JP for Governor.


Bird of Prey
Highlander, now I am just a lurker on these forums but it seems as if one of the only people you go back and forth with is jp. On top of that I notice that you say time after time that you waste your time doing so. So therefore I don't understand why you keep doing it. Is he the only person on your mental level to keep going back and forth with? Please, enlighten me.


Highlander, now I am just a lurker on these forums but it seems as if one of the only people you go back and forth with is jp. On top of that I notice that you say time after time that you waste your time doing so. So therefore I don't understand why you keep doing it. Is he the only person on your mental level to keep going back and forth with? Please, enlighten me.

1. I am certainly not the only one who "goes back and forth" with him. I don't think I've every seen anyone actually agree or support him.
2. I acutally spend very little time trying to reason with him, some do.
3. I am the type to tell you the way it is, not gonna beat around the bush.
4. JPC is a moron. I see it as my duty to remind him regularly.
5. JPC needs to stop making up new accounts like "RedBaron" and spend more time going to therapy.


New Member
No, I love Women as Moms and wish them all well, but I do say that Moms can not replace the real father, and Moms can not fill the role of the Dad, and some other Man as a replacement for the real Dad is always a dysfunction even when done well.

And it is not a competition between Moms and Dads, but the 2 parents do have separate and distinct parenting roles and when one parent (Mom or Dad) is separated and or alienated then the children are lessoned.

The Mom can not raise a child by trying to fulfill the Dad's role.

I might degrade some Women in some cases, and I wish I did not, but I love and respect Women and Moms even if I might call some few as un-nice names.

Women / Moms (and Dads) that stand behind the thieving Child Support and Custody laws are self destructive and need to get out of that evil but legal dysfunction.

Remember you said this on the Baltimore Sun Forum before your free campaign thread got conveniently deleted.

The reality is that most if not all Women do not know how to raise a child.

In human beings it is the father that raises the children and that is why children with the Mom usually grows up dysfunctional or lacking in maturity. And a step-father does not fill the role of the real biological father because the biological counts immensely.

The Mom is still important and mothers do have a role in the children's upbringing, but the Mom and no one else can not substitute for the real Dad. Women do not have the fathering instincts in them, just as Men do not have the mothering instincts.
I feel if you wasn't really against women, you wouldn' say what you do.
You can think what you will. But just known your never going to get elected.


New Member
1. I am certainly not the only one who "goes back and forth" with him. I don't think I've every seen anyone actually agree or support him.
2. I acutally spend very little time trying to reason with him, some do.
3. I am the type to tell you the way it is, not gonna beat around the bush.
4. JPC is a moron. I see it as my duty to remind him regularly.
5. JPC needs to stop making up new accounts like "RedBaron" and spend more time going to therapy.
That's right, your not the only one here talking to the brick wall. :killingme

There's no reasoning with a person that thinks he's always right and everyone else is wrong.

Getting the word out about this fool. Is the least I can do. :yahoo:
Over all, I find it quite boring. It's the SOS just a different year.

O'Malley & Ehrlich are close in the polls. Both have a little over 45%
Only a 5 to 6% margin for all the other candidates put together.
That's approx. 1% for each of the other candidates. That's not much.

I wouldn't be surprise if they both won in the primary election.
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That's right, your not the only one here talking to the brick wall. :killingme

There's no reasoning with a person that thinks he's always right and everyone else is wrong.

Getting the word out about this fool. Is the least I can do. :yahoo:
Over all, I find it quite boring. It's the SOS just a different year.

O'Malley & Ehrlich are close in the polls. Both have a little over 45%
Only a 5 to 6% margin for all the other candidates put together.
That's approx. 1% for each of the other candidates. That's not much.

I wouldn't be surprise if they both won in the primary election.

Let's see..I think I'll post this in blue today. Maybe Green tomorrow....

Mr. Cusick, who was diagnosed during a psychiatric evaluation as having a personality disorder with excessive/compulsive traits, requested a jury trial but had no attorney.

