Leftist Response to Hamas Attacks


PREMO Member
🔥 Twist! Like a sullen teenager, the New York Times is not letting go of the “Hamas General Hospital” story. On Monday, following a week of blistering criticism, the chagrined Times was forced to retract their original fake news story blaming Israel for intentionally targeting a Palestinian hospital, in a humiliating, 300-word “Editor’s Note,” in which the paper grudgingly admitted it may have said certain things in the story that might have been slightly inaccurate — based on what other people told it! — but did not apologize.

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It’s not our fault!
The mistake wasn’t just another random blooper and the Times knew it. At least in part, the Times’ false article led to violent worldwide protests, significant property damage, many injuries, and a handful of deaths. Please don’t forget: for at least two years now the Times has been advocating for “misinformation spreaders” to be deplatformed or even jailed. Now the Times is the one spreading dangerous misinformation. So what standard should the Times now be held to? Should it be held to its own standard?

It’s a bit of a sticky wicket. So you can imagine the paper was not exactly enthusiastic about admitting it was wrong. The closest its Editor’s Note got to actually admitting the paper was wrong was this meager, passive-voice piffle:

The report left readers with an incorrect impression about what was known and how credible the account was.

Haha, the report misinformed readers! Not the Times. So, nobody misinformed anybody. And, they didn’t even say, “regretfully.” As in, the report REGRETFULLY left readers with an incorrect impression. What’s to regret?

No harm done! Fog of war and all that rot!

But wait! It’s not over yet. The New York Times’ chagrined reporters were up all night, guzzling gallons of coffee, smoking stinky, unfiltered and slightly radioactive but still-virtuous Ukrainian cigarettes, and happily munching kid-friendly cannabis gummies like they were sunflower seeds. The result: blatantly pilfering The Washington Post’s gag, the New York Times announced this morning that it may have been wrong — but it was still right!

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In a full-featured, live-action video backgrounded, long-form story, the New York Times defensively re-analyzed its earlier re-analysis and discovered that, even though it was wrong, so was Israel, American intelligence, the BBC, and even Hamas, for that matter.

In other words, everybody got it wrong!

I’m going to jump to the end of this ridiculous story, and spare you the ten painful pages of excuse-making and nitpicking, focused mostly on one widely-circulated cell phone video that appears to show a malfunctioning Hamas rocket falling into the hospital’s parking lot. After all that, the Times still carefully said it’s not saying that anybody lied. It’s not saying the Israelis blew up the parking lot. It’s not even saying it wasn’t Hamas. It’s just saying, and it sure was using a lot of words to just say it:

The Times’s finding does not answer what actually did cause the Al-Ahli Arab hospital blast, or who is responsible. The contention by Israeli and American intelligence agencies that a failed Palestinian rocket launch is to blame remains plausible. But the Times analysis does cast doubt on one of the most-publicized pieces of evidence that Israeli officials have used to make their case and complicates the straightforward narrative they have put forth.

The poor Times was horribly confused. The paper doesn’t know what to believe. It needs help. Wait … I think I got it! Eureka. If it wasn’t Hamas, it was probably the same people who blew up the Nordstream pipeline!

Case closed.



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I wonder if Chanel is proud this mud shark is wearing their Jooo Hatin' Boots?


PREMO Member

Guess Who Funded the Pro-Palestinian ‘Insurrectionists’ on Capitol Hill

The protest, which promptly met the qualifications of an insurrection (according to Democrats), was organized by the supposed “Jewish” organizations Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP) and IfNotNow. How Jewish are these groups in reality? I dare say very little.

IfNotNow claims to be an organization of Jews but doesn’t appear to have any good relations with longstanding Jewish advocacy groups. Similarly, JVP is likely no more Jewish than Joe Biden. JVP doesn’t even claim to be an organization exclusively for Jewish anti-Zionists but merely “an organization that is inspired by Jewish values and traditions to work towards peace and justice.”

How did such fringe groups acquire the resources to stage a massive protest at the Capitol? Just follow the money, which leads us to George Soros.

“Through Soros’s philanthropic work, JVP was awarded several grants totaling $650,000 that bankrolled its ‘human rights’ campaign and ‘social welfare activities’ in the Middle East, according to a grant database maintained by the Soros-funded Open Society Foundations, the central hub of the financier’s anti-capitalist, redistributionist network,” writes Mia Cathell over at our sister site Townhall. “The Soros-branded Open Society Policy Center Inc. — once the second-largest spender on federal lobbying after the U.S. Chamber of Commerce — donated $150,000 and $200,000 in 2021 and 2019, respectively, to the Jewish Voice for Peace Action Incorporated, JVP’s tax-exempt 501(c)(3). And, in 2017, Soros’s primary grant-giving vehicle, the Foundation to Promote Open Society, gifted JVP $300,000.”


