JP for Governor.


New Member
Still nothin' from him. Wonder if this is how he'll act as Governor, when things don't go his way, he'll just ignore everyone? Or just ignore the ones that don't agree with him.

I see he's sticking to the religion forums. And apparently he is smoking something serious tonight, he's talking about negotiating with terrorists. For anyone who isn't in that thread, what is wrong with this man? Can he really be serious about that?

I suggested that he go into the lion's den and test the courage of his convictions that the terrorists would listen to him instead of hiding out over here in safety. Instead he said what I suggested was sickening and that devolved into calling anyone who didn't agree with him cowardly, unchristian, etc.
So he deflected the question, which suggests that he is all those things he called everybody else. I suppose his faith isn't as strong as he claims it is nor his confidence in his muslim"friends".


That is the beauty of it.

Like a rare treasure of great value which only the few get to enjoy.

Yet you continuously brag about it as if you are proud of what you had done and the way it portrays you.

I know when I have something of "beauty" I want to parade it around and show my friends...why not do the same for us and parade around the links to the articles...

Seriously, it can't hurt your image - you have bragged about it on your VOTEJP web page - so what have you got to hide???


Methodically disorganized
only the few
Would that be you and your 10 favorite voices in your head?

Let me ask this: has anyone ever praised or thanked you for doing the spray painting? Has anyone ever told you they changed their mind on child support after reading your "masterpiece"?


J.P. Cusick
Mr Short-Bus.

Let me ask this: has anyone ever praised or thanked you for doing the spray painting? Has anyone ever told you they changed their mind on child support after reading your "masterpiece"?

You really understand nothing of this.

It was myself that sang the praises and thanked God for the deed, as it was my offering of praise and thanksgiving so surely no one is to praise or thank me.

And the deed was not done for the benefit of my friends or allies as it was done to and for my enemies.

So even today the deed is still being used as my weapon, and my enemies still stand behind that "masterpiece".

So I say - thank you Jesus, and praise be to God, amen.

It is when my enemies curse me and as they condemn me then that is my thanks and my praise coming through to me.



New Member
What I think happen was JP got tired of living on the street. So he had to think of away to get arrested. By doing something that would land him in jail for a few years.

After all, He's the only one that benifitted. He got free room and board on the taxpayers. Think about it. From his record no sooner he would get out of jail. He would be back in jail. Even in 2000 he was homeless.

I don't doubt that a few homeless people have broken the law, in order to have a roof over their head. Free food, etc. Their probably thinking anything is better then living on the streets.


J.P. Cusick
Mr Short-Bus.

What I think happen was JP got tired of living on the street. So he had to think of away to get arrested. By doing something that would land him in jail for a few years.

After all, He's the only one that benifitted. He got free room and board on the taxpayers. Think about it. From his record no sooner he would get out of jail. He would be back in jail. Even in 2000 he was homeless.

I don't doubt that a few homeless people have broken the law, in order to have a roof over their head. Free food, etc. Their probably thinking anything is better then living on the streets.

You must be a spoiled brat with a pampered life to say such uninformed nonsense.

The truth is that the homeless people are constantly harassed by the police, and living outside is great fun and exhilarating except for the police harassments and the societal pressures.

And the jails are not comfortable, and everyone in jail wants to get out of there.

Of course by your logic the only reason that I am running for Governor is so then I will get to live in the Mansion and ride in the Limo.

"Ain't it da truth."



New Member
You must be a spoiled brat with a pampered life to say such uninformed nonsense.

The truth is that the homeless people are constantly harassed by the police, and living outside is great fun and exhilarating except for the police harassments and the societal pressures.

And the jails are not comfortable, and everyone in jail wants to get out of there.

Of course by your logic the only reason that I am running for Governor is so then I will get to live in the Mansion and ride in the Limo.

"Ain't it da truth."
You can say what you will but I'm neither spoiled nor do I live a pamper life.
Unlike you I have to work for a living. I'm not sitting on my buns waiting for a handout.

You need to read a few articles. You may think living on the street is fun.
You don't speak for all homeless people. Others have a different view on being homeless.

Being homeless is a tough life for some. That's the truth.

Jenifer has testified he's been committing crimes so police will put him in jail.

Homeless Airplane thief gets nine months in jail.

Homeless man stab another homeless man.

Homeless in Hagerstown

Homeless ‘brothers’ reflect on their lives.

Three homeless men share stories.

About 25 homeless people had to leave.

Annual count uncovers local homeless camps.

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J.P. Cusick
Mr Short-Bus.

You need to read a few articles. You may think living on the street is fun.
You don't speak for all homeless people. Others have a different view on being homeless.

Being homeless is a tough life for some. That's the truth.

It is tough to be homeless and I know that.

My point was that being put into jail is worse than being homeless.

People really do not go to jail to avoid being homeless, and even in winter when some homeless will break the law to get shelter in jail then it is because jail is better than dying.

And it makes a huge difference when one first becomes homeless as people do panic and drop into depression where as a person being homeless a few times of for over a year and then the person becomes changed in mind and in attitude.

Super rich people will jump out of their office windows if they go down to only a few million dollars as they can not face being poor, so some working class people will kill them self when they lose their job, and many people that become homeless will freak out.

