JP for Governor.


JP's Favorite Heckler
When you stoop low like that with baseless accusations and petty claims then it shows your own intentions as being malicious and dishonorable. I wish you could share in the appreciation of my truck and the respect for my disabilities, but when you do not then the lacking is inside thy self. In better cases it is a high compliment to be judged by our intentions - and you are missing the mark.

I don't take suggestions or preaching from someone with your background seriously in the least. I laugh at your naivete and pity your delusional state of mind.


J.P. Cusick
Mr Short-Bus.

I laugh at your naivety and pity your delusional state of mind.

Well I am happy to hear that since many of my postings are funny and facetious and being funny makes it fun.

Comedy and humor are some powerful political weapons - and that is so very true.



New Member
There's nothing funny about your post at all. I fine them down right stupid.

:killingme Here you think you can be governor. Dream On :killingme


J.P. Cusick
Mr Short-Bus.

There's nothing funny about your post at all. I find them down right stupid.

:killingme Here you think you can be governor. Dream On :killingme
Somewhere we are failing to communicate because you show the laughing icons and you give it along with your words as being funny while at the same time saying there is nothing funny.

So that confuses me.

If you and others find it funny as I too see it as funny, and I am the one making it funny, then is not that the point that it is indeed funny?

Picture me as the Governor in the State Limousine touring all of Maryland from the western mountains through the eastern shore and to southern Maryland and into Baltimore and then driving me back to the Governor's mansion in Annapolis - and that is funny!



Methodically disorganized
So that confuses me.
:lmao: That is far from the only thing that confuses you, however.

How is your campaign to be the biggest gubernatorial loser in MD history coming along? When will your Lt. Loser be joining the forums to help promote your issue?


J.P. Cusick
Mr Short-Bus.

:lmao: That is far from the only thing that confuses you, however.
I am happy that you can see the comedy in it all.

There certainly will not be any confusion after election day coming soon.

How is your campaign to be the biggest gubernatorial loser in MD history coming along?

It is coming along excellent, and I get such blessings along the way that I feel that God is on my side.

And the best miracle of them all is that I win even when I lose. :killingme

When will your Lt. Loser be joining the forums to help promote your issue?

The forums are my game as I am the troubadour of postings.

Other people do as they do best.



Methodically disorganized
There certainly will not be any confusion after election day coming soon.
You got that right. I am sure the consensus will be unavoidably clear. :lmao:

And the best miracle of them all is that I win even when I lose.
I guess that perspective makes sense when you are so accustomed to losing and have nothing to lose in running - you can't appear as a bigger crackpot than you already do.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
The forums are my game as I am the troubadour of postings.

Yeah, Mr. Shortbus HVP. How do ya like them apples? :razz:

Somewhere we are failing to communicate because you show the laughing icons and you give it along with your words as being funny while at the same time saying there is nothing funny.
He got you there, Geruch.

How's the campaign coming along, JPC?


J.P. Cusick
Mr Short-Bus.

How's the campaign coming along, JPC?

My campaign is progressing super well and I could not have asked for much better.

The fact be-told-now is that I had a very difficult time getting started and had lots of complications at first and so now it is smoothed out and running on much better to the finish line of election day.

I am still getting contacts from PAC groups and I do some times fill in their candidate questions but many I do not as the PACs are not always well done.

I do not expect any public debate as done before - until after I win the primary!

The last couple months are always the most active and intense and I am ready.



Methodically disorganized
The last couple months are always the most active and intense and I am ready.
I know this is asking a lot since you can hardly ever reply with a straight answer, and you don't know the meaning of the word "plan", but... could you expand on being "ready"? What does that mean? During one of your previous election runs you waited until the last week or two and ran an ad in The Enterprise. Is that your super-duper-ultra-secret weapon this time too, or is it some other morsel of strategic genius that we can't yet imagine?


J.P. Cusick
Mr Short-Bus.

JPC, you're going to be facing these questions in the debates so you might as well work on your answers now. :yay:

And I'll be honest - at least you DO answer the questions. O'Malley and Steny never did that.


Yesterday Friday I was contacted by the ABC News, New York, and they want me to send them my "official" picture to be used on TV for the nationwide News coverage of the "Mid-Term 2010" election night results.

And yes they get my website and my platform too, so the end of the Child Support extortion and the Custody stealing of children is a message going nationwide.

