JP for Governor.


JP's Favorite Heckler
That is just a trick.

Or call it a campaign ploy.

How do you feel about being largely ignored outside of the forums? I get the feeling from the way you draw attention to yourself by toying with people and spray painting buildings that you really can't stand to be ignored.

That's not supposed to be a rhetorical question. I really want to know.


New Member
The link to J P Cusick, Sr.'s response to the League of Women Voters has been made available. Cusick Responds to LWV Questionnaire

Discuss amongst yourselves.

Hmmmm these are just his canned answers, same answers word for word that he gave to another group recently (can't remember who)

BUT does anyone know if any of this is even remotely true?

Class President and Valedictorian Great Mills High School, MD. University of Maryland 3 masters degrees in Computer Science, Psychology and in Advanced Mathematics. 6 years US Marine Corp, served in Korean conflict. Retired civil service. Naval Aviation Logistics, Pax NAS, Computer Analyst GM 17.


JP's Favorite Heckler
Hmmmm these are just his canned answers, same answers word for word that he gave to another group recently (can't remember who)

BUT does anyone know if any of this is even remotely true?

I don't know but I do know that he and Cusick met in prison and you can find Lang on the Maryland Judiciary Search database.

Why would anyone put "Class President and Valedictorian Great Mills High School, MD." on a resume? It's kind of sad. He must be very proud about that.

I am proud that I was Captain of the school safety patrol but I don't put it on my resume.


J.P. Cusick
Mr Short-Bus.

How do you feel about being largely ignored outside of the forums? I get the feeling from the way you draw attention to yourself by toying with people and spray painting buildings that you really can't stand to be ignored.

That's not supposed to be a rhetorical question. I really want to know.

The thing about this is that if it was some one other then your self then I might have sent the other person over to you "thunderclapp" to get the answer and now you ask such a blind dumb question that I am perplexed by it.

This is like asking why the sky is not blue, from a sky watcher.

You yourself have posted the link from the "League of Women Voters" which is one of the (if not the) largest sources of campaign info in the USA, and you have seen stories about my campaign in the Baltimore Sun being the biggest Newspaper for the largest city in Maryland, and you know of other info given outside of these forums - so the sky is blue if one looks up at it.

And my most significant place of NOT being ignored will be on the voters' ballot on election day, as that is the one biggest place where I will not be ignored and that is the place that counts the very most.

So do you know of some place where I am being particularly ignored? I do not see any such a thing.



JP's Favorite Heckler
So do you know of some place where I am being particularly ignored? I do not see any such a thing.

No, not you particularly and that is not what I meant. You're taking it personally. You aren't the only candidate that is being ignored. The only candidates we really hear about are Martin and Robert. The articles you refer to are merely a pittance, an obligatory nod to the "fringe candidates". I believe that part of the reason these were written is because people like CountryGal, Geruch, breezie, me and others have ASKED those sources to take a look at you. The reason Adam Meister posted your website many months ago, along with the other "fringe candidates" was because I personally sent info about you to him. He couldn't single you out so he included other candidates.

All candidates were sent the questionnaire from the League of Woman Voters, which is a good thing. I give them credit for informing the public about ALL of the candidates.

It's all about what you have referred to, the status quo. So like I said, it was a serious question because it is a known fact that all but the 2 most famous candidates are being ignored. You flew off the handle with your response and became very defensive. I think you need to get some sleep or something because your response didn't help you look "presidential".


I don't know but I do know that he and Cusick met in prison and you can find Lang on the Maryland Judiciary Search database.

Why would anyone put "Class President and Valedictorian Great Mills High School, MD." on a resume? It's kind of sad. He must be very proud about that.

I am proud that I was Captain of the school safety patrol but I don't put it on my resume.

The funniest thing about these 2 ass clowns is simple. His running mate is more qualified to run the state than JPC is.

Also, his running mate has the common sense NOT to mention he was in the slammer - whereas Jimmy boy BRAGS about it!!! I wonder if these 2 stay up late at night drinking Geritol and debating the merits of full past disclosure?


