living together/kid said:
And I WAS Catholic, so separating was a really difficult decision for me.
Woah... woah... woah... I think you can lose the "religious" crutch because if it were really the issue, coveting thy neighbors husband and adultery should of been even more difficult. :bubble:

New Member
kwillia said:
Woah... woah... woah... I think you can lose the "religious" crutch because if it were really the issue, coveting thy neighbors husband and adultery should of been even more difficult. :bubble:

Not a religious crutch, notice the "WAS"....


American Beauty
PREMO Member said:
I guess a part of me feels guilty for putting up with so much for so long, and putting my kid thru it as well. And I WAS Catholic, so separating was a really difficult decision for me.

Let me get this straight. You said you two split 7 years ago, but he has lived with another woman for 8 years. Due to his illness he must not be working, therefore not helping foot the bill with his g/f. He also has you paying his medical free to him. So he has you and another woman looking after him and his needs. Sweet set up. No wonder boy doesn't want you to move in with b/f, Daddy taught him well.

New Member
RoseRed said:
Let me get this straight. You said you two split 7 years ago, but he has lived with another woman for 8 years. Due to his illness he must not be working, therefore not helping foot the bill with his g/f. He also has you paying his medical free to him. So he has you and another woman looking after him and his needs. Sweet set up. No wonder boy doesn't want you to move in with b/f, Daddy taught him well.

It was one of those on/again/off/again split so 7-8 years is an son was 11 when it all started and he turned 12 right after it was off for good so I use that as my guide. He does work, although not often and is not paid well (from what he tells me anyway). My son has it made, I know. I just want him to do what he wants without feeling like he has been pushed into it. You can call me a pansy too, if you want. I just want everyone to be happy.... :smack: My boyfriend tells me all the time to relax, that things will sort themselves out.


American Beauty
PREMO Member said:
It was one of those on/again/off/again split so 7-8 years is an son was 11 when it all started and he turned 12 right after it was off for good so I use that as my guide. He does work, although not often and is not paid well (from what he tells me anyway). My son has it made, I know. I just want him to do what he wants without feeling like he has been pushed into it. You can call me a pansy too, if you want. I just want everyone to be happy.... :smack: My boyfriend tells me all the time to relax, that things will sort themselves out.

I will reserve the name calling for others, but you certainly are getting screwed by your so-called "husband". Do you and his girlfriend compare notes?

Shouldn't medicaid cover his medical? You should ask JPC, he would probably know.

New Member
RoseRed said:
I will reserve the name calling for others, but you certainly are getting screwed by your so-called "husband". Do you and his girlfriend compare notes?

Shouldn't medicaid cover his medical? You should ask JPC, he would probably know.

If you only knew! I know he is/has been taking advantage of me for a while....but he is my sons father...and I feel bad for his girlfriend. Although he has supposedly quit drinking now, so I hope it is better for her than it was for me. I have no idea about medicaid or anything like that. Who is JPC?

New Member
DoWhat said:
Is BF going to help with rent?

I have to say that my boyfriend is the best guy in the world. He is supportive, caring and just plain wonderful. He is so understanding and down to earth, a great sense of humor....I just love him so much!!! And I feel so lucky that he is in my life!
We will be sharing costs, no rent, though,I own my own home.


Lobster Land
After reading the whole thread I can see some possible problems coming up. What you do is entirely up to you but I can tell you'll have to make a choice as to what/who you love the most. As it's your son you'll probably lean heavily towards him which may not overly thrill the BF. That my dear may lead to problems based on my experience. You've got your work cut out for you and all I can say is at the age of 19 he's a man/soon to be man and shouldn't be looked upon as anything else. What you should/need to be looking at is your happiness now. I wish you the best of luck and hope you achieve what you dreams are.


New Member
I think you may be entering a new time in your life, you left an abusive man, still supported him to try and keep your father's son alive. Give your son a hug and lead by example. I think he will land on his feet, it sounds like you love him very much. Don't let bible beaters get you down. Just live, love and grow.


Set Trippin
Geek said:
I think you may be entering a new time in your life, you left an abusive man, still supported him to try and keep your father's son alive. Give your son a hug and lead by example. I think he will land on his feet, it sounds like you love him very much. Don't let bible beaters get you down. Just live, love and grow.
Pass the blunt...:puffpuffpass:


American Beauty
PREMO Member said:
If you only knew! I know he is/has been taking advantage of me for a while....but he is my sons father...and I feel bad for his girlfriend. Although he has supposedly quit drinking now, so I hope it is better for her than it was for me. I have no idea about medicaid or anything like that. Who is JPC?

You aren't doing your son any favors. You pay for your ex and now pay for your current by letting him move in rent free.

:banghead: :xxxxxxx:


New Member
RoseRed said:
You aren't doing your son any favors. You pay for your ex and now pay for your current by letting him move in rent free.

:banghead :xxxxxxx:

Does the word "doormat" come to mind?

He should pay half the mortgage and half the household bills. You need to ask the Wizard for a brain, :bigwhoop:

New Member
mainman said:
Pass the blunt...:puffpuffpass:

LOL! I have been trying to teach my kid kindness, and that turn the other cheek thing......thanks for all your comments - to everyone here....even those that have given me red karma (wow, and I have gotten lots of it - for being a pansy and a "tard".....)- it helps just to talk about it out to (gulp!) unbiased people.....LOL...thanks a lot. Oh, and the boyfriend will not be getting a free ride -- we are gonna share - bills, chores, everything...!