JP for Governor.



Because the law broke me.

I fought the law and the law won.

Plus the fact that I have severe injuries which make living very hard on me, so if I were still healthy then I might be out living wild and free but I am not healthy and I have huge health limitations.

As to the big TV then I am going to need that as Governor, and I expect the Mansion to provide free HD satellite and cable service.

And my religious duty comes before any other consideration, and that means running for Governor over rides my own desires of living wild and free even if I did have the health to do that.

Being Governor is a productive member of society as I will then have a job.


What a crock of steaming dog poop!!!!

If you will "need it as Governor" why not wait until elected in?? Then you will be making more money than you have ever seen in your life and be able to pay CASH for it instead of putting it on credit!!!!

You cry of being poor - yet you splurge on big ticket items that you can not afford in the delusional hopes of being Governor!!! Is this the way you will spend the hard working tax payer's money as Governor - by putting the state more in debt?? You do it in your personal life - so what is the difference???

There is no backing out of this one Jimmy!!! You bought the tv to better your life - even though you preach "enjoying the experience of being poor!!!" Admit it - I caught you again..

This is like shooting fish in a barrel!!!!


JP's Favorite Heckler
And my religious duty comes before any other consideration, and that means running for Governor over rides my own desires of living wild and free even if I did have the health to do that.

What do you mean by this? You're running for Governor as a religious duty? Is your religion going to override the state constitution and other laws? Is that what you mean?


Methodically disorganized
I expect the Mansion to provide free HD satellite and cable service.
Just can't stop saying, "Gimme! Gimme! Gimme!" can you?

And my religious duty comes before any other consideration, and that means running for Governor over rides my own desires of living wild and free even if I did have the health to do that.
Why didn't that stop you before, you know, when you deserted your family? Weren't you hurt at the CCNP, which was before you left MD?

Being Governor is a productive member of society as I will then have a job.
Up again comes the point that if you can sit behind a desk and do various forms of [light-duty] work as governor, you can do those tasks equally as well as a regular citizen. You simply choose not to because you feel anything less than being governor or senator is "below" you and a "crap job". Professional leech, you are. :boo:


JP's Favorite Heckler
Up again comes the point that if you can sit behind a desk and do various forms of [light-duty] work as governor, you can do those tasks equally as well as a regular citizen.

This is a valid point. How can you claim to be unable to work but claim that you can do the job of governing the state of Maryland? I know you say you will need some special assistance backed up by the ADA, but ADA has jurisdiction over any company that receives federal funds. How is it that you can't get some special assistance backed up by the ADA in a clerical job say as at a library, university or even the government?

Why can't you sit in a wheelchair and be a greeter at Walmart? There are people more disabled than you are who do exactly that.

Is it because you wouldn't make enough money and would have to practice what you are preaching about being poor?


This is a valid point. How can you claim to be unable to work but claim that you can do the job of governing the state of Maryland? I know you say you will need some special assistance backed up by the ADA, but ADA has jurisdiction over any company that receives federal funds. How is it that you can't get some special assistance backed up by the ADA in a clerical job say as at a library, university or even the government?

Why can't you sit in a wheelchair and be a greeter at Walmart? There are people more disabled than you are who do exactly that.

Is it because you wouldn't make enough money and would have to practice what you are preaching about being poor?

My point exactly when I said this yesterday, "You do not have to have things subsidized...there are jobs that will allow you to sit down...cashier at Aldi's, secretary, etc....ohhh wait a minute...if you were to do anything like that, that would mean you are a productive member of society...and that goes against every fiber of your being... "

JPC - you are being called out!!!!

I challenge you - when you fail to win the primary - GO OUT AND GET A JOB!!!! Others can who are worse off than you...


J.P. Cusick
Mr Short-Bus.

What do you mean by this? You're running for Governor as a religious duty? Is your religion going to override the state constitution and other laws? Is that what you mean?

It is a requirement under Maryland law that every candidate must declare our belief in the existence of God.

See "Article 37" link here = Maryland Constitution - Declaration of Rights.

Reforming the evil Child Support and Custody is the duty, while being elected Governor is just the path or method in so doing.



My point exactly when I said this yesterday, "You do not have to have things subsidized...there are jobs that will allow you to sit down...cashier at Aldi's, secretary, etc....ohhh wait a minute...if you were to do anything like that, that would mean you are a productive member of society...and that goes against every fiber of your being... "

JPC - you are being called out!!!!

I challenge you - when you fail to win the primary - GO OUT AND GET A JOB!!!! Others can who are worse off than you...

I was at the grocery store today and I saw this woman putting her groceries into her trunk. I turned around just in time to see her put a wheel chair into her trunk then hop over to the drivers door get in and leave. She was missing her entire left leg.

The point is, she was out doing and wasn't going to let that stop her, more than likely she has a job also. I don't think the "disability" that JPC has should stop him from working, he's just using it to get a free ride and feels he's owed that free ride because he's such a screw up and ended up getting the tar beat out of him in jail. The governor thing is all a joke, he knows it'll never happen, just part of his scam.


