Katrina victims to get $2,000 dollar debit cards


New Member
PrepH4U said:
hey einstien it is not just blacks that are in the shelters, dum dum dum dum

This wouldn't be a discussion if they were white. :dance:

It wouldn't even be in the news.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Largest group of people...

...living in poverty in the US?

Caucasians. By far.

Largest group in prison?

Caucasians. By far.

That's white folk to you, Grand Drag On.


But wait, there's more...
Qpid said:
The gov'ts job is to take care of its people.

Once they leave the dome how are they to begin their lives if they have no money?

The 2k will at least give them a head start....

okay so lets say they didnt get 2k...you'd still be bytchin about your tax dollars going to help them out.

either way just say you dont wanna help the black folks...get it out your system now...i dont know why you people are such cowards.
The federal government, perhaps. But those folks didn't pay taxes in Texas, Mississippi, Maryland, North Carolina, and where ever the heck else they're being shipped off to live.

And make no mistake about it ... my issue is not race. My issue is this: 1) They ALL chose to live in a town that was below sea level and coastal -- it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out you darn well oughta have a contingency plan WHEN stuff like this happens. 2) Those who followed the evacuation orders should get every red cent authorized by Uncle Sam to help them "get on their feet"; the ones who -- due to their OWN stupidity who stayed and held up rescue efforts of people who REALLY needed it (disabled, blind, elderly) can KMA!

EVERYONE in life has a choice in life ... some choose to make a better life for themselves; others choose to be stupid ... and stupidity knows NO race, religion, sexual orientation, etc.


New Member
Katie said:
I have a suggestion for you, maybe someone said this already. But why don't you personally go down there and bring up two or three families. House them in your home, and provide for them.

If you feel so strongly about it, do something. Don't tell us that we need to do something, when you aren't doing anything.

Also don't tell me to do something, because I have donated $$, cleaned my house of any clothes or household items, purchased underthings and sent them off. If I personally knew someone no matter what color they were that was affected, I would bring them to my home and help them.

Who's post are you reading?? :confused: IWhere did I say GO OUT AND DO SOMETHING??

Im not second guessing what you yourself have done...go brag to someone else about that shyt. :lalala:

If you donated out of the kindness of your heart you wouldn't even bother to bring up what you did...cuz no one asked your ass. :shutup:


Qpid said:
Who's post are you reading?? :confused: IWhere did I say GO OUT AND DO SOMETHING??

Im not second guessing what you yourself have done...go brag to someone else about that shyt. :lalala:

If you donated out of the kindness of your heart you wouldn't even bother to bring up what you did...cuz no one asked your ass. :shutup:

Just from all the BS that is coming frothing out of your mouth about how the blacks are oppressed one would think you are doing something to help those poor families.

I didn't say how much I have given, and it is none of anyone's business. All I was meaning to say is that put your money where your mouth is.

Right now all I here is :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah:, and you doing absolutely nothing to help anyone other then saying we all are a bunch of rednecks who care about no one unless they are white. :shutup:


New Member
Homesick said:
Qpid, you are seeing a reaction from people that are sick and tired. You are not stupid. What is being said here, is those that weren't on their feet to begin with, will not suddenly stand up. You know that. Just giving them handouts for the rest of their lives is not helping.

Lets try and find some real solutions for these people. Are you game? I have some ideas. Do you?

There goes those ASSUMPTIONS again!!!

People are assuming these people grew up in poverty, didnt work, were on welfare and now have lost everything and are going to remain in the same status they were before Katrina.

A disaster like this (similiar to 9/11) woke alot of people up on how important life really is, you cannot take it for granted. There are programs out there already in place to help these people GET JOBS & EDUCATE THEM....

2k is a huge start!!!

I had a great suggestion...make those people work to rebuild their destroyed homes....

nahhhhhhhhhhhh they are black, they are lazy and just want handouts :sarcasm:

lets give the jobs to:


fawk outta here :burning:


I bowl overhand
Qpid said:
The gov'ts job is to take care of its people.
WRONG!!! It is NOT the gov'ts job to take care of ANYone... it's your job to take care of you and your family..

Quote me a line or two in the constitution about .. We the people, haveing the need to be taken care of by someone else..


I bowl overhand
Qpid said:
There goes those ASSUMPTIONS again!!!

People are assuming these people grew up in poverty, didnt work, were on welfare and now have lost everything and are going to remain in the same status they were before Katrina.

