JP for Governor.


Methodically disorganized
My case is referred to as legally "abandoned" but the wife and son were still both fine with everything they needed.
... everything except a dad, a part of the equation that you now claim is indispensable. Thank goodness for her second husband. :yay:

That is an excellent idea, and I do hope to quickly release all non violent prisoners.

The violent prisoners would need to be given a more thorough evaluation.
So the violent ones could potentially be released also. I'm sure the voters will appreciate the notice of what to expect.

Will you ease up on the gun laws at the same time you're releasing all these criminals or should people plan or purchasing other items with which to defend themselves?


JP's Favorite Heckler
So the violent ones could potentially be released also. I'm sure the voters will appreciate the notice of what to expect.

Will you ease up on the gun laws at the same time you're releasing all these criminals or should people plan or purchasing other items with which to defend themselves?

Please! Allow me to answer that!

The Second Amendment is the right to use firearms against people and not to hunt animals. Just shoot me!


J.P. Cusick
Mr Short-Bus.

So the violent ones could potentially be released also.

A violent crime does not in itself mean that the person is violent, or that they pose any future threat.

We must not allow our fears to rule our decisions, or at least I will not.



Methodically disorganized
A violent crime does not in itself mean that the person is violent
Of course not, because as you have taught us, the law forces people to do things they wouldn't normally do. It's always the law's fault - never any responsibility on the back of the poor criminal.

or that they pose any future threat.
... unless they get desperate again and have to go shoot, maim, or assault someone for a meal. As long as they don't have to go into one of those slave jobs it's okay.


New Member
A violent crime does not in itself mean that the person is violent, or that they pose any future threat.

We must not allow our fears to rule our decisions, or at least I will not.
There you go kissing up to the criminals again. How Sweet

People that commit violent crimes, tend to be repeat offenders.


JP's Favorite Heckler
:howdy: I got a big write-up in the Annapolis Newspaper today.

Link = Court records dog some candidates • (Top Stories Annapolis, MD - The Capital)

I got the bottom or end of the article which is always the best place, and they told about my big platform of reform, and even told how my jail term was my non violent civil disobedience.

You poor thing. Where does it say anything about your jail term being non violent civil disobedience? Are you expecting those who never heard of you to "read between the lines" again? Was "It came out perfect and beautiful … " the only part of your email worth quoting? How about you showing us the entire email?

Your "big article" didn't spend a lot of copy on you. But you did beat out O'Malley. I'm impressed.

I used Microsoft Word to get a word count from the article.

Words about James King: 265
Robert Eckert: 263
Scott W. Dibiasio and Jason W. Papanikolas: 142 (Combined)
Brian K. McDaniel: 126
Jim Rosapepe: 119
John Kane (Mary's husband): 119
James P. Cusick: 75
George Law: 69
John Booze: 58
Zina Pierre: 52
Jim Rosapepe: 51
Tony McConkey: 40
Ken Eidel: 37
Martin O'malley: 33


Methodically disorganized
I got a big write-up in the Annapolis Newspaper today.
Only you could be pleased with an article that opens with, "In political campaigns, there is rarely anything that can hurt a candidate more in the present than allegations about his or her past." :lmao:

Funny how when there is a thread that you begin to ruin with your trash and someone responds you say, "This thread is not about me," yet when there is an article where you are one one-hundredth of the content, you boast about it like it's all about you.

I did find one of the lines regarding you to find a nice symbiosis with the [first] reader comment:
Cusick has had numerous stints in jail for protesting those rules...
A hot mess - 2010-08-01 11:23:29

If a canidate keeps running afoul of the law,why should you want him or her to represent you.


JP's Favorite Heckler
Funny how when there is a thread that you begin to ruin with your trash and someone responds you say, "This thread is not about me," yet when there is an article where you are one one-hundredth of the content, you boast about it like it's all about you.

Excellent point!


Methodically disorganized
It should also be noted...

... that you are under the sub-heading "Lesser-known statewide candidates have had some legal issues as well."