PREMO Member

Dershowitz: The Gay and Trans ‘Students for Palestine’ Should Go Volunteer in Gaza

Dershowitz stated, “[L]et these students who signed this demonstration blaming it all on Israel, let them go and volunteer, gay students for Palestine, in Gaza, transgender students for Palestine, in Gaza. You know how long they would last? One day, they’d be hanging from the rafters. The best proof that this is all antisemitism…is that these groups that they support hate gays — they hang them — hate transgender people, hate women, treat them as third-class citizens. And yet, these protestors are willing to give them a pass on these core issues, as long as they also hate Jews and the nation-state of the Jewish people. This is Nazism [2023].”


PREMO Member

Anti-Semitic Nuts are Coming Out of the Woodwork in California, New York

We’ve seen this sort of thing happen before. Just a couple years ago there was a wave of anti-Semitic attacks with notable incidents in New York City and Los Angeles. Now it seems to be happening again.

Last night a deranged man broke into a Jewish family’s home in Studio City, CA and threatened to kill them. The couple’s four children were home at the time.

The break-in happened around 5:20 a.m. in the 3000 block of Laurel Canyon Boulevard, according to Los Angeles Police.
The victim, who is nine months pregnant, told KTLA’s Ellina Abovian that the intruder first kicked in the door to their master bedroom. Her husband fought with him while she called 911.
“[He said] I’m going to kill you because you are Jewish … Israel kills people,” she said in broken English.

Was this guy trying to reenact the murder of Jewish families is Israel? Fortunately, the husband forced the man outside where police found him still ranting when they arrived. He was armed with a kitchen knife and kept shouting “Free Palestine!” as he was arrested. Reporters (see below) said he was shouting other things during his arrest that couldn’t’ be aired in a televised report.

As for how the suspect targeted this particular family, Yashar Ali reported that the home had “Mezuzahs on the door,” identifying them as Jewish.



PREMO Member
Israel withholding visas for UN officials after Hamas comments: 'Teach them a lesson'

Tensions between Israel and the United Nations are heightened after a series of comments about Hamas led to U.N. visas being denied.

U.N. Secretary-General António Guterres said Tuesday during a meeting of the Security Council the terrorist attacks against Israel Oct. 7 "did not happen in a vacuum."

Supporters of Israel took offense to the assertion, and critics claimed the U.N. was blaming the Jewish state for the slaughter of its own civilians by Hamas.

The Israeli government immediately demanded Guterres resign and further escalated the feud by denying visas to U.N. officials.

"We will refuse to grant visas to U.N. representatives," said Israeli U.N. Ambassador Gilad Erdan. "We have already refused to give one to Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs Martin Griffiths.

"It’s time to teach them a lesson."


PREMO Member

Cornell professor who found Hamas attack ‘exhilarating’ and ‘energizing’ now on leave of absence

“It was exhilarating. It was exhilarating, it was energizing,” he was seen telling the crowd, claiming “you would not be human” not to feel the same.

“I was exhilarated!” he said to a smattering of applause.

After initially standing by his statements, the embattled professor later apologized “for the horrible choice of words,” admitting they were “reprehensible” — before his students were told he would no longer teach this semester.

“Professor Russell Rickford has requested and received approval to take a leave of absence from the university,” the Ivy League school confirmed to the campus newspaper, the Cornell Review.


PREMO Member
🔥 Tell me what you think this interesting information nugget means. Since October 7th, despite hundreds of interim tweets, the World Economic Forum’s twitter feed has mentioned the War in Israel exactly zero times.

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Surveying the topics most featured in the WEF’s busy feed, you’d get the impressing the WEF is a teenage boy with a “savior” dating strategy: it’s all climate change, artificial intelligence, and women. And, I’m sorry ladies, but according to the WEF, you are on a rapid downhill slide:

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Nothing about Israeli women though. Or even about Palestinian women, for that matter. War can be pretty hard on women, and you’d think with all the WEF’s fascination with the gentler sex it might have snuck in a tweet or two for the hardships of the war moms. But no. And given the vast — nearly incalculable — global economic implications of a regional Middle Eastern war, you would think the World Economic Forum might have something to say.

Instead it’s all just silly, woke buzzwords. The WEF is obsoleting itself, and I say good riddance. Become obsolete faster.

What do you think the WEF’s silence means?