He denied having any mental illness, but when asked by Judge Lerner when he would stop vandalizing buildings, he did not give an answer after pondering the question for several seconds.

Ms. Prigge requested Mr. Cusick be incarcerated, saying there's no indication his antisocial behavior will cease. She speculated his dislike of child support laws stems from the time he spent in jail in 1995 for failure to pay support.__________________


J.P. Cusick
Mr Short-Bus.

Remember you said this on the Baltimore Sun Forum before your free campaign thread got conveniently deleted.

I feel if you wasn't really against women, you wouldn' say what you do.
You can think what you will. But just known your never going to get elected.

My point is that the children need as in NEED both their real biological parents being both their Mom and their Dad, while anything less than the real parents is a dysfunction and an unhealthy reality that our society needs to resist.

Custodial parents (Moms and Dads) that believe they are to be praised or rewarded and paid for raising the children without the other parents - are way out of line.

There are many people that want to make the issue as Men-against-Women and Moms-against-Dads, but I do not play along with that divide and rule policy, and I say the Courts and the laws play that "divide and rule" technique and it destroys the family and alienates the parents from their children and hurts our social structure.

My idea is to stop the hostility and make some healthy reforms.



Methodically disorganized
while anything less than the real parents is a dysfunction and an unhealthy reality that our society needs to resist.
Right. Now you simply need to realize that a mom or dad can be as good of a parent while separated if they choose to be.

There are many people that want to make the issue as Men-against-Women
For example, many of your posts have expressed that exact idea. I guess that was one of your other personalities talking so maybe you don't recall, but the rest of us have seen you do it multiple times.

My idea is to stop the hostility and make some healthy reforms.
See, my suggestion would be to make some healthy reforms in your own life before you go messing with others. Stop relishing your criminal offenses, being a deadbeat and a failed politician and seek help for your personality disorders. Let us know how it goes. :howdy:


New Member
My point is that the children need as in NEED both their real biological parents being both their Mom and their Dad, while anything less than the real parents is a dysfunction and an unhealthy reality that our society needs to resist.
Since I live in the real world. Sometimes parents do stupid things. And sometimes parents spilt up and they get divorce. Sometimes one or both parents get remarried and the child will have a step-parent. Having a step parent doesn't make it dysfunction or unhealthy for the child.

All children need a stable loving relationship with both bio-parents and the step parent. There are many step parents that treat step children as their own. I don't see anything wrong with that. A child needs to grows up feeling loved, safe, healthy, provided for and has a stable home.

Custodial parents (Moms and Dads) that believe they are to be praised or rewarded and paid for raising the children without the other parents - are way out of line.

There are many people that want to make the issue as Men-against-Women and Moms-against-Dads, but I do not play along with that divide and rule policy, and I say the Courts and the laws play that "divide and rule" technique and it destroys the family and alienates the parents from their children and hurts our social structure.
You put the blame on the courts and the laws. You don't put the blame where it belongs. All martial problems starts at home. When two adults don't work out their problems. They are the one's that's destroying their family, no one else is. Two adults make a choice whether or not they will divorce. The court system only makes it legal.

One of the parent may or may not alienate the other parent from their own child/ren. You can blame the parents for that. There feelings get in the way or doing what's right for the child/ren. There may be a good reason why it happens, I don't know. I can't speak for all parents, neither can you.

I'm a firm believe that both parents should finanically provide for their child/ren. That will not change.

My idea is to stop the hostility and make some healthy reforms.
Until you change human behavior, there will always be some hostility towards one another.
It's two adults that have to put their hurt feelings aside for the sake of the child/ren.

You expect the custodial parent to provide all and rely on others to support their child/ren needs.
^^That's what you call healthy reform.^^

The chld/ren has a mother and father they should be providing what the chlid/ren needs.
It's not one or the other that should provide all, It's both.
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My point is that the children need as in NEED both their real biological parents being both their Mom and their Dad, while anything less than the real parents is a dysfunction and an unhealthy reality that our society needs to resist.

Custodial parents (Moms and Dads) that believe they are to be praised or rewarded and paid for raising the children without the other parents - are way out of line.

There are many people that want to make the issue as Men-against-Women and Moms-against-Dads, but I do not play along with that divide and rule policy, and I say the Courts and the laws play that "divide and rule" technique and it destroys the family and alienates the parents from their children and hurts our social structure.

My idea is to stop the hostility and make some healthy reforms.


Just a quick reminder to ya.....Mr. JPCSHORTBUS....You're a total loser and an oxygen thief.


My point is that the children need as in NEED both their real biological parents being both their Mom and their Dad, while anything less than the real parents is a dysfunction and an unhealthy reality that our society needs to resist.

Custodial parents (Moms and Dads) that believe they are to be praised or rewarded and paid for raising the children without the other parents - are way out of line.

There are many people that want to make the issue as Men-against-Women and Moms-against-Dads, but I do not play along with that divide and rule policy, and I say the Courts and the laws play that "divide and rule" technique and it destroys the family and alienates the parents from their children and hurts our social structure.

My idea is to stop the hostility and make some healthy reforms.


OMG...I just clicked on your website and found your link to your Lt. Governor. He looks like a real go getter. Where did you find him? I can only assume he as Alzheimers and has no clue what he is doing. Otherwise, I can't see anyone wanting to be associated with you. This is funny. kinda sorta.


New Member
OMG...I just clicked on your website and found your link to your Lt. Governor. He looks like a real go getter. Where did you find him? I can only assume he as Alzheimers and has no clue what he is doing. Otherwise, I can't see anyone wanting to be associated with you. This is funny. kinda sorta.
JP Cusick meant his Lt. Governor in jail. From my source, he known to have to walk with a walker sometimes. Which that's to be expected of a person his age. It does seem strange that a person that's 73 years old would socialize with someone like him. But we do know the older we get the more people tend to take advantage of us.

As well as his treasury person, Vernon E. Eldridge. 12/7/52
Which he has a long history of being arrested for drugs and thief.
No need to take my word for it, Check It Out Here
Found out that he had a treasury person from this site. Maryland Election Center
At the moment, the site is having tech problems.

I can see why JP Cusick would want to give pardon's to all the non violent criminals.
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Methodically disorganized
your Lt. Governor. He looks like a real go getter.
:lol: I read about him too. A whole bunch of malicious destruction of property, theft and at least one assault and battery. I wonder if he'll help Jimmy repaint the courthouse when they are humiliated in the next election - then they can both go back to jail. :lmao:

Jimmy should get him to come on the forums and chat. :evil:


J.P. Cusick
Mr Short-Bus.

Just a quick reminder to ya.....Mr. JPCSHORTBUS....You're a total loser and an oxygen thief.

I see that red emphasis above as very comparative indeed.

As like the law orders "Custody" that legally takes a child from their God given parent, and custody legally alienates the parents from their children, and that is real stealing as it is stealing the child from one of their parents.

And Child Support is legally stealing the money and steal the paycheck and property and steal the livelihood of the separated parents and that is true thievery.

But here I am an "oxygen thief" and that is the TRUTH indeed.



New Member
As like the law orders "Custody" that legally takes a child from their God given parent, and custody legally alienates the parents from their children, and that is real stealing as it is stealing the child from one of their parents.

And Child Support is legally stealing the money and steal the paycheck and property and steal the livelihood of the separated parents and that is true thievery.
Even if there was no custody laws. The child would still be living with one or the other parent. Much like it is now.

You just want the government to take care of all these children. So the other parent don't have too.
Welfare is a hand up, not a handout. It's not to be use as a excuse not to support your own children.


J.P. Cusick
Mr Short-Bus.

