JP for Governor.


JP's Favorite Heckler
A famous quote goes like this (but I do not remember the exact words): The art of conversation is to be able to discuss the same thing over and over again and still find it interesting each time.

You have not even closely mastered the art of conversation if that quote is what defines it because the only things most people here find interesting, if not annoying, are your many symptoms of a psychological problem. A parrot has better talents in the art of conversation than you have.

How's that for a run-on sentence?


J.P. Cusick
Mr Short-Bus.

I am going to have to call xx on this one!!!!

I was married to a woman from Spain for about 14 years and never once did she or her family ever speak the word DUH. I have visited Italy dozens of times, picked up the language and never heard the word spoken there either. I took advanced French in 8th grade - then 4 years in High School and again never heard the word DUH.

JP - you will have to prove from a credible source (not Wikipedia) your assertion that the word is spoken in EVERY culture throughout humanity. I am also willing to wager that your friends - the Arabs - don't speak the word either...

What I posted is an absolute fact and an immaculate truth and I can not believe anyone would dare to challenge such a grand declaration of such super brilliance.

The proof surely is not in Wikipedia as people are expected to use their own brains and their vision to see into the great beyond and know the absolute truth just by de-facto.

Just because you never heard it in French or Spanish or Italian does not nullify such an immaculate reality as this one.

Consider it as like this in any language on earth in all of humanity throughout the eons and the ages, that in response to "JP this thread is not about you" and the only possible reply in any language is the exact same by being the famous and worldwide expression of "duh", and it sounds exactly the same all through history in every corner of the world - yes it does.

And of course it is spoken in Aramaic too, as they had the word before the English language existed.



What I posted is an absolute fact and an immaculate truth and I can not believe anyone would dare to challenge such a grand declaration of such super brilliance.

The proof surely is not in Wikipedia as people are expected to use their own brains and their vision to see into the great beyond and know the absolute truth just by de-facto.

Just because you never heard it in French or Spanish or Italian does not nullify such an immaculate reality as this one.

Consider it as like this in any language on earth in all of humanity throughout the eons and the ages, that in response to "JP this thread is not about you" and the only possible reply in any language is the exact same by being the famous and worldwide expression of "duh", and it sounds exactly the same all through history in every corner of the world - yes it does.

And of course it is spoken in Aramaic too, as they had the word before the English language existed.

:shortbus: got me...NOT!!!!! Show me where it states the word was derived from Aramaic BEFORE the English language existed (unless we were speaking something else prior to the 1960s)....

Main Entry: duh
Pronunciation: \ˈdə, usually with prolonged ə\
Function: interjection
Date: 1966
1 —used to express actual or feigned ignorance or stupidity
2 —used derisively to indicate that something just stated is all too obvious or self-evident

Duh - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

Here is another site:

Origin: 1963

In 1963, the New York Times Magazine explained the usefulness of this little word: "A favorite expression is 'duh.'... This is the standard retort used when someone makes a conversational contribution bordering on the banal. For example, the first child says, 'The Russians were first in space.' Unimpressed, the second child replies (or rather grunts), 'Duh.'"

Well, duh. It's a no-brainer. It began as an outward expression of a slow-witted cartoon character's mental processes, as in a 1943 Merrie Melodies movie: "Duh.... Well, he can't outsmart me,' cause I'm a moron." Later in the twentieth century it blossomed into every man, woman, and child's condescending exclamation upon hearing a self-evident and thereby unnecessary remark. It is so simple that it is one of the first verbal weapons learned by children, so effective that it stays in their linguistic arsenal as they grow to adulthood. For maximum effect, duh can be extended long and loud, with an extra twist in the pitch of the voice.

