Leftist Response to Hamas Attacks


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As Twitchy readers know, a 'Rabid Young Chick' from Concordia has gone viral after a video showed her allegedly calling a Jewish student a nasty slur. Would appear this person is on Twitter/X and is very angry about the video claiming it has been edited. She/he/they was also upset about being misgendered.

We weep for our future.

Anyway, she/he/they have been posting about being doxxed over the video, or at least people trying to dox her/him/them, and went after Gad Saad who happens to be a professor at Concordia.



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Eyewitness Recounts Death of Jewish Protester in California

Nov. 5 Rally​

They arrived at the Sunday rally at the intersection of Westlake and Thousand Oaks boulevards about 2:45 p.m. with Israeli and American flags.
“Paul and I met there and got the flags we were going to use,” Mr. Oswaks said. “We were standing in the same spot where he was struck.”

Behind them, the pro-Palestinian group was setting up speakers and yelling phrases, including “death to Israel,” “Allahu Akbar,” and “From the river to the sea,” into the microphone, according to Mr. Oswaks.

The two decided to split up and stand on different corners but promised to keep an eye on each other for safety reasons.

As Mr. Oswaks set up on an opposite corner, two men, including Mr. Alnaji, came up behind him and started yelling in his ear using the megaphone.

After that, Mr. Alnaji and the other man walked across the street to where Mr. Kessler was standing, according to Mr. Oswaks.

Shortly after that, Mr. Alnaji allegedly struck Mr. Kessler in the face with a megaphone and struck him with his hand on the left side of his face, according to Mr. Oswarks. Mr. Kessler fell to the ground, striking the back of his head on the concrete.

“The man holding the megaphone was the man that struck him,” Mr. Oswaks said, referring to a photo his friend took of Mr. Alnaji and another pro-Palestinian protester crossing the street. “That is the murder weapon right there.”


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Pro-Hamas Thug In New York Rips Down American Flag and Replaces With Palestinian Flag

A pro-Hamas thug in New York City late Friday into Saturday was seen climbing up a sign to take down American flags and replace them with a Palestinian one. This is happening on American soil and should never be tolerated. Our Nation is treading in very dangerous waters right now.

The message these Hamas terrorist sympathizers are giving the U.S. is they think they own us. It’s time to put them in their place, take a stand and say no more.



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The West Gelds Itself

By Clarice Feldman

From the halls of Ivy to the Fourth Estate, once-respected institutions are revealing themselves to be at the forefront of efforts to upend the mores and conduct which make ours a civilized society worth defending against barbarism. I’ve already detailed some of the outrageous anti-Semitic, anti-American actions which so many colleges and universities have tolerated. (Canary Mission has done an outstanding job detailing what’s been going on in academia.)

This week, some have responded, not all with the kind of appropriate vigor and clarity which these actions call for. It’s hard to disagree with Iowahawk , ”One of the major lessons we’ve all learned in the last 33 days: send your kids to a party college.”

It’s been my sad experience that no one is easier to buy than an academic, so I’m not at all surprised to learn that Qatar, a major funder of intifadaists, is also a major funder of our top American universities.

Qatar, the current residence of Hamas’ former leader, has been the largest Arab donor to American universities for decades. Not only do six leading American universities have campuses in Qatar, but they also receive hundreds of millions from ruling elites.
At least six American universities have campuses in the country of Qatar -- which is currently home to former Hamas leader and recent global “Day of Jihad” progenitor Khaled Meshaal.
These institutions are Carnegie Mellon University, Weill Cornell Medicine-Qatar, Georgetown University, Northwestern University, Texas A&M University, and Virginia Commonwealth University. Reportedly, these universities struck a bargain with Qatari leaders to allow Qatari residents to receive American degrees without having to travel overseas. The Washington Post reported in 2015 that these institutions receive a total of more than $320 million each year in exchange.[snip] Campus Reform previously reported that Ivy League universities were among the top recipients of $8.5 billion in Arab funding over 35 years. Now, student groups at recipient colleges have come out in support of Hamas’ Oct. 7 attack on Israel.
For example, Cornell University received over $1.5 billion in funding from Arab countries. Now, its Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) chapter has repeatedly participated in pro-Hamas student social media campaigns.
“Among other factors, I believe funding by Middle Eastern countries of American colleges and universities has generated support for Hamas, while causing a rise in antisemitism on college campuses,” said Campus Reform higher education attorney and former Brandeis University instructor Ken Tashjy.”
Tashjy also highlighted more connections between pro-Hamas student activity and donations from Arab countries.
“According to a report published in 2020 by the Institute for the Study of Global Antisemitism & Policy, there is a direct correlation between the funding of universities by Qatar and the Gulf States and the active presence at those universities of groups such as Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP), which maintains over 200 chapters throughout U.S. higher education,” he also stated.

