I found a few other euphanisms to describe JP over there. :whistle: Some that I had not particulary heard of before.

Anyway, he wandered over into the horse forum again. :cds:

Please keep him busy over here! :peace:


What you are doing there is equating the bus with that name and you are wrong in doing that.

I absolutely am not. I did nothing of the kind.

I'm responding to what YOU wrote:
Perhaps even farther is that the idea that the name "retard" is mis-used as a negative insult is a big part of the name-calling because a retarded person is one that was either born with the defect or had an injury that caused the retardation, and even if I see a bus of any size or shape that carries retarded people then I still do NOT view it as any insult or in any negative context.

It looks to me like you're saying that using the word "retard" is fine, because the word was not originally inteded as an insult, and therefore you place no connotation on the word.

All I said is "good luck with that".

Calling some one that name is insulting and I never do such a revolting thing, but claiming that a short bus means the same as that word is a slander and a truth only to bigots.

Y'know, I've tried to be civil to you - if not always 100% dipolomatic in our disagreements - while everyone else is throwing verbal rotten tomatoes at you. I leave your family (and your relationship with them, or lack of one) out of my discussions, and I even try to joke around with you from time to time.

And now you're calling me a bigot.

Screw you Cusick.


J.P. Cusick
Mr Short-Bus.

I absolutely am not. I did nothing of the kind.

And now you're calling me a bigot.

Screw you Cusick.

I really did not call you a bigot unless you your self see my words as applying to your self and that I can not prevent.

What I do say is that you are trying to give cover and even justification to the bigots that degrade retarded people and I say you are doing wrong by doing that.



I really did not call you a bigot unless you your self see my words as applying to your self and that I can not prevent.

What I do say is that you are trying to give cover and even justification to the bigots that degrade retarded people and I say you are doing wrong by doing that.


Whatever, man.

I'm not justifying anything. I'm simply told you that regardless of your denials, things mean what they mean.

Accepting reality at face-value and dealing with it the way they are, rather than how you think they should be is not bigoted. Furthermore, calling someone a bigot, and then backpedalling with "I only called you a bigot if you accept it" is bad form.

I have nothing further to say to you.


"Fluffy world destroyer"
Whatever, man.

I'm not justifying anything. I'm simply told you that regardless of your denials, things mean what they mean.

Accepting reality at face-value and dealing with it the way they are, rather than how you think they should be is not bigoted. Furthermore, calling someone a bigot, and then backpedalling with "I only called you a bigot if you accept it" is bad form.

I have nothing further to say to you.
Please don't pick on the menatlly handicapped. TYVM. :shrug:


New Member
What I do say is that you are trying to give cover and even justification to the bigots that degrade retarded people and I say you are doing wrong by doing that.

Mentallly challenge people prefer to be called, "Mentally Challenge"
Using the R word is degrading and disrepectful to them. If you knew anything about
mentally challenge people, you would have know that.

That's just like calling deaf people, deaf and dumb. That's also is degrading and disrespectful.
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J.P. Cusick
Mr Short-Bus.

Mentally challenge people prefer to be called, "Mentally Challenge"
Using the R word is degrading and disrespectful to them. If you knew anything about
mentally challenge people, you would have know that.

That's just like calling deaf people, deaf and dumb. That's also is degrading and disrespectful.

I agree with all that too.