Because it stoops to the presumed mental level of the remark on which it comments, duh can backfire, implying that the perpetrator rather than the recipient is dimwitted. But since most of us are not Rocket Scientists (1985), who cares? We've made our point, regardless. Duh!

duh: Definition from

Or how about this...

duh  /dʌ; often pronounced with a dentalized d/ Show Spelled[duh; often pronounced with a dentalized d] Show IPA
(used to express annoyance at banality, obviousness, or stupidity.)
Use duh in a Sentence
See images of duh
Search duh on the Web


1960–65, Americanism

Duh | Define Duh at


Methodically disorganized
the second child replies (or rather grunts), 'Duh.'
I think this is a key part. 'Duh' is a pretty simple word, and it's easy to see how people, even young people who are learning to talk and those in early civilizations, could make the sound "duh" without intending to say the word as we understand it.

I'd take it light on Jimmy for not seeing the difference; his childlike brain is easily confused.


J.P. Cusick
Mr Short-Bus.

You poor thing. Where does it say anything about your jail term being non violent civil disobedience? Are you expecting those who never heard of you to "read between the lines" again? Was "It came out perfect and beautiful … " the only part of your email worth quoting? How about you showing us the entire email?

Your "big article" didn't spend a lot of copy on you. But you did beat out O'Malley. I'm impressed.

I used Microsoft Word to get a word count from the article.

Words about James King: 265
Robert Eckert: 263
Scott W. Dibiasio and Jason W. Papanikolas: 142 (Combined)
Brian K. McDaniel: 126
Jim Rosapepe: 119
John Kane (Mary's husband): 119
James P. Cusick: 75
George Law: 69
John Booze: 58
Zina Pierre: 52
Jim Rosapepe: 51
Tony McConkey: 40
Ken Eidel: 37
Martin O'malley: 33

I simply must say that your obsession with me is going way too far.

Being a political heckler is one thing but you have exceeded heckling.

Your avatars are about me and your location is about me and your home page website is about me and that shows an unhealthy obsession.

The idea is that you are to speak for yourself and have your own identity and not to feed off of me.

You have gone too far out into an unhealthy circumstance. FYI.


Fishn Guy

That's Dr. Fishn to you..
I simply must say that your obsession with me is going way too far.

Being a political heckler is one thing but you have exceeded heckling.

Your avatars are about me and your location is about me and your home page website is about me and that shows an unhealthy obsession.

The idea is that you are to speak for yourself and have your own identity and not to feed off of me.

You have gone too far out into an unhealthy circumstance. FYI.


It sure is funny to watch though... :1bdz:


I simply must say that your obsession with me is going way too far.

Being a political heckler is one thing but you have exceeded heckling.

Your avatars are about me and your location is about me and your home page website is about me and that shows an unhealthy obsession.

The idea is that you are to speak for yourself and have your own identity and not to feed off of me.

You have gone too far out into an unhealthy circumstance. FYI.


Awwww JP - you left me I think I am going to weep....

However, I caught you in a fib...expounding the truth...a bold faced lie...and yet you can not defend your stance against an obvious truth. The manly thing to do is to admit you were blowing smoke up my butt and move on...Admit to us you ae no different than any other politician and will say and do whatever you feel you need to do to move your personal agenda.


JP's Favorite Heckler
I simply must say that your obsession with me is going way too far.

Being a political heckler is one thing but you have exceeded heckling.

Your avatars are about me and your location is about me and your home page website is about me and that shows an unhealthy obsession.

The idea is that you are to speak for yourself and have your own identity and not to feed off of me.

You have gone too far out into an unhealthy circumstance. FYI.


Yeah, I'm codependent.

I was wondering when I was going to get a response from you.

What's the matter, am I getting on your nerves? Telling too much about you? You've got so much stuff out there that it will probably take until the primary election for me to finish what I'm doing. You won't hear from me after you lose.

So call it an obsession if you want. I consider it my job as a citizen.

And don't forget what you said...

Not liking a poster on an Internet Forum is small peas compared to our enemies at home. Codependency Discussions at DailyStrength: How to Avoid Engaging in Futile Discussions


JP's Favorite Heckler
I simply must say that your obsession with me is going way too far.

Being a political heckler is one thing but you have exceeded heckling.

Your avatars are about me and your location is about me and your home page website is about me and that shows an unhealthy obsession.

The idea is that you are to speak for yourself and have your own identity and not to feed off of me.

You have gone too far out into an unhealthy circumstance. FYI.


