JP for Governor.

Dimwit Child

Chaos and Mayhem
"Lt Govenor" candidate

Achieved a High School Diploma. Went to SMC for 2 years. Forced out of the Civil Service. Never graduated college. Doesnt know a computer from a kangaroo. Its all b%lls%it. Never "retired". Forced from civil service for mental instability. Suffered a stroke shortly thereafter. Real PITA when he doesnt take his "quiet down old man and behave" medecine.

They're both loons! Neither of them should even be allowed to vote let alone run for office!!!!


Professional Hater
I suppose we could try to legalize marijuana or at least stop prosecuting it in Maryland.

I do believe it is possible that medical use of marijuana could pass and I would support that.

And as Governor then one of my first task would be to order the release of all non violent prisoners.

But these are ideas and not changing my platform of ending the injustices of the Child Support and Custody laws.


Wouldnt having multiple platforms help gather votes?


Methodically disorganized
Wouldnt having multiple platforms help gather votes?
:lmao: That presumes he genuinely wants to win.

He has picked the wrong side of a minor issue, directly insulted the voting public and executes the entirety of his 'campaign' via online forums. Even his confused mind can not be surprised that he has been such a big loser.


New Member
You really do need to get educated about mental illness, and it does not apply to persons with different beliefs than your self.

If anyone reads the US Constitution's Bill of Rights then anyone can see the many rights that apply to protecting criminals against the lynch-mobs and from the law. See particularly Amendments 4, 5, 6, 7 and Amendment 8, link HERE.

So by this then all those that singed onto the US Bill of Rights must have been mentally ill too - not.

In fact the Bill of Rights was particularly drafted to prevent the demands of fault finders and accusers like your self.
Where in the heck do you get off telling me I need to educate myself. I have every right to speak my opinion. I do believe your mentally ill. You have higher reguards for criminals then you do the victims. I would say that to anyone that thought convicted criminals were more important then the victims.

You can twist and spin my words all you want. I'm not accusing anyone of a crime. I'm not talking about lynch-mobs or the rights of criminal getting a fair trial, etc. I'm replying about, YOUR cold hearted remarks that was clearly directed towards the victims of a crime.
Originally Posted by VoteJP - I must admit that I never have liked the idea of victim statements or of victim's right because our US "Bill of Rights" is not designed that way, and governments do not work that way either.
Let me be clear, I'm talking about VICTIMS giving a impact statement and victim's rights to do so. Victims have every right to give a impact statement in court. A victim's impact statement aren't givin until after the criminal is found guilty. So the family members have every right to give a impact statement for their love one that was killed by the hands of another. We also have a law that's called, Freedom of Speech.

You tell the family members of a love one that was killed by a drunk driver, they can't make a impact statement.
You tell the family members of a love one that was killed by a child molester, they can't make a impact statement.
You tell the family members of a love one that was killed by a stray bullet, they can't make a impact statement.
You tell the family members of a love one that was killed by a stranger, they can't make a impact statement.

The list goes on and on. So go ahead, You tell all the victims of a crime that their voice doesn't matter.
If you don't understand where I'm coming from, you never will.


Methodically disorganized
So go ahead, You tell all the victims of a crime that their voice doesn't matter.
I doubt he would have any trouble with that. He stood over his wife's grave and admitted that he was not sorry for running out on her - while his son was there, I believe. Presenting such a cold, disconnected attitude is one of the common sociopath's most adept traits.


New Member
I doubt he would have any trouble with that. He stood over his wife's grave and admitted that he was not sorry for running out on her - while his son was there, I believe. Presenting such a cold, disconnected attitude is one of the common sociopath's most adept traits.
It's sad, I do believe your right.

I just came across that I read today, I was a bit shock.
Which I shouldn't have been. After all, that I have read so far.

Someone said that, O'Malley was for criminals, if so, in what way, do you know?


Methodically disorganized
Someone said that, O'Malley was for criminals, if so, in what way, do you know?
Not me. I know he's anti-death penalty and as anti-gun as any Leftist politician, but he did sign that new self-defense bill a few weeks ago.

Maybe your source meant illegal criminals - O'Malley can't do enough for them. His desktop background is probably a glittery, heart-laden image with "I ♥ Illegals". Other than that, I can't be sure how he could be for criminals.


Methodically disorganized
It's sad, I do believe your right.
Right about Jimmy being a sociopath? That is unequivocally true. We went around about this a long time ago; he denied it, but then enjoyed it. Going by this list, see how many things you can check off with reference to him.