Even if there was no custody laws. The child would still be living with one or the other parent. Much like it is now.

It is the law which legalizes the divided family (custody), and turns it into a legally binding order, and custody legally violates the relationship of the parents and violates the relationship of the children to their parents.

I agree that it would be much the same except the 2 parents would be in command of their own family and not the State law being in command.

Having the State law violating the family unit destroys any hope for reconciliation or of parental harmony or of parental duty.

It is a cheap fraud we are handed in the disguise of State laws.

You just want the government to take care of all these children. So the other parent don't have too.

Actually in such cases then I do want the govt to take care of those children and their parents as a family unit - because the parents are not able to do it them selves.

You and the law try to separate the needs of the children from that of their 2 parents because you and the law are NOT supporting the family as a unit and not supporting the idea of marriage either.

If we really want the 2 parents to do the job of parenting then we need to get the law out of their way.

Welfare is a hand up, not a handout. It's not to be use as a excuse not to support your own children.

Welfare of all kinds are only given to the very poor and very needy, and as we already know - if the Child Support does get paid to welfare families than the State keeps the loot and puts the so called Child Support into the State treasury.

The so-called "Child Support" is not about supporting the children as it is all about punishing parents.

Many in society want to pressure the poor and needy, but we would be far better off to pay more in Public Assistance instead of destroying the poorest of families under the ignorant family breakup laws.

If we fail to pay the cost of keeping families together, then we will keep on paying more and more in breaking up families.



New Member
It is the law which legalizes the divided family (custody), and turns it into a legally binding order, and custody legally violates the relationship of the parents and violates the relationship of the children to their parents.

I agree that it would be much the same except the 2 parents would be in command of their own family and not the State law being in command.

Having the State law violating the family unit destroys any hope for reconciliation or of parental harmony or of parental duty. It is a cheap fraud we are handed in the disguise of State laws.

Actually in such cases then I do want the govt to take care of those children and their parents as a family unit - because the parents are not able to do it them selves.

You and the law try to separate the needs of the children from that of their 2 parents because you and the law are NOT supporting the family as a unit and not supporting the idea of marriage either.

If we really want the 2 parents to do the job of parenting then we need to get the law out of their way.

Welfare of all kinds are only given to the very poor and very needy, and as we already know - if the Child Support does get paid to welfare families than the State keeps the loot and puts the so called Child Support into the State treasury.

The so-called "Child Support" is not about supporting the children as it is all about punishing parents.

Many in society want to pressure the poor and needy, but we would be far better off to pay more in Public Assistance instead of destroying the poorest of families under the ignorant family breakup laws.

If we fail to pay the cost of keeping families together, then we will keep on paying more and more in breaking up families.
How are you going to keep two people together if they want a divorce?

It's two people that decide whether they stay together as a family and not the laws. That's the way you see it, you blame the laws. Because you don't hold people accountable for their own decisions.

You want to blame the laws instead of the two adults that can't or won't work it out. If two adults wants to stay together as a family. They will work it out on their own. If not then the will decide for themselves to get a divorce.

It's a cop out


J.P. Cusick
Mr Short-Bus.

How are you going to keep two people together if they want a divorce?

The point is not to reward the parents for separating and for divorcing.

The Child Support and Custody laws are meant to hurt the separated parents and to make the custodial parent as comfortable and provided, and it is creating a dysfunctional society, where single parents are rewarded and profits while the separated parents are alienated from their children.

It is wrong of the laws to make divorce as easy and comfortable and practical and that process is failing by undermining the foundation of our society.

It's two people that decide whether they stay together as a family and not the laws. That's the way you see it, you blame the laws. Because you don't hold people accountable for their own decisions.

It is NOT our place and NOT the place of government to hold parents accountable to each other or to their children - unless their is actual violent physical abuse of the other parent or of the child.

The problem is that you and the law have determined to hold parents accountable when that is way out of line.

