JP for Governor.



I was wondering the same thing...he wanted the challenge then dropped off the face of the Earth when I cornered him on some "facts" he threw out.

It might be because I challenged him to come up with some concrete numbers for inmates, money to feed the inmates he would free, how much would the Gov't save from the child support crap he was spreading, etc...

I never heard from him since - so I attribute that to the basic "blowing of smoke" that he is so famous for.

At the bottom of the forum page, you can see who is currently logged on. I have not seen VOTEJP since Saturday or Sunday.

C'mon JPC - your peeps are calling you out!!!!


JP's Favorite Heckler
At the bottom of the forum page, you can see who is currently logged on. I have not seen VOTEJP since Saturday or Sunday.

You can also look at a message he has posted and just above "post reply" on the left side, the little circle will be green if he is online.

If you click on his name and then click "view public profile", the right side will show a user's last activity. he is online now as I am typing this at 12:57 pm Tuesday.


You can also look at a message he has posted and just above "post reply" on the left side, the little circle will be green if he is online.

If you click on his name and then click "view public profile", the right side will show a user's last activity. he is online now as I am typing this at 12:57 pm Tuesday.

I followed your advice and clicked on his VoteJP profile and found this:

Last Activity: 08-08-2010 05:41 PM

Unless he has a 2nd account on SOMD...which would not surprise me in the least.

I have the feeling he is acting like a silent fart...lurking around...waiting to sneak out and gag us with his "knowledge."


JP's Favorite Heckler
I followed your advice and clicked on his VoteJP profile and found this:

Last Activity: 08-08-2010 05:41 PM

Unless he has a 2nd account on SOMD...which would not surprise me in the least.

I have the feeling he is acting like a silent fart...lurking around...waiting to sneak out and gag us with his "knowledge."

Silent but deadly.

It was different when he was logged in earlier. It appears that the date and time of last activity is actually the date and time of the last message he posted, which is true in this case. When he was logged in, it showed today at 12:42 or something close to that. A user can also make themselves invisible which he may have done after reading our messages but that is only a possibility. I'm not saying that I think he did that.


Methodically disorganized
he wrote a book, I did a search on "Cusick Codependency"
I haven't really wondered until now, but I can't find much on that. Looks like he put it out just a year and a half ago and it's already out-of-print - perhaps because he self-published it. Amazon doesn't even have a price on it; although, they do give it a rank: 4,496,046, and I'm curious how close to the bottom that is. :lol:

The Daily Strength forums are the worst because in order to push his book, he tried to come across as an expert psychiatric counselor .
Yeah, that's pretty low of him. Just because he's "read a lot" doesn't mean he knows anything, but an unsuspecting person in need might not realize that if Jimmy could use enough fancy words.

Somebody with as many mental disorders as he should be the recipient of lifelong counseling, not the dispenser of it.

When I clicked on it, it showed his address AND a google earth type picture of his house with his Bronco parked on the street. It was an absolute total accident.
:lol: I'm going to have to look that up as well.


New Member
Silent but deadly.

It was different when he was logged in earlier. It appears that the date and time of last activity is actually the date and time of the last message he posted, which is true in this case. When he was logged in, it showed today at 12:42 or something close to that. A user can also make themselves invisible which he may have done after reading our messages but that is only a possibility. I'm not saying that I think he did that.

I don't believe you are mistaken. Before I posted this my last activity was.
Last Activity: Today 02:28 PM
Viewing Thread JP for Governor. @ 02:28 PM

It is correct that you can be invisible but it still will show your last activity. Whether you post or not.

Edit To Add;

Now I'm invisible it shows last activity before posting this.
Last Activity: Today 02:36 PM
Viewing Index Southern Maryland Community Forums @ 02:36 PM

I think your seeing things Thunder.
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JP's Favorite Heckler
I don't believe you are mistaken. Before I posted this my last activity was.
Last Activity: Today 02:28 PM
Viewing Thread JP for Governor. @ 02:28 PM

It is correct that you can be invisible but it still will show your last activity. Whether you post or not.

How strange! Eveyone's profile shows the last activity, even while they are online, but yours doesn't have that info when I look at it and you are online now. You have more powers than I realize!


New Member
I haven't really wondered until now, but I can't find much on that. Looks like he put it out just a year and a half ago and it's already out-of-print - perhaps because he self-published it. Amazon doesn't even have a price on it; although, they do give it a rank: 4,496,046, and I'm curious how close to the bottom that is. :lol:
This is the title of his book

Guide to Codependency, A: Making the Condition Understandable to Anyone Who Wants to Know
Author name J.P. Cusick

First he try to sell it for, $14.95, then $19.95 and now $24.95
I have the pics to prove it. Book is made through Publish American
That's a lot for such a small 6 x 9, 84 page paperback book.

I would post the link but it's against terms and condition.
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New Member
How strange! Eveyone's profile shows the last activity, even while they are online, but yours doesn't have that info when I look at it and you are online now. You have more powers than I realize!

I may have powers after all JP did call me a witch. I could be a witch you never know. lol


According to the list on the bottom of the forums page, he is on line now (3:26pm Tuesday)...hopefully he comes into OUR house to play!!!!


He left at 4:05 and never strolled into this forum. He spent all of his time in the religions forum debating 2 people in there.