You evaded the question again.

How about you showing us the entire email?

And you are correct in one thing. My avatar of you is giving me the creeps. I was waiting to hear from you before I changed it.


Methodically disorganized
And don't forget what you said...
Not liking a poster on an Internet Forum is small peas compared to our enemies at home.
Not to mention when he said:
As to the Internet Forums they are designed (not purposely designed) that way in that most posting are hostile or in argument because this is how human being discuss things.
So if anyone ever did agree with him, it would necessarily violate JP's #1 Rule of Internet Discussions.

The fact remains that in 2008 I got 19,067 votes just in 5th District including 1,194 votes here in St Mary's County
Going back through that old post, I thought I'd pull this out also. Did you know that Fred Phelps - scumbag leader of the Westboro Baptists - did better than you when he ran for KS Senator?
Phelps has run in various Kansas Democratic Party primaries five times, but has never won. These included races for governor in 1990, 1994, and 1998, receiving about 15 percent of the vote in 1998. In the 1992 Democratic Party primary for U.S. Senate, Phelps received 31 percent of the vote. Phelps ran for mayor of Topeka in 1993 and 1997.
At least you should be able to beat his governor election numbers. If not, that'll look really pathetic.


JP's Favorite Heckler
The Obsessive Heckler

Part III

The idea is that you are to speak for yourself and have your own identity and not to feed off of me.

No, the idea is to give you as much publicity as I can. You ought to thank me, The Truth Is Clear and MarylandCitizen. If it wasn't for us, you'd hardly have anything recent on the search engines. Nobody's going to be searching for VoteJP if they want to find out anything about you.

I am best to be the Obsessive Heckler because I am the only one that will get the word out about you, and without me as the Obsessive Heckler then it will not get done by any means. J.P. for MD Governor - Herald-Mail Forums

Are you regretting of your own words now?
I write what I mean and I mean what I write. Plus I intend to be held accountable for all I say and all I do so I will not play with words.
It is okay to be on the search engines... You could change your name if that really worries you. I have my own real name on several other Forums and sites and it is okay... We must not allow other people or strangers to be a threat or an intimidation to us. J P "Booky" Cusick Sr


What I posted is an absolute fact and an immaculate truth and I can not believe anyone would dare to challenge such a grand declaration of such super brilliance.
The proof surely is not in Wikipedia as people are expected to use their own brains and their vision to see into the great beyond and know the absolute truth just by de-facto.

Just because you never heard it in French or Spanish or Italian does not nullify such an immaculate reality as this one.

Consider it as like this in any language on earth in all of humanity throughout the eons and the ages, that in response to "JP this thread is not about you" and the only possible reply in any language is the exact same by being the famous and worldwide expression of "duh", and it sounds exactly the same all through history in every corner of the world - yes it does.

And of course it is spoken in Aramaic too, as they had the word before the English language existed.


I called you out JPC - proved that you were WRONG - and yet you can not respond...

At least admit it when you are wrong. People can't think any less of you anyway (as proven in these forums).

A little lesson for you though - if you are going to use terms like "absolute fact," "immaculate truth," "grand declaration" and "super brilliance" you had better have facts to back it up.


J.P. Cusick
Mr Short-Bus.

I called you out JPC - proved that you were WRONG - and yet you can not respond...

At least admit it when you are wrong. People can't think any less of you anyway (as proven in these forums).

A little lesson for you though - if you are going to use terms like "absolute fact," "immaculate truth," "grand declaration" and "super brilliance" you had better have facts to back it up.

It is a joke, as it is meant to be funny and one needs to have some sence of humor.

I said the "duh" to hvp for obvious reasons, and then I gave a funny excuse for the word to Geruch, and then you jumped in all serious and pompous so I gave you an even more ridiculous barrage in a hope that you would see the point that it is "funny" which it is.

Now I did not lie as it is the same international word throughout all of humanity while at the same time it is me being facetious and funny.



JP's Favorite Heckler
Extra! Extra! J P Cusick Gets Put Down Hard

It's finally happened! For everyone's reading pleasure.
Wow, you are a strange dude, and you are the first one that I have ever truly backed off from and I have done forums for many years.

