JP for Governor.


In My Opinion
Well now Im hurt
out of everyone on here, there is a very good chance that I am the only one that voted for him against hoyer.

and he wont even respond to me.:cds:

F-ing politicians. take and take and take, but want to give nothing back.


J.P. Cusick
Rock and roll.

Who are their real parents? :confused:

:buddies: That question seem confusing to me, but as a direct and honest answer - the real parents are the biological Mom and Dad.

And just because a Custodial and the Courts declare a different person as the Mom or Dad the real parent remains the biological parent only.


J.P. Cusick
Rock and roll.

Well now Im hurt
out of everyone on here, there is a very good chance that I am the only one that voted for him against hoyer.

and he wont even respond to me.:cds:

F-ing politicians. take and take and take, but want to give nothing back.

:howdy: Sorry bcp but you are still a nasty rotten jerk and I have a hard time getting past that to reply to your comments.

You are just way WAY out of my league. :patriot:


J.P. Cusick
Rock and roll.

I understand that.
:howdy: First, thanks for the waver icon.
But what I'm saying is what happens when Mom has custody but is dead broke,
:popcorn: Whether it is a Mom or Dad that has custody - then they never ever end up dead broke unless the custodial is throwing their resources away (and some really do waste their assets), and if the custodial is wasting or misusing their money so the child(ren) are neglected then they need to be removed from that custody.

See parents with children always have access to assistance of various kinds and if a custodial needs anything ANYTHING for a child then they only need to report their need to the proper places and the custodial with child will be provided with food, clothing, housing, cash, any medical or dental, and much more.

So there is no-such-thing as a dead broke custodial unless the custodial is dysfunctional or stupid.
and Dad has plenty of money but just doesn't want to help pay for the child?
:bigwhoop: In our present system the separated parents are portrayed as selfish and unloving but it is just a slander and not true.

There are many separated parents that do not want to be robbed by child support and the parents do not want child support stealing their money and I say God bless those parents and we need to stop the injustice going on.
Or abandons the child altogether, not seeing it at all or helping to raise it.
:popcorn: This is a really big problem in that the parents are forcible separated from their children and it needs to be stopped.

And I do see that people blame the separated parents and that is one of the most ugliest things done by the injustices of child support.

It is our present unjust and corrupt child support laws that steals the children from the separated parents, and the present system that alienates and degrades the separated parents and then blames the same separated parents for the actions of the system.

All one has to do is stop viewing the separated parents as some kind of inhuman monster and start seeing the separated parents as human beings with human feelings and as human parents, because that way we all can see that nobody / no parent is separated from their own children except by force.
What happens then?
:whistle: What happen "then" under our present system is brutal injustices, but when we make improvements then we can start helping to promote and protect the family unit as we do not do now.



J.P. Cusick
Rock and roll.

oh and welcome back, JP!

:dye: Well thank you for that welcome and it feels great to be back on Board.

I have been off this Forum for a year and a half and I missed the debates and the conflicts and it took me a while to detox from it.

And I knew I was going to run for Governor a year and a half ago but I felt I could not return here until I factually registered as a candidate and that took me a lot of patience.

This time the campaign is going to escalate much more then ever before - at least this is the plan. :yahoo:


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
See parents with children always have access to assistance of various kinds and if a custodial needs anything ANYTHING for a child then they only need to report their need to the proper places and the custodial with child will be provided with food, clothing, housing, cash, any medical or dental, and much more.

So it is back to making the tax payers pay for what the deadbeat parent should be paying for.

Your are a typical dysfunctional, victim minded, Democrat that thinks that they are owed something just because they were born. The ONLY thing you are owed is an equal chance. If you blow it, then guess what? Tough. Too bad; so sad.

There are plenty of people that started in poor families that have gotten wealthy by hard work; something you know nothing of.


Lem Putt
(c) The General Assembly, by the affirmative vote of three-fifths of all its members in joint session, may adopt a resolution declaring that the Governor or Lieutenant Governor is unable by reason of physical or mental disability to perform the duties of his office. When action is undertaken pursuant to this subsection of the Constitution, the officer who concludes that the other officer is unable, by reason of disability to perform the duties of his office shall have the power to call the General Assembly into Joint Session. The resolution, if adopted, shall be delivered to the Court of Appeals, which then shall have exclusive jurisdiction to determine whether that officer is unable by reason of the disability to perform the duties of his office. If the Court of Appeals determines that such officer is unable to discharge the duties of his office by reason of a permanent disability, the office shall be vacant.