Doesn't seem as though your thousands of hours of online campaigning have gotten you far.


:howdy: I got a big write-up in the Annapolis Newspaper today.

Link = Court records dog some candidates • (Top Stories Annapolis, MD - The Capital)

I got the bottom or end of the article which is always the best place, and they told about my big platform of reform, and even told how my jail term was my non violent civil disobedience.

Rock and roll.


Wow, Jimmy. You must be so excited. You got so much attention today. You made the papers. I'll bet you are celebrating with your family and friends. Oh, I forgot. You don't have any family or friends. Sorry! Oh, well. at least you made the paper and can sleep tonight knowing that your name will end up in the bottom of so many litter boxes.


JP's Favorite Heckler
Wow, Jimmy. You must be so excited. You got so much attention today. You made the papers. I'll bet you are celebrating with your family and friends. Oh, I forgot. You don't have any family or friends. Sorry! Oh, well. at least you made the paper and can sleep tonight knowing that your name will end up in the bottom of so many litter boxes.

Aw cut it out, Highlander. You just made soda come out of my nose!:evil:


J.P. Cusick
Mr Short-Bus.

Funny how when there is a thread that you begin to ruin with your trash and someone responds you say, "This thread is not about me," yet when there is an article where you are one one-hundredth of the content, you boast about it like it's all about you.

This thread here is about me.




JP's Favorite Heckler
Would someone please start another thread or two about Jimmy? He needs more attention.

Yeah, you can do that here, but the Baltimore Sun has closed or deleted the 2 most recent threads that he hijacked. One he opened himself and disguised it as "Democratic Primary 2010" but it was solely about him. The Sun closed it recently. They gave him and all other candidates an official candidate's blog, but he doesn't use it for anything. He's only made 3 posts to that one, the last one being on July 13. He clearly doesn't know what he's doing considering how he publicly exposes himself to so much ridicule and disrespect on the internet. If he did this much harm to himself in everyday life outside of the internet, he would be hospitalized and put in a straight jacket.
Last edited:


New Member
I thought only teens use that word, "Duh", Guess not.

JP, this thread is about you but so are a lot of other threads as well.
I was wondering, You ever get tired of saying the SOS, same old stuff?

BTW, That article really put you in a positive light, not.
I don't care how you spin it. What you did was childish.


J.P. Cusick
Mr Short-Bus.

I thought only teens use that word, "Duh", Guess not.

You guess right, because that word is said by both young and old as even babies say it, and it is said worldwide.

It fact it is pronounced the exact same way in every language in every culture throughout humanity.

JP, this thread is about you but so are a lot of other threads as well.
I was wondering, You ever get tired of saying the xxx, same old stuff?

Actually when the same old stuff is interesting then to repeat it is not hard nor tiring to do.

A famous quote goes like this (but I do not remember the exact words): The art of conversation is to be able to discuss the same thing over and over again and still find it interesting each time.

BTW, That article really put you in a positive light, not.
I don't care how you spin it. What you did was childish.

The words that Jesus Christ said was that His followers are to become like little children, Matthew 18:3, and He really means "children of God" and not "childish" as you call my actions.

The article delivered the message that I wanted delivered and that is the important point, and it went directly to Annapolis the Capital of Maryland and on the Internet too, so I am well pleased with it.



You guess right, because that word is said by both young and old as even babies say it, and it is said worldwide.

It fact it is pronounced the exact same way in every language in every culture throughout humanity.

I am going to have to call BS on this one!!!!

I was married to a woman from Spain for about 14 years and never once did she or her family ever speak the word DUH. I have visited Italy dozens of times, picked up the language and never heard the word spoken there either. I took advanced French in 8th grade - then 4 years in High School and again never heard the word DUH.

JP - you will have to prove from a credible source (not Wikipedia) your assertion that the word is spoken in EVERY culture throughout humanity. I am also willing to wager that your friends - the Arabs - don't speak the word either...