Ladies: Your on a date, the check comes...

Mikeinsmd said:
Agreed. I don't even mind paying if we're just friends (not a date).

I think Qurious opening post leads responses though. WHat guy goes out on a date with no cash?? :confused:

So when are we hitting up Clarke's Landing? :snacks:


Salt Life
Sharon said:
What bank do you use? I never heard of a spending limit on a debit card. I've heard of cash limits at ATM's but why would a bank limit you from your OWN money? :confused:
It's more of a security issue than anything. I called, explained that I was out Christmas shopping and didn't have any other worries. Maybe BOA doesn't do this anymore as it hasn't happened to me in a while. They must know I'm a shopaholic and it's not someone hijacking my card. :lol:

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
Chasey_Lane said:
:confused: I'm not sure why you would call him an a-hole for this. He put down money and you didn't know how much, but assumed he covered the entire bill. You didn't offer, but he never spoke up before the waiter came back around. But I don't consider him an azz because he didn't pay for the whole meal. Or maybe I'm just missing the point? :shrug:
Mr. Chivalry says, "Uhhh, not yet. I think only one of us has covered our meals" as he nods at me.

I think you just might be missing the point. :huggy:

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
Chasey_Lane said:
Please explain what the "point" is, other than Crabby being humiliated.
I think she thought he was paying for her meal, but at the last moment, he asked her for the $. I guess it depends on how the offer for lunch or dinner was made. If it was "say, can I take you to lunch," I would expect that person to pay. If was, "hey, wanna do lunch, " I would expect to go dutch. I don't know what her situation was.


Salt Life
BS Gal said:
I think she thought he was paying for her meal, but at the last moment, he asked her for the $. I guess it depends on how the offer for lunch or dinner was made. If it was "say, can I take you to lunch," I would expect that person to pay. If was, "hey, wanna do lunch, " I would expect to go dutch. I don't know what her situation was.
And he probably thought she was covering her meal. Even when someone asks me "Wanna' go to lunch" I don't automatically assume I'm getting a free meal. :shrug:

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
Chasey_Lane said:
And he probably thought she was covering her meal. Even when someone asks me "Wanna' go to lunch" I don't automatically assume I'm getting a free meal. :shrug:
I'm married. I always assume I'm paying for lunch unless I go with the hubby.


But wait, there's more...
Chasey_Lane said:
:confused: I'm not sure why you would call him an a-hole for this. He put down money and you didn't know how much, but assumed he covered the entire bill. You didn't offer, but he never spoke up before the waiter came back around. But I don't consider him an azz because he didn't pay for the whole meal. Or maybe I'm just missing the point? :shrug:

Yes, you missed the point. It's not that I mind paying for my own meal or even picking up his meal tab. It's the lack of tact on his part in how he addressed it. It was rude and embarrassing. He could've just said, "I think we need a minute or two" and mentioned his preference to go dutch privately. This was our 3rd or 4th lunch (I think) and we'd actually taken turns buying before then. But we'd had a 'heated discussion' prior to this lunch, so I guess the tables turned or whatever. I don't know. But there's a polite way to do things, and there's an ignorant way to do things. He chose ignorance, so I chose to blow him off after that (for the lunch thing and other valid reasons). :yay:


Nothing to see here
Qurious said:
....and his credit card is declined - he has no cash on him.

What do u do? :popcorn:

You pay the bill if you're able, you can't assume he's a deadbeat. I spent 4 hrs on the phone with my credit card folks once when I was in an airport in Denver and they kept assuring me that my card was good but no place would accept it. Finally I was able to settle up a restaurant bill in Denver only to go thru the same crap trying to pay my parking tab at BWI. Got a HUGE 25 dollar credit and apology from Mastercard about 3 weeks after all this happened. CC companies eff up on occasion.

You went out with the guy, why assume the worst?? Pay the bill and move on if he doesn't make it good ASAP.


But wait, there's more...
Chasey_Lane said:
And he probably thought she was covering her meal. Even when someone asks me "Wanna' go to lunch" I don't automatically assume I'm getting a free meal. :shrug:

Oh no, he was being a complete dick. I have no doubts in my mind whatsoever after seeing how he behaved in the days that followed. :lol:


I know nothing
otter said:
You pay the bill if you're able, you can't assume he's a deadbeat. I spent 4 hrs on the phone with my credit card folks once when I was in an airport in Denver and they kept assuring me that my card was good but no place would accept it. Finally I was able to settle up a restaurant bill in Denver only to go thru the same crap trying to pay my parking tab at BWI. Got a HUGE 25 dollar credit and apology from Mastercard about 3 weeks after all this happened. CC companies eff up on occasion.

You went out with the guy, why assume the worst?? Pay the bill and move on if he doesn't make it good ASAP.


I know nothing
crabcake said:
Oh no, he was being a complete dick. I have no doubts in my mind whatsoever after seeing how he behaved in the days that followed. :lol:

So what was the heated argument about? :tap:


Loyalty, Friendship, Love
Sharon said:
Pay for my dinner and wave good-bye to the loser. :howdy:
:yeahthat: and being surprised that his card was declined doesn't let him off the hook. If he is capable of basic money management, he knows the status of his account. If he isn't capable of that much, he isn't worth a second date.