Three cheers.



J.P. Cusick
Mr Short-Bus.

I know this is asking a lot since you can hardly ever reply with a straight answer, and you don't know the meaning of the word "plan", but... could you expand on being "ready"? What does that mean? During one of your previous election runs you waited until the last week or two and ran an ad in The Enterprise. Is that your super-duper-ultra-secret weapon this time too, or is it some other morsel of strategic genius that we can't yet imagine?

Yes, of course it is some secret strategic genius weapon that can not yet be imagined.

It is like you know the answer before you ask the question.

We are ready for a campaign victory coming as a miracle.

And if that is not funny then we need to have some humor lessons.



J.P. Cusick
Mr Short-Bus.

Hip hip hooray! :thewave:

JPC, I'm considering changing my voter registration from "unaffiliated" to Democrat just so I can vote for you in the primary.


I thank you for the cheer and the show of approval for my campaign.

I say it would be a show of intelligence and an act of high civil responsibility to vote for my candidacy to Office, and this is the right time to do it now.

To change political Party must be done by August 24, 2010 deadline, link HERE, and you do have to sign the document which can be done at the MVA or go directly to our local Board of Elections in Leonardtown, link, as it takes them some 2-3 weeks to get it processed.

The Democratic Party can be changed and improved into whatever we believe is right.



New Member
Difference Between Republicans and Democrats

A Republican and a Democrat were walking down the street when they came to a homeless person. The Republican gave the homeless person his business card and told him to come to his business for a job. He then took twenty dollars out of his pocket and gave it to the homeless person.

The Democrat was very impressed, and when they came to another homeless person, he decided to help. He walked over to the homeless person and gave him directions to the welfare office. He then reached into the Republican's pocket and gave the homeless person fifty dollars.

Now you understand the difference between Republicans and Democrats.



J.P. Cusick
Mr Short-Bus.

OH GOOD LORD!!! :roflmao:

I got a questionnaire from a local "Planned Parenthood" and I figure it might be interesting, attached below in Microsoft Word.

I deleted their contact info, and I highlighted the questions, but otherwise the document is accurate.



  • Planned Parenthood Questionnaire.doc
    34.5 KB · Views: 84


J.P. Cusick
Mr Short-Bus.

you missed this part

Did you wife work to support herself and your son after you abandoned them?

My case is referred to as legally "abandoned" but the wife and son were still both fine with everything they needed.

She took on some part times jobs over the years, but my wife was a stay-at-home Mom when married to me, and she remained mostly a stay at home Mom with her second son for the rest of her life, as she died of a cancer at the young age of 38. God bless her soul.

So when you become governor, will you immediately pardon all prisoners accused/charged with crimes of desperation? Basically the same as you letting all those in jail for CS go free. Would the type of crime make a difference? Like maybe you let the robbers go but not those who murdered, or would it be a clean sweep of anyone who acted in "desperation"?

That is an excellent idea, and I do hope to quickly release all non violent prisoners.

The violent prisoners would need to be given a more thorough evaluation.

I was gonna ask if you wanted any cheese to go with that whine.....but then I remembered you probably already have all the gubbermint cheese you need to overflowing.

The govt cheese was many years ago as I have not heard of that in 20 or maybe 30 years ago.

If they would give out some of that free wine then that would go over much better.

You keep complaining about the rich. As Governor, will you donate your salary to one of your favorite charities as Ralph Jaffe has pledged to do?

No way, as I am going to take my full pay as Governor including the perks.

I say Jaffe is wrong in that pledge as the Governor needs to be paid.



JP's Favorite Heckler
My case is referred to as legally "abandoned" but the wife and son were still both fine with everything they needed. She took on some part times jobs over the years, but my wife was a stay-at-home Mom when married to me, and she remained mostly a stay at home Mom with her second son for the rest of her life, as she died of a cancer at the young age of 38. God bless her soul. That is an excellent idea, and I do hope to quickly release all non violent prisoners. The violent prisoners would need to be given a more thorough evaluation. The govt cheese was many years ago as I have not heard of that in 20 or maybe 30 years ago. If they would give out some of that free wine then that would go over much better. No way, as I am going to take my full pay as Governor including the perks. I say Jaffe is wrong in that pledge as the Governor needs to be paid. :shortbus:
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