WOW!!!! You can't be that freaking stupid, can you????

most poor do not know how to appreciate their experience

By your own admission, you are not very well off (disabled and all), yet you went out and bought a flat screen TV!! Why can't you live by your own words and have a 13 inch black and white TV??? Appreciate the little things in life and not worry about having "the nice things."

JPC - once again you have ignored a simple request for info as it appears as though I have caught you yet in another lie...I have quoted my original statement above and plead with you to answer my simple question.

If it is better to appreciate being poor - why did you go out to better your situation and neglect the "appreciation of the experience of being poor?"


J.P. Cusick
Mr Short-Bus.

You aren't the only candidate that is being ignored. The only candidates we really hear about are Martin and Robert. The articles you refer to are merely a pittance, an obligatory nod to the "fringe candidates".

It's all about what you have referred to, the status quo. So like I said, it was a serious question because it is a known fact that all but the 2 most famous candidates are being ignored.

That is the system we have.

This is how our democracy functions.

It is very difficult to beat any incumbent as the incumbent has the huge advantage in every way conceivable.

And usually the incumbents do usually win their re-elections.

This is also a big part of the reason for wanting "term limits" because the status quo rules unless some thing really rocks the boat.



JP's Favorite Heckler
That is the system we have.

This is how our democracy functions.

It is very difficult to beat any incumbent as the incumbent has the huge advantage in every way conceivable.

And usually the incumbents do usually win their re-elections.

This is also a big part of the reason for wanting "term limits" because the status quo rules unless some thing really rocks the boat.

Agreed. Thank you.


J.P. Cusick
Mr Short-Bus.

JPC - once again you have ignored a simple request for info as it appears as though I have caught you yet in another lie...I have quoted my original statement above and plead with you to answer my simple question.

If it is better to appreciate being poor - why did you go out to better your situation and neglect the "appreciation of the experience of being poor?"

It is because our society does not allow citizens to be poor or in poverty, and so poor people are harassed and forced into compliance with the societal demands.

In our society then I myself am very poor as a disabled citizen, and I am in our American style of poverty with everything being subsidized, and if I reject the public assistance then I would likely be put into jail or into some Institution or care center.

The few (and I mean few) people that do remain as homeless are some truly hard and determined children of God.



J.P. Cusick
Mr Short-Bus.

I know it is funny.

Sad but true.

We do live in a peculiar society with us peculiar people.

Agreed. Thank you.

That response surprised me,

so I shall follow-up below.

The articles you refer to are merely a pittance, an obligatory nod to the "fringe candidates". I believe that part of the reason these were written is because people like CountryGal, Geruch, breezie, me and others have ASKED those sources to take a look at you. The reason Adam Meister posted your website many months ago, along with the other "fringe candidates" was because I personally sent info about you to him. He couldn't single you out so he included other candidates.

I was hoping for you guys to do well and it was hard for me to cheer you all onward while letting you think it was offending me.

The idea is to stir up attention and you guys did a great job for me.

Now is as rightful a chance as any to give you each my thanks.

All candidates were sent the questionnaire from the League of Woman Voters, which is a good thing. I give them credit for informing the public about ALL of the candidates.

The League of Women Voters are one tough group and they get stuff done, and they are doing this kind of work all across the USA, and not even the status quo shuns that League.

The League of Women Voters is the foremost leader in providing campaign info and events and of promoting democracy in the USA and it is no small deed.

You flew off the handle with your response and became very defensive. I think you need to get some sleep or something because your response didn't help you look "presidential".

Perhaps I have misjudged you?




It is because our society does not allow citizens to be poor or in poverty, and so poor people are harassed and forced into compliance with the societal demands.
In our society then I myself am very poor as a disabled citizen, and I am in our American style of poverty with everything being subsidized, and if I reject the public assistance then I would likely be put into jail or into some Institution or care center.
The few (and I mean few) people that do remain as homeless are some truly hard and determined children of God.


So society FORCED you to buy a flat screen TV??? Once again, you evaded my question...Why not experience the appreciation of being poor?? Why did you go out and get the TV?? Did society force you to do that??? I say you should live by your own words...

Nobody FORCED you to file for your disability claims. The last I heard, it was a VOLUNTARY thing to do. Once again, society did not put your pen to that piece of paper.

You do not have to have things subsidized...there are jobs that will allow you to sit down...cashier at Aldi's, secretary, etc....ohhh wait a minute...if you were to do anything like that, that would mean you are a productive member of society...and that goes against every fiber of your being...


JP's Favorite Heckler
I know it is funny.

Sad but true.

We do live in a peculiar society with us peculiar people.

That's funny too

The idea is to stir up attention and you guys did a great job for me.

Come on, you know I have always known that. That's why I figure you actually like the stuff I do, except for when I get nasty sometimes like I know I do.

Perhaps I have misjudged you?


You've got good reason to think I'm a jerk.

The thing about me is that I'm spontaneous and moody. I'm not as sane as you may think I am. :) And there's a whole other side of me that I think you would be very surprised to see.

So, I can't apologize for being nasty because I'll probably do it again and I don't want to make a promise that I can't keep. And I just cannot bring myself to ignore you when you say something that I think is outrageous. it's a matter of principle with me.


In My Opinion
It is because our society does not allow citizens to be poor or in poverty, and so poor people are harassed and forced into compliance with the societal demands.

In our society then I myself am very poor as a disabled citizen, and I am in our American style of poverty with everything being subsidized, and if I reject the public assistance then I would likely be put into jail or into some Institution or care center.

The few (and I mean few) people that do remain as homeless are some truly hard and determined children of God.

I dont understand why you dont like me then.
I have always said that welfare should be ended, this would in your own words stop society from forcing the lazy into compliance with the societal demands.
dont work? F-ing starve. in just a few short years we end poverty in a natural way.


Methodically disorganized
And my most significant place of NOT being ignored will be on the voters' ballot on election day
Well, you did pay the fee and meet the requirements, so it's not like the state can turn you away. :shrug: That does not, however, guarantee you a certain number of votes, or any votes at all.

I would likely be put into jail or into some Institution or care center.
You deserve to be in some institution or care center, but that is completely independent of your income level. :yay:

The idea is to stir up attention and you guys did a great job for me.
That is true to an extent. Sane people realize they have to create good attention. Clearly, you are not one of those people because you brandish views that disgust pretty much everyone who encounters you. You'd probably get more votes if you said nothing at all and relied merely on people arriving at the poll and saying, "I don't want to vote for O'Malley, so I'll vote for... this guy."


J.P. Cusick
Mr Short-Bus.

So society FORCED you to buy a flat screen TV??? Once again, you evaded my question...Why not experience the appreciation of being poor?? Why did you go out and get the TV?? Did society force you to do that??? I say you should live by your own words...

Nobody FORCED you to file for your disability claims. The last I heard, it was a VOLUNTARY thing to do. Once again, society did not put your pen to that piece of paper.

You do not have to have things subsidized...there are jobs that will allow you to sit down...cashier at Aldi's, secretary, etc....ohhh wait a minute...if you were to do anything like that, that would mean you are a productive member of society...and that goes against every fiber of your being...

Because the law broke me.

I fought the law and the law won.

Plus the fact that I have severe injuries which make living very hard on me, so if I were still healthy then I might be out living wild and free but I am not healthy and I have huge health limitations.

As to the big TV then I am going to need that as Governor, and I expect the Mansion to provide free HD satellite and cable service.

And my religious duty comes before any other consideration, and that means running for Governor over rides my own desires of living wild and free even if I did have the health to do that.

Being Governor is a productive member of society as I will then have a job.



In My Opinion
Being Governor is a productive member of society as I will then have a job.

being governor is only productive if you are a productive governor.
you will not be able to accomplish that.
You would still be the leech on society that you currently are, only living in a bigger subsidized house.