JP for Governor.


New Member
OMG...I normally don't like to pick on the mentally challenged but JPC is the exception to this rule.

He does remind me of a mentally challenge person in some ways.
People that's mentally challenge they can get a disability check too.

Just saying, I often wonder about that.


J.P. Cusick
The rock.

People that's mentally challenge they can get a disability check too.

Just saying, I often wonder about that.

It is one of the best things that our Country does in providing for the mentally ill,

but the programs as the benefits do need to be expanded.



J.P. Cusick
The rock.

Question: What programs do you feel needs to be expanded?

As "hvp" points out - I do not want to create another campaign plank.

But Maryland could use some new facilities for the Mentally ill as like a Hospital and housing and outpatient treatment and more.

And a particular emphasis on de-criminalizing the mentally ill = link NAMI.



New Member
As "hvp" points out - I do not want to create another campaign plank.

But Maryland could use some new facilities for the Mentally ill as like a Hospital and housing and outpatient treatment and more.

And a particular emphasis on de-criminalizing the mentally ill = link NAMI.

Yes, I know, You don't want to create another campaign platform.

How you purpose we pay for these new facilities?


J.P. Cusick
The rock.

Yes, I know, You don't want to create another campaign platform.

How you purpose we pay for these new facilities?

After we fire all the Child Support thievery system, and end the parenting prosecutions, and release non violent prisoners, then that would give us some extra money to spend on serving the mentally ill citizens of Maryland.

And it would be taken money away from that evil purpose and then using the same money for bettering our society.



Methodically disorganized
I do not want to create another campaign plank.
It would not hurt to have another point to your campaign. A lot of politicians have several of them.

You're like a person who chooses to begin investing in the Stock Market, but instead of spreading your money around, you drop it all on one stock saying, "This is my winner! Nothing will ever go wrong with this one!" :lol:


Methodically disorganized
After we fire all the Child Support thievery system... then that would give us some extra money to spend
You have mentioned this "plan" to come up with "extra" money to presume the ability to solve numerous issues. Do you have any idea how much money would be saved by eliminating CS enforcement?

How about any idea how much money will need to be put into beefing up public aid once you have relieved all the non-custodials of their financial responsibility?

Or any idea how much money will be needed for your smaller project ideas, such as that new mental hospital?

Or are you making up stuff as you go along without any reference to reality, as you are famous for?


The ignorant bigotry expressed on this Forum is NOT a representation of decent people in our society.

It may be or it may not be. I'm not here to discuss how fairly this forum represents a cross section of America.

But I do know for a fact that referencing the proverbial short bus is not limited to this forum. It's not limited to Southern Maryland either. I've been all over the country.... the reference is pretty much universal.

Here on this Forum is the one and only place that I have ever seen a short bus and particularly a short school bus is viewed as some derogatory symbol of sick or injured people.

Not sick or injured.

Mentally deficient... Developmentally disabled... to be blunt: Retarded.

And there's no point in disputing what you have or have not seen. However, I will tell you that regardless of what you have or have not seen, this forum did not concoct the reference, and it most certainly is NOT the one and only place that uses this reference.

Not by a long shot.

Deny that if you like, but it's a fact.

It is NOT a matter of subtext or deciphering or symbolism when it is just ignorant bigotry by a few degenerate posters on this Forum.

You claiming this perversion as being a part of our society and of our culture is simply not true.

Believe what you want. I've long since given over trying to convince you of anything you don't wish to believe. I've presented facts as I know them. Disregard them if you wish. It's honestly no skin off my ass.


J.P. Cusick
The rock.

It may be or it may not be. I'm not here to discuss how fairly this forum represents a cross section of America.

But I do know for a fact that referencing the proverbial short bus is not limited to this forum. It's not limited to Southern Maryland either. I've been all over the country.... the reference is pretty much universal.

Not sick or injured.

Mentally deficient... Developmentally disabled... to be blunt: Retarded.

And there's no point in disputing what you have or have not seen. However, I will tell you that regardless of what you have or have not seen, this forum did not concoct the reference, and it most certainly is NOT the one and only place that uses this reference.

Not by a long shot.

Deny that if you like, but it's a fact.

Believe what you want. I've long since given over trying to convince you of anything you don't wish to believe. I've presented facts as I know them. Disregard them if you wish. It's honestly no skin off my ass.

So my take on this is that you want or expect me to join in the opinion of a short bus representing the mentally and physically retarded persons, and I have no business denying it.

And you your self are not willing to try to change that ignorant and hateful perspective, and you disapprove of my efforts, and that you see me as being dishonest or blind in denying the popular insults of retarded person and of their infamous short bus.

So I say you and you kind can think and say and post your filth about me as about my retarded friends, but I reject your claims and I will resist that kind of ignorance forever more.



So my take on this is that you want or expect me to join in the opinion of a short bus representing the mentally and physically retarded persons, and I have no business denying it.

Your take is wrong then.

I never said that the short bus representing the mentally challenged is an opinion. I stated that it's a fact.

And it is a fact.

It's an UGLY fact, but fact it is.

I also said that being unwilling to acknowledge this is denial. And denial it is.

It's akin to holocaust deniers. They don't want to face the ugliness of human nature and the fact that humans are even capable of perpetrating such atrocities (or they want to belittle those who were victims), so they pretend that it never happened.

I don't LIKE the fact that there was a holocaust - however to deny that it's a fact is denial.

I don't LIKE the fact that people reference the short bus to imply that someone is a dumbass - however to deny the fact that people do is denial.

So while I don't use the :shortbus: icon to insult people, I similarly avoid using the :shortbus: icon to represent the education system.

And you your self are not willing to try to change that ignorant and hateful perspective, and you disapprove of my efforts, and that you see me as being dishonest or blind in denying the popular insults of retarded person and of their infamous short bus.

I disapprove of anyone who acts on idealism as opposed to realism.

Idealism is great. It's a wonderful thing to have. I myself used to be a wide-eyed idealist, hoping that someday the best in people will overcome their baser behaviors. Over the years I have developed a stark sense of gritty realism, and it is this realism which defines my behavior and opinions.

While I still maintain my youthful idealism and strive for it whenever I can, I still ACT upon that which is real, tangible and undeniable.

Returning to the subject at hand, as I pointed out above:

I don't use the short bus icon to insult people (idealism).
But I don't use it to represent education (realism).

So I say you and you kind can think and say and post your filth about me as about my retarded friends, but I reject your claims and I will resist that kind of ignorance forever more.

Me and my kind?


What filth have I posted about you and your retarded friends?

I was active within the ARC of Southern Maryland for a number of years since I was in high school. I have worked and played with the developmentally disabled around this area long before I ever heard of SOMD Forums and JPCSr. I have never badmouthed the retarded nor have I EVER bashed someone who behaves sympathetically toward them.

You need to get the #### over yourself and actually read what I write before you post something like you just did.


Methodically disorganized
I have no business denying it.
So what have the past several pages been about? :confused: What others have been trying to get you to accept is that your ingrained perception is wrong; the short bus, like it or not, does represent stupidity. Getting you to admit that is not as satisfying as it would be to see you do a 180 on CS or terrorism or even horse "abuse", but it's something.
So my take on this is that you want or expect me to join in the opinion of a short bus representing the mentally and physically retarded persons, and I have no business denying it.

And you your self are not willing to try to change that ignorant and hateful perspective, and you disapprove of my efforts, and that you see me as being dishonest or blind in denying the popular insults of retarded person and of their infamous short bus.

So I say you and you kind can think and say and post your filth about me as about my retarded friends, but I reject your claims and I will resist that kind of ignorance forever more.


Seriously Jimmy, give it a rest...

You are starting to sound like the Waterboy;



J.P. Cusick
The rock.

Your take is wrong then.

I never said that the short bus representing the mentally challenged is an opinion. I stated that it's a fact.

And it is a fact.

It's an UGLY fact, but fact it is.

I also said that being unwilling to acknowledge this is denial. And denial it is.

I do deny it, and we have here in our own home SMC here with our own STS public Bus that uses only short buses and it is primarily subsidized for the elderly and the disabled, but the general public rides the local bus too, and any citizen that has a mental illness or a retardation is welcome to ride along if they are functionally able to ride along with the public.

I ride the STS Bus often as I am both a member of the public and a disabled citizen, and the short bus is NOT viewed as being in any negative or derogatory way.

And the icon here on this forum is a short "SCHOOL BUS" so calling it as some negative insult is doubly perverted.

Your claim of supporting the ideal but your self never using it - is a pathetic claim.

Perhaps even farther is that the idea that the name "retard" is mis-used as a negative insult is a big part of the name-calling because a retarded person is one that was either born with the defect or had an injury that caused the retardation, and even if I see a bus of any size or shape that carries retarded people then I still do NOT view it as any insult or in any negative context.



J.P. Cusick
The rock.

It would not hurt to have another point to your campaign. A lot of politicians have several of them.

You're like a person who chooses to begin investing in the Stock Market, but instead of spreading your money around, you drop it all on one stock saying, "This is my winner! Nothing will ever go wrong with this one!" :lol:

It is a matter of honesty and of priority, in that my foremost objective is to reform the evil Child Support and Custody laws.

And I would love to do other things too and hopefully I can do more, but nothing else will have that same priority.

It also locks myself in to the one issue, so that I myself can not waver after the fact.

You have mentioned this "plan" to come up with "extra" money to presume the ability to solve numerous issues. Do you have any idea how much money would be saved by eliminating CS enforcement?

No, I have no idea, and any savings would probably take a couple years as it will take time to take down the thievery programs.

I usually just repeat that same rhetoric just to bring the subject back to the subject.

And that does not make it a lie as it is just an unknown equation.

How about any idea how much money will need to be put into beefing up public aid once you have relieved all the non-custodials of their financial responsibility?

I do not see any increase in Public assistance at all because the Child Support is totally irrelevant to any real need.

In fact the poorest of poor families on welfare do not get their Child Support even when the State successfully steals the loot as the State keeps the cash itself and does not let the children have the money.

Or any idea how much money will be needed for your smaller project ideas, such as that new mental hospital?

No, I have no idea, and as I said it was just an idea and not a new platform issue.

Maybe it could be financed more-so by public contributions and public groups with lots of support from the State Governor.

Or are you making up stuff as you go along without any reference to reality, as you are famous for?

Making-up-stuff is another way of saying "to-have-vision" and ideals and foresight and that is the task of any competent leader to make up stuff that will help and improve our society.

Reality often comes later.
