I didn't fink it was dat dumb i gots merrid wen i was twelf yers ole and i din'nt invite my little brufer bekuse he dont have no arms or legs and the ball team wanted him to be sekond base that day and he couldnd't come anyhow my neece waz my florer gurl and she was purty she is normel so she gots to be in my weddin.
i am getting merried in july and i cant wait my niece was my flower girl til this morning when her parents said they didnt want her in it because i am not letting there son come to my wedding see he isnt a normal child he has all these things they have to carry around to keep him alive and they beep all the time i dont want to listen to all that while myself and soon to be hubby enjoy are selfs along with all the other grest we have invited. am i wrong for not inviting him to or should i just move on and go with someone else.
i am getting merried in july and i cant wait my niece was my flower girl til this morning when her parents said they didnt want her in it because i am not letting there son come to my wedding see he isnt a normal child he has all these things they have to carry around to keep him alive and they beep all the time i dont want to listen to all that while myself and soon to be hubby enjoy are selfs along with all the other grest we have invited. am i wrong for not inviting him to or should i just move on and go with someone else.
I :heart: cattitude.Shut up. This is ridiculous.
OMG i can't believe you would call your own nephew **not normal* he has feelings just like anyone else in this world.God dont like ugly and i must admit this was pretty ugly!!!!!!!!!!!
I hope and pray you never have a baby who is **not normal* i would hate to think what you would do to the child!
You should let him come and introduce him as R2d2.i am getting merried in july and i cant wait my niece was my flower girl til this morning when her parents said they didnt want her in it because i am not letting there son come to my wedding see he isnt a normal child he has all these things they have to carry around to keep him alive and they beep all the time i dont want to listen to all that while myself and soon to be hubby enjoy are selfs along with all the other grest we have invited. am i wrong for not inviting him to or should i just move on and go with someone else.
Yea, I'm dating the chick with no legs who is 3rd base.Isn't Mikey your little brother? That would explain things.
look until you know me dont call me a ##### and another thing they were told him could come to the after party but not my ceremony and they said why let one be there for the ceremony and not the other. and that if they dont bring him to the ceremony that they would miss out on so much because they live an hour away and it take them 2 hours to get back. well it just sounds to me and my other family members that they just dont want to come any way . he is a veggie on live support staying alive so his parents can live off the state. now what knid of bad things do you people have a say about me now. oh i do have kids of my own and no they are not normal so i do know how it is.
If you're looking for sympathy, try the dictionary between sh#t and syphillis.
look until you know me dont call me a ##### and another thing they were told him could come to the after party but not my ceremony and they said why let one be there for the ceremony and not the other. and that if they dont bring him to the ceremony that they would miss out on so much because they live an hour away and it take them 2 hours to get back. well it just sounds to me and my other family members that they just dont want to come any way . he is a veggie on live support staying alive so his parents can live off the state. now what knid of bad things do you people have a say about me now. oh i do have kids of my own and no they are not normal so i do know how it is.
look until you know me dont call me a ##### and another thing they were told him could come to the after party but not my ceremony and they said why let one be there for the ceremony and not the other. and that if they dont bring him to the ceremony that they would miss out on so much because they live an hour away and it take them 2 hours to get back. well it just sounds to me and my other family members that they just dont want to come any way . he is a veggie on live support staying alive so his parents can live off the state. now what knid of bad things do you people have a say about me now. oh i do have kids of my own and no they are not normal so i do know how it is.
look until you know me dont call me a ##### and another thing they were told him could come to the after party but not my ceremony and they said why let one be there for the ceremony and not the other. and that if they dont bring him to the ceremony that they would miss out on so much because they live an hour away and it take them 2 hours to get back. well it just sounds to me and my other family members that they just dont want to come any way . he is a veggie on live support staying alive so his parents can live off the state. now what knid of bad things do you people have a say about me now. oh i do have kids of my own and no they are not normal so i do know how it is.
Well maybe she HAS to get married. Look at how many periods she missed.
I would rather have my ####in equipment turned off than have to sit through your wedding.
too late now.
First: you should go back to school and see if you can get past 6th grade this time.
Second: i would hope you love your nephew moreso because of his difficulties.
Third: You're a selfish BEYOTCH, and any man that would marry you is either an idiot or gay (or both).
You should go buy a dog and let him bite you.
he is a veggie on live support staying alive so his parents can live off the state.