Who's your lieutenant?

By the way, Jimmyhat, I'll switch parties and vote for you in the primary. Anything to defeat the Dems in the general election! If we had done that last year, we would have a Republican representing us right now instead of that lying, self serving, POS typical Democrat.

I read thru this whole thread and I only got one thing out of it..... Wanna know what it is?

I am sick to death of Rock and Roll.


In My Opinion
:howdy: Sorry bcp but you are still a nasty rotten jerk and I have a hard time getting past that to reply to your comments.

You are just way WAY out of my league. :patriot:
Now coming from someone that abandoned their family and did nothing to help while his wife died from cancer, someone that suggests its ok to not help pay for the children because they have all they need from the government.

that cuts me, that really cuts me.. hard.:drama:

I shall begin sending your posts to the Annapolis news media, or, maybe the Omalley re-election committee, they should get a kick out of this. as much as I do.
still, since Maryland is already so screwed up, I believe I would have to vote for JPC just for the 2 months of laughs before he was forced out of office.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
You guys are mean. But it's good that JPC get used to this sort of thing before he becomes governor and has the media breathing down his neck. :yay:

JPC, I hope you beat MOM in the primary, I sincerely do. :clap:


The mighty Al-Sonsie!
Wow. I never thought we'd see this guy again. I'd like to say it's gonna be interesting but I seriously doubt he has gained any IQ points since he buggered off...:coffee:


In My Opinion
Wow. I never thought we'd see this guy again. I'd like to say it's gonna be interesting but I seriously doubt he has gained any IQ points since he buggered off...:coffee:
you know, I think you are right.
we can see this in his home page, he has a one track mind. Child support, as in you shouldnt have to pay.

but, dont fear JPC, I the a-hole will help. I will outline a very simple plan to get you a win in the state.
This plan is based on one thing.
Most people dont know anything about you. That in your case is a plus. lets keep it that way.

step one.
forget about the child support, dont even mention it. here is why.
Most of the dead beat dads are out of the state. You wont get there vote, that leaves the mothers trying to raise the children on their own, do you think that telling them that they dont deserve any assistance from the father is going to get you their vote? NO.
so, you are trading off a bunch of no votes for a whole bunch more possible votes.
Drop the child support ideas until you are elected, then sneak it in. You are a dem, you should be good at this.

You are running your campaign on a southern Maryland web site, not good. the people that might vote for you are in PG county, and Baltimore City with a few stragglers in Montgomery and Howard. The plus? they dont know you.

base your campaign on the fact that white people are stingy, they try to keep the blacks down by not allowing proper and equal funding to the schools. Tell them that you are going to give more money to these locations and less to the white areas.

next claim that the basis of a strong community is in the private business that sets up in that community.
again lie, tell them that you are going to be offering set up money, no taxes on new business and incentives to hire within the community for the locations mentioned.

Explain how those on welfare should not be living below poverty, how its the states responsibility to support them in an equal manner that the stingy working whites are living in.

Use your dead wife as an example of your hardship and your understanding of how the medical insurance industry lets us down.

now, go work on this and get a plan. go to your website and change it, drop the child support. get rid of the MJ link to youtube.
Oh, and beg for money, they all do it and it is expected.

see, Im here to help.


In My Opinion
almost forgot.
paint your bronco pink (brushing by hand with a good interior latex is fine) and put a Liza wig on the hood.
This will get you the gay vote.


They call me ... Sarcasmo
I'm waiting for the illegal immigration and sanctuary city policies to become public...


:patriot: Greetings.

I just want to introduce myself as being the next Governor of the State of Maryland.

Campaign website is HERE.

The registration with the State Board of Elections was done on Tuesday.

My name is James P. Cusick Sr., but I will be listed on the Democratic Party election ballot as just "J.P. Cusick", as I see that having a better ring to it.

Democrats rock! :larry:

Oh no not again! :killingme

Just what we need another deadbeat governor. :cds: