Ladies: Your on a date, the check comes...


PREMO Member
jazz lady said:
I would have no problems paying for dinner. Things happen and sometimes you get in embarrassing situations through no fault of your own. I would give him the benefit of the doubt.
Hey Jazz, DidWhat had to buy your new sump pump when we went to the hardware store.
I got to the register, went to grab for my wallet and noticed I left it at home.

After we left the store I said thank you and asked her if she would like to go out to dinner on the way home.

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
DoWhat said:
Hey Jazz, DidWhat had to buy your new sump pump when we went to the hardware store.
I got to the register, went to grab for my wallet and noticed I left it at home.

After we left the store I said thank you and asked her if she would like to go out to dinner on the way home.

Yes, you told me the story. Stuff happens and it's no biggie. Deal with it and move on. It's not like it was done on purpose, right? :shrug:

So, did she go out to dinner - hopefully AFTER you cleaned up. :lol:


Qurious said:
....and his credit card is declined - he has no cash on him.

What do u do? :popcorn:

Most of the dates I've been on lately the guy expects you to pay for your half :shrug: So if the guy did whip out his card to pay for both of us, I'd probably be so floored with the idea that "WOW!! He was going to pay the whole tab on his own!!!:jet:" I'd gladly lend him my card and hope for a second date and chaulk it up as just a card glitch or something. Its the thought that counted. :love:


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Mikeinsmd said:
Maybe the stripe was bad, maybe the server erred, who knows.

What are the chances the server erred only on your card? :poorbaby:

If the strip was bad the number can be keyed in. Try again. :razz:


Sharon said:
What are the chances the server erred only on your card? :poorbaby:

If the strip was bad the number can be keyed in. Try again. :razz:

You're good at this!!! We should DEFINATELY hang out more! :huggy:


aps45819 said:
My rule is if I invite, I pay. What gets eaten for dessert is up to her :really:

So you'll pay but you have stipulations on what she can order from the menu for dinner but not desert:crazy:


Go Braves!
Sharon said:
What are the chances the server erred only on your card? :poorbaby:

If the strip was bad the number can be keyed in. Try again. :razz:
Some places won't key the number in because it ends up costing them extra money. Now is that some silly crap or what?


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CMC122 said:
Some places won't key the number in because it ends up costing them extra money. Now is that some silly crap or what?

That's true but it usually costs under a dollar.