If we truly were rightly determined to hold the parents as responsible then each of us and the law needs to get out of their personal business.



The point is not to reward the parents for separating and for divorcing.

The Child Support and Custody laws are meant to hurt the separated parents and to make the custodial parent as comfortable and provided, and it is creating a dysfunctional society, where single parents are rewarded and profits while the separated parents are alienated from their children.

It is wrong of the laws to make divorce as easy and comfortable and practical and that process is failing by undermining the foundation of our society.

It is NOT our place and NOT the place of government to hold parents accountable to each other or to their children - unless their is actual violent physical abuse of the other parent or of the child.

The problem is that you and the law have determined to hold parents accountable when that is way out of line.

If we truly were rightly determined to hold the parents as responsible then each of us and the law needs to get out of their personal business.


Mr. Cusick, who was diagnosed during a psychiatric evaluation as having a personality disorder with excessive/compulsive traits, requested a jury trial but had no attorney.

He denied having any mental illness, but when asked by Judge Lerner when he would stop vandalizing buildings, he did not give an answer after pondering the question for several seconds.

Ms. Prigge requested Mr. Cusick be incarcerated, saying there's no indication his antisocial behavior will cease. She speculated his dislike of child support laws stems from the time he spent in jail in 1995 for failure to pay support.____________________________________


New Member
The point is not to reward the parents for separating and for divorcing.

The Child Support and Custody laws are meant to hurt the separated parents and to make the custodial parent as comfortable and provided, and it is creating a dysfunctional society, where single parents are rewarded and profits while the separated parents are alienated from their children.

It is wrong of the laws to make divorce as easy and comfortable and practical and that process is failing by undermining the foundation of our society.
REWARD?? Hummmmm, Divorce and separated parents are getting a award?
Is that a gold or silver award for doing the best they can for their child/ren.

PROFITS? Hummmm, What kind of profit? Seem like I'm in the wrong business.

But anyhow, There are other dysfunction in our society that I feel are importand also and that is, The murders, rapist, child molesters, robbers, thiefs, drug dealers, drug addicts, alcoholics. Those are just a few off the top of my head.

Most loving parents would want a child to be supported by both parents. No one parent should have to take on all the financially responsibility. When the child has two living parent. Be a bit different if the other parent was dead.

Instead of these single parents sitting on their buns collecting a check. There working plus their getting the child support. That's a good thing because their striving to do the best they can. For their child/ren and themselves. Whether or not the other parent is in the picture or not.

It is NOT our place and NOT the place of government to hold parents accountable to each other or to their children - unless their is actual violent physical abuse of the other parent or of the child.

The problem is that you and the law have determined to hold parents accountable when that is way out of line. If we truly were rightly determined to hold the parents as responsible then each of us and the law needs to get out of their personal business.

If parents took shared responsibility for their own child/ren. There would have never been a child support law. The number of people receiving a welfare check has dropped a lot over the years. One reason is child support is being collected through Social Services and it's forward to the custodial parent. Which is use for whatever the child may need. Plus the single parent is able to work because of the daycare voucher program.


J.P. Cusick
Mr Short-Bus.

Mr. Cusick, who was diagnosed during a psychiatric evaluation as having a personality disorder with excessive/compulsive traits, requested a jury trial but had no attorney.

He denied having any mental illness, but when asked by Judge Lerner when he would stop vandalizing buildings, he did not give an answer after pondering the question for several seconds.

Ms. Prigge requested Mr. Cusick be incarcerated, saying there's no indication his antisocial behavior will cease. She speculated his dislike of child support laws stems from the time he spent in jail in 1995 for failure to pay support.____________________________________

In that message as in the original posting HERE then that just verifies that I told all the truth from the very beginning.

I have told many times that I spray painted the buildings of the Child Support thieves, and that they accused me of being crazy and unfit, but their claims never stuck and eventually I walked away as the victor - even though now I have a new campaign.

The only thing it really shows is that I am the only one being true.