· Glibness and Superficial Charm
· Manipulative and Conning
· Grandiose Sense of Self
· Pathological Lying
· Lack of Remorse, Shame or Guilt
· Shallow Emotions
· Incapacity for Love
· Need for Stimulation
· Callousness/Lack of Empathy
· Poor Behavioral Controls/Impulsive Nature
· Early Behavior Problems/Juvenile Delinquency
· Irresponsibility/Unreliability
· Promiscuous Sexual Behavior/Infidelity
· Lack of Realistic Life Plan/Parasitic Lifestyle
· Criminal or Entrepreneurial Versatility
I am sure you can see how many of these fit without specific examples. Then consider: imagine you had never spoken with Jimmy, would you want your future governor to have ANY of those qualities?


J.P. Cusick
Mr Short-Bus.

Wouldnt having multiple platforms help gather votes?

There are principles that apply in campaigning strategies and none are perfect.

As like an incumbent will want to cover many platform issues because they have the advantage and such can overwhelm any competitor.

For 2 or more strong competitors as like no candidate being an incumbent, then multiple platform issues are thrown out to see which issues stick with a large contingency of voters and which do not.

For an underdog where the balance is severely uneven and the incumbent is rich and entrenched then the underdog must have as few platform issues as possible, and just one issue has to take down the top dog.

Of course my platform of Child Support and Custody reform is not what most people would expect, but that is super important in my perspective, and I would not want to be the Governor without addressing and reforming those evil laws.



New Member
Right about Jimmy being a sociopath? That is unequivocally true. We went around about this a long time ago; he denied it, but then enjoyed it. Going by this list, see how many things you can check off with reference to him.
· Glibness and Superficial Charm
· Manipulative and Conning
· Grandiose Sense of Self
· Pathological Lying
· Lack of Remorse, Shame or Guilt
· Shallow Emotions
· Incapacity for Love
· Need for Stimulation
· Callousness/Lack of Empathy
· Poor Behavioral Controls/Impulsive Nature
· Early Behavior Problems/Juvenile Delinquency
· Irresponsibility/Unreliability
· Promiscuous Sexual Behavior/Infidelity
· Lack of Realistic Life Plan/Parasitic Lifestyle
· Criminal or Entrepreneurial Versatility
I am sure you can see how many of these fit without specific examples. Then consider: imagine you had never spoken with Jimmy, would you want your future governor to have ANY of those qualities?
Yes, I agree he's a sociopath. It fits him to a tee.


J.P. Cusick
Mr Short-Bus.

They should put a picture of JPC on their web site and a link to JPC's campaign page.

I do not see why they did not put a picture of me on that website either, and they do not have a link to my website either.

There is no objections to do that from me.

Of course maybe and probably they knew that my handsome picture may win votes for me, and that my website would set the record straight as it surely would.



New Member
Of course maybe and probably they knew that my handsome picture may win votes for me,
and that my website would set the record straight as it surely would.
:barf: :barf: You really know how to turn someone stomach. :barf: :barf:

Your website has no real meat and potatoes. :lmao:


I do not see why they did not put a picture of me on that website either, and they do not have a link to my website either.

There is no objections to do that from me.

Of course maybe and probably they knew that my handsome picture may win votes for me, and that my website would set the record straight as it surely would.


If you want a lot of votes, post a poll on SOMD asking everyone if they thought you were totally nuts. I suspect you'd get all the votes you need to be elected F'tard of the Forums.


This made me think of JPC, .... is that wrong?


  • people who rock.jpg
    people who rock.jpg
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J.P. Cusick
Mr Short-Bus.

This made me think of JPC, .... is that wrong?

Me being disabled does not include me using a wheelchair.

I do have some trouble walking and more trouble standing but I do not use or need a wheelchair.

I do have the handicap decal so I can park in handicap parking spaces but I only park in those places when my injuries are inflamed or if I know some thing heavy has to be carried out.

As to rocking then us Democrats rock.



JP's Favorite Heckler
I do have the handicap decal so I can park in handicap parking spaces but I only park in those places when my injuries are inflamed or if I know some thing heavy has to be carried out.

Yeah, sure, you probably abuse the handicap sticker like you abuse the "Historic" Bronco registration tags you got so you could save money on the fees.


J.P. Cusick
Mr Short-Bus.

Yeah, sure, you probably abuse the handicap sticker like you abuse the "Historic" Bronco registration tags you got so you could save money on the fees.

When you stoop low like that with baseless accusations and petty claims then it shows your own intentions as being malicious and dishonorable.

I wish you could share in the appreciation of my truck and the respect for my disabilities, but when you do not then the lacking is inside thy self.

In better cases it is a high compliment to be judged by our intentions - and you are missing the mark.