And then there’s the biggest Hamas supporter in the U.S., CAIR, whose headquarters sits three blocks from the Capitol and has 35 offices around the country. Paul Sperry at Real Clear Investigations has been monitoring them and the government’s acquiescence in their subversive activities for years. He has a detailed history of CAIR’s activities and the FBI’s hands off policy, with only some highlights noted here:

Christopher Wray, FBI Director: He warned last month of Hamas terror on U.S. soil. What he didn’t say is that the FBI has been investigating Hamas’ biggest ally in America for the past 30 years -- without filing any charges.
Launched in 1994 as a secret front organization to support Hamas, according to declassified FBI wiretap transcripts and FBI testimony, the Council on American-Islamic Relations has, in the decades since, become an accepted member of Washington’s lobbying community. The New York Times and other influential newspapers routinely describe CAIR as a “Muslim civil rights and advocacy organization.”
Although it has not repudiated its support for Hamas -- which is committed to the destruction of Israel and the Jewish people -- CAIR was enlisted by the Biden administration in May to take part in a White House initiative to fight antisemitism.” In the case against the Hamas charitable front named the Holy Land foundation, “the largest terror funding case in the U.S.”, the Department of Justice included CAIR “on a list of co-conspirators underwriting Hamas terrorism -- though CAIR and its founders were never indicted in the case.”
Why? Sperry reports former agents offered “political interference” as the explanation for the lack of an indictment.
Sperry continues: “Currently, CAIR is directing efforts at the ground level across the United States with organizations known for violent extremism,” [a former FBI counterterrorism agent] added in a recent interview with Real Clear Investigations. “Again, the FBI is doing nothing to adhere to their oaths of office and protect the American people.”


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Oberlin College can't go 1 year without making the news.

Considering Oberlin is a cesspool of Progressiveness ....

Oberlin College Under Federal Investigation For Campus Culture Of Antisemitism


Most of the the campus “pro-Palestine” rallies hold themselves out as political protests against Israel. But they inevitably show their true colors—they’re really attacks on Jews:


DEI is the lifeblood of woke campus ideology. Its purpose is to make everyone feel good about themselves—and exactly equal—at all times. So it can’t co-exist with a system that recognizes success on the merits, because students who fall short—especially if they’re academically mismatched DEI admittees—will feel “oppressed” by that system.

To protect the “oppressed,” DEI requires that you “dismantle” the systemically racist meritocracy built by the white “oppressor.” For years, schools have whittled away longstanding objective criteria for admitting students. When the end of affirmative action loomed this past year, many universities had already undermined merits-based admissions by eliminating mandatory SAT testing. Professional schools, we wrote here, were toying with eliminating the LSATs and the MCATs. That makes the schools more “inclusive.”

Except for Jews. Meritocracy’s basic principles of fundamental fairness enabled them to succeed even when all the cards were stacked against them. And now it’s dead.

DEI is simply reaching its logical conclusion. The same way it legitimized hating the white “oppressor” for succeeding on the merits, it legitimizes this insane hatred of the Jews who, against all odds and after all this time, keep succeeding.

With antisemitism on the rise and meritocracy on the fall, it’s no wonder that Jewish student enrollment is down at the woke Ivies. It’s almost as if that were the DEI endgame all along.

Landa Exposes Years of Antisemitism at Oberlin​

And it comes as no surprise that a left-leaning woke liberal arts school like Oberlin is an antisemitic hotbed. Landa has been documenting Jew-hatred there since 2014:

Oberlin is also home to Professor Mohammad Jafar Mahallati, the “Professor of Peace” who has called for the destruction of Israel; we wrote about him here.

Landa told Legal Insurrection that the focus of her complaint is anti-Israel activity at the school:

For many years, Jewish students at Oberlin have been targeted, ostracized, and harassed for their Zionism. They have faced hostility from student groups like Students for a Free Palestine and have heard Israel delegitimized and mischaracterized as an apartheid state by professors such as Mohammad Jafar Mahallati and the former Dean of Students, Meredith Raimondo. I, along with other alumni, have expressed our concerns to President Ambar, who has dismissed us, directing us to the campus rabbis to discuss our issues. We chose to discuss them with the Office of Civil Rights instead.

But antisemitism in the guise of anti-Zionism can be hard to prove. Legitimate free speech concerns and a political divide over Israel both provide cover for it. No matter how clear it is that Jew-hatred motivates them, critics say that attacks on Israel are protected speech, and anyone who disagrees is anti-Palestinian.


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10,000 pro-Palestinian protesters at Texas Capitol call for cease-fire in Israel-Hamas war

A diverse crowd of all ages, religions and ethnicities turned out to protest the ongoing war in Gaza, displaying their palpable anger and desperation. According to the World Health Organization, more than 10,000 Gazans have been killed by Israeli strikes since the start of the war, the majority of them women and children.

Protesters called for a cease-fire and political accountability Sunday, levying accusations of genocide and complicity on Gov. Greg Abbott and President Joe Biden. Abbott visited Israel on Nov. 2 in a show of support to the Middle Eastern country and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

On the northern side of the Capitol, crowds of protesters waved the Palestinian flag, with many covering themselves in a keffiyeh, a checkered black and white scarf, a historical symbol of Palestinian nationalism.

Chants of "From Palestine to Mexico, the walls have got to go," thundered through the crowd as they unrolled a scroll measuring 100 feet, listing the Gazan children killed by Israeli attacks since Oct. 7. Overhead, an airplane circled the Capitol, its banner saying, "Save Palestine, Cease Fire Now."


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Bill Maher SLAMS Obama for his 'moral equivalency' on the Israel and Hamas conflict after death of 1,400 Israelis and says he is 'disappointed' by the 'not helpful' comments

  • Obama said 'nobody's hands are clean' amid the conflict between Israel and the Palestinian militant group Hamas
  • Maher described such sentiments as a 'moral equivalency' and admitted to feeling let down by the remarks, describing them as not 'horrible' but 'unhelpful'

Bill Maher has slammed Barack Obama for his 'moral equivalency' over the Gaza war after the former president called Israel's Palestinian occupation 'unbearable.'

The comedian said: 'The attack was only a month ago, a more savage attack than we've ever seen in reverse. There's a big difference in collateral damage and what Hamas did.'

The Islamist terror group slaughtered 1,200 civilians and took more than 200 hostage in its massacre on October 7. Since then, the Palestinians claim more than 10,000 people have died in Israel's bombing campaign.


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London Has Fallen; UPDATED

I have been following London’s decline for a while now, and have written a fair amount about the societal decline in Britain.

I often speak of Western culture, and the Anglosphere as a subset of it. Generally speaking, the Anglosphere comprises Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the UK, and the USA–the countries that not only predominately speak English, but whose traditions and legal practices derive from English Common Law and the Scottish Enlightenment.

Obviously, these countries differ in important respects. Still, aside from knowing what side of the road to drive, citizens from one country would feel pretty comfortable navigating the streets of any of the others.

I happen to be a fan of the English Common Law and the Scottish Enlightenment and believe that the modern concept of human rights derives from the traditions embodied within them. It’s not that I believe that the ideals embodied in these traditions have been universally upheld by the societies built upon them–that is hardly the case. Rather, we judge the failures to do so based on these very ideals.



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Some of Those Pro-Palestine Protests Are Co-Organized by a Wealthy American Marxist Living in China

If you were thinking that those large pro-Palestine protests popping up everywhere seem awfully organized, you’re not wrong. Today the Free Press points out that at least four rallies, including one in New York which was later denounced as too extreme by AOC, were co-organized by a group called The People’s Forum.

Based in Midtown Manhattan, The People’s Forum calls itself a “movement incubator for working class and marginalized communities to build unity across historic lines of division at home and abroad.” But a review of public disclosure forms show that multimillionaire [Neville Roy] Singham and his wife [Jodie] Evans have donated over $20.4 million to The People’s Forum from 2017 to 2022 through a series of shell organizations and donor advisory groups—accounting for nearly all of the group’s funding.
Singham’s wealth stems from Thoughtworks, a software consulting company that he launched in 1993 in Chicago and sold in August 2017 to private equity firm Apax Partners for $785 million…
At its multiroom modern headquarters in Midtown, which anyone can visit, The People’s Forum hosts classes like “Lenin and the Path to Revolution,” praising countries like China and Cuba that have “smash[ed] the shackles of Western imperialism,” as well as seminars like “Healthcare Under Siege and Apartheid,” blaming Israel for “discriminatory policies” and “genocide” in Gaza…
For now, the People’s Forum is focusing on its pro-Palestinian agenda, calling for “more marches, walk-outs, sit-ins, and other forms of direct action directed at the political offices, businesses, and workplaces that fund, invest, and collaborate with Israeli genocide and occupation.” The next protest co-organized by the forum, called “Shut It Down for Palestine,” is taking place November 17 in at least 18 locations across the world including Copenhagen, New York City, Idaho, and Iowa.

Here’s the photo of Singham and his wife that accompanies the Free Press story.

The People’s Forum itself has described Singham as a “Marxist comrade.”

In addition to funding rallies for Palestine, Singham’s main fixation seems to be with China. In August the NY Times did a story about his work spreading pro-China PR.

…a New York Times investigation found, it is part of a lavishly funded influence campaign that defends China and pushes its propaganda. At the center is a charismatic American millionaire, Neville Roy Singham, who is known as a socialist benefactor of far-left causes.
What is less known, and is hidden amid a tangle of nonprofit groups and shell companies, is that Mr. Singham works closely with the Chinese government media machine and is financing its propaganda worldwide.
From a think tank in Massachusetts to an event space in Manhattan, from a political party in South Africa to news organizations in India and Brazil, The Times tracked hundreds of millions of dollars to groups linked to Mr. Singham that mix progressive advocacy with Chinese government talking points…
Mr. Singham, 69, himself sits in Shanghai, where one outlet in his network is co-producing a YouTube show financed in part by the city’s propaganda department. Two others are working with a Chinese university to “spread China’s voice to the world.” And last month, Mr. Singham joined a Communist Party workshop about promoting the party internationally.

Singham has denied taking any direction from China but the Times notes that he shares office space and staff with a company created to educate foreigners about “the miracles that China has created on the world stage.”

None of Mr. Singham’s nonprofits have registered under the Foreign Agents Registration Act, as is required of groups that seek to influence public opinion on behalf of foreign powers. That usually applies to groups taking money or orders from foreign governments. Legal experts said Mr. Singham’s network was an unusual case.