I certainly disagree with everything you posted but any debate with you is hereby dead as even I can not go there.

You might see it as a victory but I say not.

Maybe other posters have stressed you out and so that would explain such extreme defensiveness as that is my guess, but there is no discussion going on with your postings and you are a first for me.

To get back to this thread topic then I refer back to my posting #2 as I cheer on Bootsy as she showed me a cool aspect of President Eisenhower that I had not known before.

Salam alaikum.
Read all about it.


It is a joke, as it is meant to be funny and one needs to have some sence of humor.

I said the "duh" to hvp for obvious reasons, and then I gave a funny excuse for the word to Geruch, and then you jumped in all serious and pompous so I gave you an even more ridiculous barrage in a hope that you would see the point that it is "funny" which it is.

Now I did not lie as it is the same international word throughout all of humanity while at the same time it is me being facetious and funny.


So, it is you being funny...yet you go ahead and make the same stupid remark about it being used throughout all humanity....guess you were being funny again....

Have you checked out my non-scientific poll recently? 41 votes and 10 (24 percent) for you...Gee I guess maybe the others in SOMD land do not see your humor either. Looks like you will not be shut out in the primary..but it will be ugly for you. I can't wait to see your concession speech. Wait a minute, I might be the only one in attendence!!!! You bring the popcorn and I will supply the sodas.


New Member
Actually when the same old stuff is interesting then to repeat it is not hard nor tiring to do.
For me, it actually gets quite boring reading the same old stuff.

It's clear to me that, You want to "Eliminate" child support and custody laws. And it's clear to me that, Your doing this so that non-custodial parents wouldn't be put in jail for disobeying a court order to pay child support.

But yet, You can't tell me the percentage of non-custodial parents that actually go to jail for non support.
You talk and talk but you show no proof to back up your claim.

The article delivered the message that I wanted delivered and that is the important point, and it went directly to Annapolis the Capital of Maryland and on the Internet too, so I am well pleased with it.
Who do you think is going to vote for someone with a child like mine?
When you sat in your vehicle thinking of how to get revenge against the government. Because you got put in jail for disobeying a court order to pay child support. You was only thinking about yourself.

You said, You gave a funny excuse. I seen nothing funny about it. It was down right STUPID.

I think the word Duh, is use when a teens have nothing intelligent to say. Or their just trying to be a smart @ss. That's my impression of the word. In my world, I never heard a adult say that word. Duh sound more like a slang word. Then something a intelligent person would say.
Last edited:


J.P. Cusick
Mr Short-Bus.

So, it is you being funny...yet you go ahead and make the same stupid remark about it being used throughout all humanity....guess you were being funny again....

Yes, of course that was funny too, and I do a lot of humor on the Forums as it makes the discussions as less intense and more fun to do.

I am a very funny person and people do have great fun when I am around.

A person really can not take on a serious subject and do a serious task without a healthy sense of humor, because otherwise the seriousness will tear the person(s) down.

With me as Governor then we will have great fun tearing down the evil Child Support and Custody laws. :getdown:

Have you checked out my non-scientific poll recently? 41 votes and 10 (24 percent) for you...Gee I guess maybe the others in SOMD land do not see your humor either. Looks like you will not be shut out in the primary..but it will be ugly for you.

This Forum has a large number of mindless Republicans, and they talk big and vote in the polls but I am a Democratic Party candidate, and the vote is only in the Democratic Party primary so their Republican votes do not count.

After my primary victory THEN it will be the Republicans that get crushed under the call for reform.



New Member
This Forum has a large number of mindless Republicans, and they talk big and vote in the polls but I am a Democratic Party candidate, and the vote is only in the Democratic Party primary so their Republican votes do not count.

After my primary victory THEN it will be the Republicans that get crushed under the call for reform.

You have No Proof that the persons that voted are Republicans, now do you.

I'm a register Dem, It be a cold day in hell before I vote for a nut case like you.

Can't wait until Sept. 14th, when I can vote for anyone but you.