Legalizing Medical Marijuana

Should medical marijuana be legalized?

  • yes

    Votes: 82 85.4%
  • no

    Votes: 14 14.6%

  • Total voters
How is adding another drug to a doctors arsenal legislating morality?

I see it the same way. It's just a drug. But rather than making raw green available, I would think the active ingredients could be made into tablet form where controlled dosage is possible. Then it would be far more "acceptable" than the stigma of a bunch of pot heads.


Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
I see it the same way. It's just a drug. But rather than making raw green available, I would think the active ingredients could be made into tablet form where controlled dosage is possible. Then it would be far more "acceptable" than the stigma of a bunch of pot heads.

I don't care if it's smoked, injected or as a suppository, if a doctor recommends it as a viable treatment I think it should be allowed.


I see it the same way. It's just a drug. But rather than making raw green available, I would think the active ingredients could be made into tablet form where controlled dosage is possible. Then it would be far more "acceptable" than the stigma of a bunch of pot heads.

It is available in other forms other than smoke which I feel is just silly. When you smoke it lowers your immune system, no matter what you smoke. If it were true medicinal it should be taken internally, not to be inhaled.

I have a friend with MS and chronic pain, the Rx she takes only helps her so much before it becomes dangerous for her to take as she could overdose, yet still feel pain. When she eats Rx marijuana her pain is manageable for a longer period and she can function, take care of her child and not pass out as if she would if she were on the other Rx.

I'm pretty sure recreational pot won't be legalized as we can't regulate it. If you smoke a joint right now, feel it's effects, you can test positive for THC a week from now when you aren't high. Alcohol wears off when it's out of your system, yet I'm still not sure which is the safer drug.


If you smoke a joint right now, feel it's effects, you can test positive for THC a week from now when you aren't high. Alcohol wears off when it's out of your system, yet I'm still not sure which is the safer drug.

Don't Bogart that JOINT my Friend .............


24/7 Single Dad
How is adding another drug to a doctors arsenal legislating morality?

If you're over 21, you should be allowed to fry your brain with any substance you choose, not wear a seat belt or a helmet, stick your fingers under a running mower and stand on the top step of a ladder.

You should also be held liable for the consequences


Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
If you're over 21, you should be allowed to fry your brain with any substance you choose, not wear a seat belt or a helmet, stick your fingers under a running mower and stand on the top step of a ladder.

You should also be held liable for the consequences

That sounds more like a yes than a no.


A pic my son sent me from California.


  • Medical.jpg
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Larry Gude

Strung Out
I don't think it's the governments job to legislate morality.

I do. Every law our government passes is a direct reflection of our values.

Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. How in the heck does that government make smoking dope illegal yet allow American Idle?


My 401K is now a 201K
I'm pretty sure recreational pot won't be legalized as we can't regulate it. If you smoke a joint right now, feel it's effects, you can test positive for THC a week from now when you aren't high. Alcohol wears off when it's out of your system, yet I'm still not sure which is the safer drug.

1. It could be regulated just like alcohol or any prescription drug. And taxed as well too.

2. Just because you can test 'positive' doesn't mean a person is still feeling the 'effects' of marijuana.

3. Alchohol is metabolized faster (6-10 hours) than most all drugs including cocaine, heroin, PCP, nicotine, codine and barbituates (which are all 2-4 days). Pot is 'detectable' anywhere between 1-28 days depending on usage.

4. No drug is 100% safe.


Dream Stealer
My great Aunt suffered with cancer pain and chemo's effects when she went through cancer...She used marijuana to deal witht the pain, and to keep her appetite and weight up..she told me that was the only thing that helped. I think it is sad that something that has the potential to be so helpful is barred to many. I say legalize it and tax it. When marijuana is ingested rather than smoked, and is done in normal doses, it is safe. Alcohol poisoning kills, but no one has ever died of a marijuana overdose..or of complications other than related to the actual smoking of the substance. There are so many people in jail and on probabtion because of silly pot charges...legalizing it would free up space and man power to go do more important things. I am all about it.


Well-Known Member
Why is it needed at all for medical purposes?

I have a friend who is a doctor, and he said he's against it mainly because he thinks it's just an excuse to toke up, because there's tons of painkillers that actually work better.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Why is it needed at all for medical purposes?

I have a friend who is a doctor, and he said he's against it mainly because he thinks it's just an excuse to toke up, because there's tons of painkillers that actually work better.

I thought it was obvious to everyone that all this is is another path to legalization. :shrug:

Of course a corporate manufactured product with quality control is going to be better than whatever is on the street corner or grown by some small time outfit. However, we home brew. Plus, some people just like the whole smoking thing. :shrug: