Leftist Response to Hamas Attacks


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Apparently, the public pressure to ditch Rickford had grown too great even for the liberal administration at Cornell. Someone had started an online petition at change.org calling for his removal and it quickly garnered more than ten thousand signatures. Both Democratic Senator Kirsten Gillibrand and the district’s Congresswoman, Claudia Tenney had called for his resignation. The President of the University and the head of the Board of Trustees issued a joint statement calling Rickford’s comments “reprehensible.”

But let’s not be rushing to applaud Cornell too quickly here because they aren’t exactly covering themselves in glory. Even while the administration was calling his remarks “reprehensible,” they weren’t taking any action. They simply said they were “conducting an investigation.” So what was there to investigate? They had the video and Rickford had already admitted to saying what he said and begun trying to walk it back.

So how was it that he was kept around and then allowed to request a “leave of absence” and be granted one? That means he’s still associated with the university even if he’s not actively teaching. He might still be drawing his salary for all we know. The school didn’t specify that in the press release and when the school paper asked for clarification about his status they were simply referred to the President’s original statement of condemnation.



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MSM Uses Hamas as a Credible Source While Hamas Uses Crisis Actors

Every time you hear a number specifying the Palestinian casualties in Gaza, you should know that those numbers come from Hamas.

You rarely hear any equivocation about the reliability of the numbers, and we are told they come from the “Gaza Health Ministry.” The Gaza Health Ministry is Hamas.

The MSM will often repeat Hamas talking points, like using the term “occupation,” despite the fact that Israel hasn’t occupied Gaza for almost 20 years. Hamas is the ruling government in Gaza, not Israel, and has been since 2007.

The only reason we are waiting for Israel to invade Gaza is that it doesn’t occupy Gaza. If it did, they wouldn’t need to invade. There is no occupation, whatever the MSM says.

So how reliable a source is Hamas? Let’s take a look at just one example of their propaganda machine.



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NewsGuard Runs Cover For Terrorists In ‘Fact-Check’ Of Ben Shapiro

In a Thursday email to The Daily Wire, a NewsGuard senior analyst called into question commentary by Daily Wire Editor Emeritus Ben Shapiro pinning the blame on Palestinian terrorists.

“There have been enough conflicting accounts that, in NewsGuard’s view, we still don’t know enough to pin the blame definitively on [Palestinian Islamic Jihad],” wrote Valerie Pavilonis of NewsGuard, which has received nearly a million dollars from the federal government for its services.

At the time of her email, U.S. intelligence officials had already gone public with their assessment that the hospital blast was the result of a Palestinian rocket. Based on analysis of four different video feeds as well as the effect of the blast, it was determined with “high confidence” that the rocket came from inside Gaza and was fired by Palestinian militants.

A video analysis published by the Washington Post on Thursday confirmed that “fighters in Gaza launched a barrage of rockets toward Israel and in the direction of al-Ahli Hospital 44 seconds before” the explosion.


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💣 The New York Times ran a war story yesterday with a fascinating premise. It stood out because it tracked one of my long-standing predictions. The headline said: “A.I. Muddies Israel-Hamas War in Unexpected Way.” The sub-headline further explained, “Fakes related to the conflict have been limited and largely unconvincing, but their presence has people doubting real evidence.”
Haha, yet another reason to doubt what the Times says! But the paper had a point.


But how does this affect the New York Times? The Gray Lady frets that people aren’t going to believe its photos anymore either:

People have accused political figures, media outlets and other users of brazenly trying to manipulate public opinion by creating A.I. content, even when the content is almost certainly genuine. Disinformation watchdogs fear that fakes created by A.I. tools, including the realistic renderings known as deepfakes, would confuse the public and bolster propaganda efforts.​

Disinformation researchers have found relatively few (real) A.I. fakes, and even fewer that are convincing. Yet the mere possibility that A.I. content could be circulating is leading people to dismiss genuine images, video and audio as inauthentic.​

It’s not just photos. My teenagers were playing with tools last month that take an audio sample of someone speaking and then help the user create brand-new audio in the sampled voice saying virtually anything. Mom, Dad said to play this for you: “Honey, I’m tied up. Please give Grant a hundred and twenty-six bucks and a ride to Best Buy.”