It would seem as though he bit off more than he could chew in this forum and has decided to haunt some people he thinks he can win against.


I haven't really wondered until now, but I can't find much on that. Looks like he put it out just a year and a half ago and it's already out-of-print - perhaps because he self-published it. Amazon doesn't even have a price on it; although, they do give it a rank: 4,496,046, and I'm curious how close to the bottom that is. :lol:

Yeah, that's pretty low of him. Just because he's "read a lot" doesn't mean he knows anything, but an unsuspecting person in need might not realize that if Jimmy could use enough fancy words.

Somebody with as many mental disorders as he should be the recipient of lifelong counseling, not the dispenser of it.

:lol: I'm going to have to look that up as well.

I do not know how reliable these numbers are - but I might have a beginning number for you:

Here's the latest numbers

Books on Kindle
Showing 1 - 12 of 263,225 Results

Amazon Books
Showing 1 - 12 of 26,392,246 Results

I post this with a caveat.

I think they shouldn't be able to count repeat books in the count. To say they have 260,000 books is misleading when 127 are Tom Sawyer, 141 Pride and Prejudice, 57 versions of wuthering heights, 377 of 20,000 leauges under the sea, 54 Treasure Island, and 125 Huckleberry Finn's. I'm sure we could easily go up into the thousands by repeat books.

Link here:

Amazon & Kindle book numbers


Keep Calm and Don't Care!
You poor thing. Where does it say anything about your jail term being non violent civil disobedience?

Right here

One of the most colorful court records belongs to James P. Cusick, a Democrat from Hollywood, who is running on a platform to change child support and custody laws.

Cusick has had numerous stints in jail for protesting those rules with acts such as spray-painting public buildings like the State House with the words "Child support thieves" and "Thou shalt not steal."

"It came out perfect and beautiful … " he wrote in an e-mail.

Oh, wait a minute, it doesn't. :ohwell:


Still nothin' from him. Wonder if this is how he'll act as Governor, when things don't go his way, he'll just ignore everyone? Or just ignore the ones that don't agree with him.

I see he's sticking to the religion forums. And apparently he is smoking something serious tonight, he's talking about negotiating with terrorists. For anyone who isn't in that thread, what is wrong with this man? Can he really be serious about that?
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JP's Favorite Heckler
Still nothin' from him. Wonder if this is how he'll act as Governor, when things don't go his way, he'll just ignore everyone? Or just ignore the ones that don't agree with him.

I see he's sticking to the religion forums. And apparently he is smoking something serious tonight, he's talking about negotiating with terrorists. For anyone who isn't in that thread, what is wrong with this man? Can he really be serious about that?

He is trying very hard to get people's attention on the Sun forums. It's pretty comical. Very child like. Most people are ignoring him even in the thread about his favorite topic of child support.

That is talking about me "J.P. Cusick" in the last three sentences, which of course is the best location in any News report when there are many references. I say the reporter did my campaign the best of service since she directly told that my campaign platform was to reform the Child Support and Custody laws which is correct indeed, and that is the message that I want transmitted. And she wrote that my spray paintings were political "protesting" which did come out "perfect and beautiful". May God bless her - and the Annapolis Newspaper too. Baltimore Sun talk forum - View Single Post - "Court records dog some candidates"


First Lady Tours Maryland State House

I just hope that when they told the First Lady of the USA of the history of our Maryland State House - that they rightly informed her of the historical event in the year 2000 when it was spray painted as an act of non violent civil disobedience with the famous words of "Child Support thieves" and "Thou Shalt not steal" written in spectacular red spray paint on the pillars of our State House.

This account is true, and I myself did that deed, and now this is part of our Maryland historical record. Baltimore Sun talk forum - View Single Post - First Lady Tours Maryland State House

He just can't take the heat he was getting here.


New Member
He is trying very hard to get people's attention on the Sun forums. It's pretty comical. Very child like. Most people are ignoring him even in the thread about his favorite topic of child support.
James P. Cusick Sr. is very much like a child in the way he thinks.

He's like a teenage kid that threw a fit because he had to do something that he didn't want to do. So he goes out and spray graffiti onto some buildings. Then he brags about it afterwards, even years later. He thinks it's cool. That's something to be proud of. He doesn't seem to realize it makes him look stupid and childish.
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Methodically disorganized
Wonder if this is how he'll act as Governor, when things don't go his way, he'll just ignore everyone?
Either that or threaten to punch or shoot them - and then back down from it. :lol:

And apparently he is smoking something serious tonight, he's talking about negotiating with terrorists.
Oh, "negotiating" is an improvement over what he has said many times. He has continually proffered that the Muslims have given us "peace" terms and, if we comply, they will halt their violence. What he glosses over, of course, is that to them the only way to earn peace is to become one of them, otherwise you are an infidel... no other way about it.

And yes, he is serious because he's a wacko America hating fascist. Part of his delusion is he thinks no one realizes that.

Don'tVoteJP said:
the historical event in the year 2000
:killingme He really does think quite a lot of himself. I once googled for articles concerning his spray-painting tantrums and found nothing. I'm glad thunderclapp posted that one article from the newspaper archives or I would have thought the incidents had passed completely into oblivion without so much as a blurb.