Kamala Harris


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Um, did you even read that story? It doesn't support your lie.
He's taking internet source lessons from Hissy.

Drop a bunch of links that support nothing in the hopes that everyone will just ignore them and accept his omniscience.


These are the best people our main two parties can come up with? :lol:


I said this exact thing in 2016. For a country that supposedly embodies Democracy (yeah, yeah, yeah, it's a Representive Republic... bite me), how in the unholy bloody **** did we end up with 2 candidates that most people had to hold their noses to vote for.

Now, I understand that Trump has gained a lot of cred with his base and his followers legit love him, and they're going to genuinely vote for him (as opposed to against Harris), but many people, like me, (and I think I'm more typical than anyone is led to believe) are simply going to vote for the devil they know, as opposed to the devil they don't... although, IMO, Jorgensen is sounding better and better, yet still doesn't stand a chance.

But most of the Democrats I know, are like, WTF? How did we end up with Biden and Harris? I wanted Sanders, or I wanted Buttigeig. But it seems like the candidates that the people want are not the candidates that are served up.

This consolidates my stance on the entire system which is this: If voting actually mattered, we wouldn't be allowed to do it.

God, how we need refresh the tree of liberty.


Well-Known Member

Politicians don't become multimillionaires from their official salary. It's hilarious that you think they do. :lmao:

Most of his money came from his salary, investments and his book deal. He is worth roughly $11 million.

You are holding that against him while cheering for Trump who was given hundreds of millions and lied, cheated, stole and defrauded others to earn the rest?

You are a very peculiar person


Well-Known Member
Yes. Earns a salary for doing a job he was elected to. There is nothing wrong with that. Why do you hate hard working honest people who dont lie , cheat and steal ?

I don’t, at all. I never said I did, nor did I say I hate Biden. Or Trump, if that’s who you were referring to.

Ok cool, so you know he was elected by the people. Do you know who pays his salary? Also, do you know what the term “enriched” means? I’m trying to figure out where you got confused.


Well-Known Member
Somewhere recently I remember a spokesperson for the BLM cause bitterly denouncing mixed relationships..."diluting" the pure Black race. So will the radical elements of the BLM turn a cold shoulder to Harris for BOTH her tough prosecution of Blacks AND her relationship?
And of her being of mixed race herself.


Well-Known Member
I don’t, at all. I never said I did, nor did I say I hate Biden. Or Trump, if that’s who you were referring to.

Ok cool, so you know he was elected by the people. Do you know who pays his salary? Also, do you know what the term “enriched” means? I’m trying to figure out where you got confused.

Earning a salary you were promised in exchange for work done is not the same as steering government funds to your business's and enriching your self at tax payers expense. Its called the emoluments clause. look it up


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I said this exact thing in 2016. For a country that supposedly embodies Democracy (yeah, yeah, yeah, it's a Representive Republic... bite me), how in the unholy bloody **** did we end up with 2 candidates that most people had to hold their noses to vote for.

The Republican answer to that lies in watching the news and social media. Would you want to run that gauntlet, having not only your life but the lives of your family and everyone you know ripped apart daily by these jackals? Would you want women you've never even met accusing you of raping them, and having the media gush over these scammers like they're the second coming? Would you want your wife and children to endure the kind of ugly attacks that have been directed at Melania and the Trump offspring? Would you want strangers on the internet fantasizing about how they want to kidnap your preteen son and ass rape him?

The Democrat answer is that the overlords choose who they want, knowing the bots will go along with it. Nobody with functioning brain cells thinks Joe Biden had anything to do with 1) him "winning" the nomination; or 2) "choosing" Kamala Harris as VP. The Dem massas are still so dinosaur out of touch that they think a black woman VP will make black people and women vote for Joe. Because "they're not diverse" and "they ain't black" if they don't vote Democrat, and "poor kids are just as bright as white kids", and and and.


Well-Known Member
Look up her opponent and I'll bet Trump donated to them, too.

Also, are you trying to say that Trump didn't have business interests in California? Because a quick google will show you that indeed he did.

It stuns me how little you know about what goes on in this country and in politics.

You can google search that, but can't find the folks who are praising Russia for the COVID vaccine. How very surprising.

I'm sure it doesn't take much to stun you, but this whole thing is certainly nothing new.
“I give to to everybody,” he said. “They call, I give. And you know what, when I need something from them two years later, three years later, I call them, they are there for me.”

I wonder if Harris, Clinton, Gillibrand, Booker, Newsom, Brown, or any of the other Democrat politicians Trump donated to were there for him.

Wow! That never happened before! :yikes:

He should have picked them out of the phone book at random like Obama did. ... Oh, wait.... :

It's good that you are beginning to realize that Trump is not the savior; despite him running on a campaign of hope and change. Voters wanted Trump because he supposedly represented the opposite of the greedy, swampy, establishment Washington politics.

When he was running, the mantra was "He's not one of them!", "He'll be different!". Now it's "The other guy was doing it!"

Like Executive Orders.


Well-Known Member
Earning a salary you were promised in exchange for work done is not the same as steering government funds to your business's and enriching your self at tax payers expense. Its called the emoluments clause. look it up

Woah, that sounds serious. And you're positive he violated this clause? Because if I'm reading this correctly, he will be impeached for that violation!


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Earning a salary you were promised in exchange for taking up space in government is the same as steering foreign influence payments and bribes to your family and to phony business's and enriching your self at tax payers expense through insider trading, tips and information peddling. Its called the Democrat Way! look it up



Well-Known Member
Earning a salary you were promised in exchange for work done is not the same as steering government funds to your business's and enriching your self at tax payers expense. Its called the emoluments clause. look it up

Also, real quick...which clause do you break when you accept bribery in the form of a high ranking position for a family member?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
It's good that you are beginning to realize that Trump is not the savior; despite him running on a campaign of hope and change. Voters wanted Trump because he supposedly represented the opposite of the greedy, swampy, establishment Washington politics.

When he was running, the mantra was "He's not one of them!", "He'll be different!". Now it's "The other guy was doing it!"

I'm not a disciple. I dont' even like Trump.... But guess what? It doesn't matter whether I like him or not. I like the things he's doing.

Particularly with China, Military, Regulations that choke business and private enterprise....

I don't hae to like someone to like what they do, and I would cast a ballot on him over ANY leftist ANY time.



Well-Known Member
Drop a bunch of links

Oh no! Links?! On a discussion forum!?

The horror!

We get it, Kyle. Anything more than 2 sentences is too much for you to read. Following links is tough for you so you make it seem like it's a bad thing to post something that fits one's opinion. We get that it's so hard for you to form your own, that you chastise anyone who dare post links, LINKS!, on a forum where people express their opinions.

I don't know how you make the 10 hours a day you spend on here out alive.