It was very hard on me when the thieving Child Support put me out on the streets, but I did have a car at first and there was another Man too living in his car so it was easier having a friend out at the same time. Then the Child Support put me in jail again and I lost my car and got thrown out homeless again then I went over to the SMC Circuit Court house and slept on the front door steps as I figured the thieves putting me out to die then I would do it in their face and eyes. That is how I got my "trespassing" charge, and when I got released (4 moths jail for my trespassing) then I went back to live at the Courthouse again and the cops stopped arresting me as I refused to leave and they did not want me in jail, so I lived at the SMC Courthouse for several months until I decided to spray paint the building with my own epitaph of "Child Support is legalized thieves" and such as that in green spray paint.

So being homeless is tough, but with a right attitude to make the best of it then being homeless is a wild adventure.



Methodically disorganized
It was very hard on me...
Yes, everyone knows your self-inflicted sob story. :coffee:

So being homeless is tough, but with a right attitude to make the best of it then being homeless is a wild adventure.
And one day that former homeless person can hope to stick it back to the man by living off the taxpayer and running for political office. :larry:


New Member
It is tough to be homeless and I know that.
My point was that being put into jail is worse than being homeless.

People really do not go to jail to avoid being homeless, and even in winter when some homeless will break the law to get shelter in jail then it is because jail is better than dying.

And it makes a huge difference when one first becomes homeless as people do panic and drop into depression where as a person being homeless a few times of for over a year and then the person becomes changed in mind and in attitude.

Super rich people will jump out of their office windows if they go down to only a few million dollars as they can not face being poor, so some working class people will kill them self when they lose their job, and many people that become homeless will freak out.

So being homeless is tough, but with a right attitude to make the best of it then being homeless is a wild adventure.
Ohhhhhh Now you want to change your story a little bit. After I show you a few articles.
Which is base on truth, not some fiction base story.

The truth is that the homeless people are constantly harassed by the police, and living outside is great fun and exhilarating except for the police harassments and the societal pressures.

You also said this,

Being homeless is a fun and interesting and exciting thing to do.The greatest problem is in dealing with the self-righteous population and the constant harassments by the police.

The richer people living in their luxuries really miss-out on a lot of life by being jailed in their own housing.

Baltimore Homeless
From these two previous comments their no doubt in my mine that you think being homeless is,
The words you used to describe being homeless was. Great Fun, Interesting, Exciting, Exhilarating, Wild Adventure.

I believe homeless people will do anything to survive. Doesn't matter what the season is.
Just like the homeless guy that threw a cinder block on the windshield of a police car.
It does happen but I doubt if many homeless people would admit to it.
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A horse of course!
Lets talk about thievery.

Stealing 3% of a state of MD essential employee's already meager pay every single pay period, over a year ago, which was suppose to be temporary, and still happening every single payperiod with no end in sight. No cost of living raise. No raise period.

THEN Enacting 3-5 furlow days this year on TOP of the 3% pay snatch - FYI in case you don't know what that is, furlow are forced days off without pay.

Members of congress are, or course, exempt from either.


Helping your kids financially? You squirted 'em you owe 'em till they're 18. It's called (in your case loosely) being a parent.


J.P. Cusick
Mr Short-Bus.

From these two previous comments their no doubt in my mine that you think being homeless is,
The words you used to describe being homeless was. Great Fun, Interesting, Exciting, Exhilarating, Wild Adventure.

I believe homeless people will do anything to survive. Doesn't matter what the season is.
Just like the homeless guy that threw a cinder block on the windshield of a police car.
It does happen but I doubt if many homeless people would admit to it.

If people were actually free and allowed to live free and the harassment of people being homeless would stop, then there would be many more people living free - and like having tent homes and moving up north in summer and down south in the winter, and get their food off of the land.

The inhuman demands of society makes so few indeed are truly free in this world.

And many poor and homeless people simply do not know how to truly enjoy the experience. The old saying that "Youth is wasted on the young" is applicable and comparable to explain why "Homelessness is wasted on the poor" in that most poor do not know how to appreciate their experience.



If people were actually free and allowed to live free and the harassment of people being homeless would stop, then there would be many more people living free - and like having tent homes and moving up north in summer and down south in the winter, and get their food off of the land.

The inhuman demands of society makes so few indeed are truly free in this world.

And many poor and homeless people simply do not know how to truly enjoy the experience. The old saying that "Youth is wasted on the young" is applicable and comparable to explain why "Homelessness is wasted on the poor" in that most poor do not know how to appreciate their experience.


WOW!!!! You can't be that freaking stupid, can you????

most poor do not know how to appreciate their experience

By your own admission, you are not very well off (disabled and all), yet you went out and bought a flat screen TV!! Why can't you live by your own words and have a 13 inch black and white TV??? Appreciate the little things in life and not worry about having "the nice things."


Methodically disorganized
"Homelessness is wasted on the poor" in that most poor do not know how to appreciate their experience.
Given this, I believe you should advocate the cancellation of ALL state aid (TCA, welfare, etc.). When those people eventually have to move out onto the street and live in tents or wherever, you can tell them you're doing them a favor and tell them all the fun they can have.

That would be more in line with your view to kill child support, and it might actually get you a few votes. :yay:


In My Opinion
I plan to do a homeless stint when we retire.
I will be traveling north in the summer, south in the winter, moving like a gypsy from state to state with my new dually and Fifth wheel camper.
No real home to call my own as I will have given the property to my daughter to do as she wants with.

I wonder if I will qualify for welfare to supplement my retirement income.