A disaster like this (similiar to 9/11) woke alot of people up on how important life really is, you cannot take it for granted. There are programs out there already in place to help these people GET JOBS & EDUCATE THEM....

2k is a huge start!!!

I had a great suggestion...make those people work to rebuild their destroyed homes....

nahhhhhhhhhhhh they are black, they are lazy and just want handouts :sarcasm:

lets give the jobs to:


fawk outta here :burning:

You really are ignorant to the welfare state aren't you? I've come from a part of the country where it was poor white people.. generation after generation were on welfare.. it's good enough for mom and dad it's good enough for me.. they don't even know HOW to work for anything. They've been the wards of the system for GENERATIONS!!

I had a grown man, in his 30's was a JR in college when his familly asked him why he worked so hard.. they hooked him up with a family doctor that said he haad this disease and that.. got SSi and welfare, and dropped out of school. and never worked again, just like all his brothers and sisters, and mom and dad.. and Uncles and Aunts.. It's an epidemic, and they don't want to get better.


New Member
Katie said:
Just from all the BS that is coming frothing out of your mouth about how the blacks are oppressed one would think you are doing something to help those poor families.

I didn't say how much I have given, and it is none of anyone's business. All I was meaning to say is that put your money where your mouth is.

Right now all I here is :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah:, and you doing absolutely nothing to help anyone other then saying we all are a bunch of rednecks who care about no one unless they are white. :shutup:

I dont brag about what I give to people. Nor will you hear me mention how many benjamins I've given.

You on the other hand talking about what you did...NO ONE ASKED.

go sit down Katie and blow some bubbles... :lol:



New Member
itsbob said:
WRONG!!! It is NOT the gov'ts job to take care of ANYone... it's your job to take care of you and your family..

Quote me a line or two in the constitution about .. We the people, haveing the need to be taken care of by someone else..

I forgot Americans pay taxes for big pitchers of kooliad :lmao:


New Member
itsbob said:
You really are ignorant to the welfare state aren't you? I've come from a part of the country where it was poor white people.. generation after generation were on welfare.. it's good enough for mom and dad it's good enough for me.. they don't even know HOW to work for anything. They've been the wards of the system for GENERATIONS!!

I had a grown man, in his 30's was a JR in college when his familly asked him why he worked so hard.. they hooked him up with a family doctor that said he haad this disease and that.. got SSi and welfare, and dropped out of school. and never worked again, just like all his brothers and sisters, and mom and dad.. and Uncles and Aunts.. It's an epidemic, and they don't want to get better.

So your taking one experiance you had with a black man and you assume the whole race is like that :lol:


I bowl overhand
Qpid said:
I forgot Americans pay taxes for big pitchers of kooliad :lmao:
We pay the amount of taxes that we do because ignoramus' like you in office believe we need taken care of too, that most Americans are too stupid or incapable of taking care of themselves, so the Gov't has to do it.

We had NO federal income taxes until WWII when they needed money to support the war effort, not the Smiths on Elm St...

Then after WWII we had all this revenue with nothing to spend it on.. here comes Welfare.. Social Security.. food stamps..


But wait, there's more...
Qpid said:
I dont brag about what I give to people. Nor will you hear me mention how many benjamins I've given.
Piss on you ... I'll brag: I gave my daughter $100 for which she could do with as she wished. (Mind you, I didn't HAND her cash; I held on to it for her so she didn't hide it all over her room like she usually does when she gets cash. :lol:) I told her we could go shopping and she could spend $100, or she could spend some & put some in her bank account, or whatever. She said this past weekend she wanted to give every penny of it to help the people in New Orleans. Hell yea, I'll brag about that. I'm pretty damn proud of her considering she's only 7!
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crabcake said:
Piss on you ... I'll brag: I gave my daughter $100 for which she could do with as she wished. (Mind you, I didn't HAND her cash; I held on to it for her so she didn't hide it al over her room like she usually does when she gets cash. :lol:) I told her we could go shopping and she could spend $100, or she could spend some & put some in her bank account, or whatever. She said this past weekend she wanted to give every penny of it to help the people in New Orleans. Hell yea, I'll brag about that. I'm pretty damn proud of her considering she's only 7!
Shiat ya, if she was 9 she would've realized what $100 could get ya and she would have bought her self some brat dolls.