Emerging A.I.-based tools let users create photo-realistic videos from text prompts. Not to mention all the well-known PDF and image editors, which let people modify document images, photos, emails, and all sorts of digitized evidence. Think about all the arguments over Obama’s birth certificate. Document-related authenticity issues have been around for a while, but we’ve all been mostly ignoring their larger significance.

Here in the legal world, we are racing toward an apocalyptic endpoint where the argument over whether a particular bit of media evidence is authentic will require a whole trial of its own, with media experts, other hard evidence verifying the media, authenticating media (like photos taken of the same subject from other angles), and live eyewitness testimony.

And at that point, you might as well just avoid the media evidence altogether and go back to the basics.

The Times’ article included the first quote I’ve seen from someone accurately predicting where we are headed: digital evidence will be abolished as reliable evidence at all:

“Proving what’s fake is going to be a pointless endeavor and we’re just going to boil the ocean trying to do it,” said Chester Wisniewski, an executive at the cybersecurity firm Sophos. “It’s never going to work, and we need to just double down on how we can start validating what’s real.”​

This raises a profound spiritual or metaphysical question about what is real and what isn’t, and how we define “real,” but I don’t have enough time for that today. Maybe you guys can flesh it out in the comments.

There’s just no way to tell how all the pro’s and con’s will shake out, but I think overall this development is good news. Accelerating technology is crushing the government’s omnipresent panopticon. That’s a plus for we regular citizens. And, be of good cheer: for the first 200 years of the Nation’s life, we didn’t even have all this digitized media evidence, and we still did just fine.

The legal system will have to revert back to human evidence and exhibits you can hold in your hand. Same as 2,000 years ago.



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Groups behind Israel-bashing protests backing Hamas attacks got $15M-plus from Soros

Far-left billionaire kingmaker George Soros has funneled more than $15 million since 2016 to groups behind this month’s pro-Palestine protests, where demonstrators openly cheered Hamas militants’ craven terrorist attacks on Israel.

A Post examination of Open Society Foundations records shows Soros’ grant-making network gave $13.7 million of the money through Tides Center, a deep-pocketed lefty advocacy group that sponsors several nonprofits who’ve justified Hamas’ bloody attacks while claiming Palestinians obsessed with the eradication of the Jewish state are the real victims.

Tides’ beneficiaries include Illinois-based Adalah Justice Project, which on the day of the Oct. 7 massacre posted a photo on Instagram of a bulldozer tearing part of Israel’s border fence down and a caption: “Israeli colonizers believed they could indefinitely trap two million people in an open-air prison… no cage goes unchallenged.”


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Man Arrested After Allegedly Threatening Jewish U.S. Senator: ‘We’re Gonna Finish What Hitler Started’

Miller is accused of leaving a voicemail with Rosen’s office on October 17th, court documents said.

“All these f**g lies is in your ****ing hands.. and I’m gonna f**g see you soon,” Miller allegedly warned. “You just f**g woken up a motherf**g monster, you f**g piece of s**, un-human, subhuman, you’re vermin… we’re gonna finish what Hitler started.”

“You done picked your side b**h and you done chose evil. I don’t give a f** if you were born into it or not,” he added.

Additionally, the complaint said Miller showed up at a Las Vegas courthouse and claimed he was going to meet Rosen, but was denied entry by a security guard. The man then screamed “kill every last Israeli terror-f**g-ist” as he walked down the street.


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Far Left Rep. Pramila Jayapal Concerned That Biden’s Professed Support for Israel May Cost Him Votes From Arab/Muslim Americans (VIDEO)

Far left Rep. Pramila Jayapal is apparently worried that Biden’s expressed support for Israel may cost him the votes of some Arab and Muslim Americans in 2024.

She made the remarks during Meet the Press yesterday, when she also compared Israel’s response to the Hamas attack on Israel to Russia’s “seige of Ukraine.”

Members of the ‘Squad’ have really taken their masks off over the last two weeks. It’s ugly.