New Member
Re-elect no one

:patriot: Greetings.

I just want to introduce myself as being the next Governor of the State of Maryland.

Campaign website is HERE.

The registration with the State Board of Elections was done on Tuesday.

My name is James P. Cusick Sr., but I will be listed on the Democratic Party election ballot as just "J.P. Cusick", as I see that having a better ring to it.

I think not


J.P. Cusick
Mr Short-Bus.

Professional leech, you are. :boo:

There are people more disabled than you are who do exactly that.

JPC - you are being called out!!!!

I regret it that you guys do not believe that I am injured, and it took me nearly 2 years after applying to go through different Doctors and go to Administration hearings, before I was finally certified as disabled.

The fact that I can tap tap a key board with one finger does not qualify me for a typing job or a computer data job because I am not competent.

And yes there are other people far more disabled than I but this is not a competition.

Last night in my living room I laid in pain for hours from my gut wound with no way to relieve it, and even if I do get elected as Governor then I will need things like a motorized wheel chair and other inconvenient assistances which I do not use now.

Having your health and a decent job is the high life, while being disabled is not some easy life.



Methodically disorganized
I am not competent.
Don't need to tell us. :lol:

Last night in my living room I laid in pain for hours
Sounds like you need to tell your doc to up your pain meds.

if I do get elected as Governor then I will need things like a motorized wheel chair and other inconvenient assistances which I do not use now.
If you don't need such things now, why would you need them then? Unless, of course, you simply want to soak the system for all you can.


New Member
I regret it that you guys do not believe that I am injured, and it took me nearly 2 years after applying to go through different Doctors and go to Administration hearings, before I was finally certified as disabled.

Last night in my living room I laid in pain for hours from my gut wound with no way to relieve it, and even if I do get elected as Governor then I will need things like a motorized wheel chair and other inconvenient assistances which I do not use now.
You said, Your abdomen injury happen in 1994 that's 16 years ago.
According to what I have read about Abdominal Muscle Strain, it's treatable.

If you really needed a wheel chair you would have had one by now.
You wouldn't need one just because you were elected Governor.
Which of course that will never happen.

Having your health and a decent job is the high life, while being disabled is not some easy life.
Like the saying goes, Life what you make it.

Goodwill hire's people with disabilities.


J.P. Cusick
Mr Short-Bus.

If you don't need such things now, why would you need them then? Unless, of course, you simply want to soak the system for all you can.

As Governor then as a job I would be required to do a lot of walking or standing which I can avoid now without a job.

It is probable that most of the time I could do without a mobilized chair but "most" is not sufficient when at some times I would become incapacitated.

I feel certain it would not be a big obstacle under the Americans with Disabilities Act.



J.P. Cusick
Mr Short-Bus.

There is no backing out of this one Jimmy!!! You bought the tv to better your life - even though you preach "enjoying the experience of being poor!!!" Admit it - I caught you again.

It is true and I confess that I only told about the TV in the first place to tease some other posters, and I told you of needing it as Governor just to pick at you.

But I do not see that as any deception, and I did tell you that the law broke me and I had to change my principles to suit their demands.

If I were a more worthy disciple then maybe I could embrace the virtue of true poverty, but no.



It is true and I confess that I only told about the TV in the first place to tease some other posters, and I told you of needing it as Governor just to pick at you.

But I do not see that as any deception, and I did tell you that the law broke me and I had to change my principles to suit their demands.

If I were a more worthy disciple then maybe I could embrace the virtue of true poverty, but no.


Retiredweaxman 2 - VoteJPC 0

Looks like this could be the outcome of the primary vote in Sep - but it is not.

Jimmy you look petty when you admittedly state, "just to pick at you." That is "Governorly" (if that is a word) and a great way to act if you want to be the leader of a State. :sarcasm:


Methodically disorganized
I feel certain it would not be a big obstacle under the Americans with Disabilities Act.
You've talked about that doctor who did your operation(s) pro-bono or at low cost. I think it sounds like he did a shoddy job.

Two good things about you being governor are you would receive really great health care and you would be able to afford any additional costs to have your abdomen taken care of as it should have been long ago.

Then you wouldn't be disabled anymore. So once you would go back to being a civilian, you could be fully productive! Wouldn't that be excellent, Jimmy?! :yay:


You've talked about that doctor who did your operation(s) pro-bono or at low cost. I think it sounds like he did a shoddy job.

You get what you pay for.

Two good things about you being governor are you would receive really great health care and you would be able to afford any additional costs to have your abdomen taken care of as it should have been long ago.

Then you wouldn't be disabled anymore. So once you would go back to being a civilian, you could be fully productive! Wouldn't that be excellent, Jimmy?! :yay:

I think you probably just changed his mind about running.

Dimwit Child

Chaos and Mayhem
Check your Lt Gov

Uttering? over $500? Driving without a license? C'mon now...if you intend to make laws the least you guys can do is follow a few of them!