Looking for a nice girl


Luvin Life !!!
Midnightrider said:
Insiprational voice on:
I'm good enough, i'm smart enough, and dog gone it, people like me
IV off

Reading that just gave me a Dr. Phil visual. Including the southern drawl. :killingme


professional daydreamer
MrHarvard09 said:
Rose,was that directed towards me? I dont have to use sex as a gratification in my life,I'm quite content with my sexual life as it is.

Hey RR, I think he likes you. :wink: Here's your chance, hon'. An educated man!


Tight Pants and Lipstick
PREMO Member
cattitude said:
I just got this. :lmao: I was thinking it was something you got special at Harvard.

OH SH!T!!! :roflmao: i just got it too! i was looking online and everything and i could not figure it out!!! even checked merriam-webster! hehe -)


American Beauty
PREMO Member
MrHarvard09 said:
Rose,was that directed towards me? I dont have to use sex as a gratification in my life,I'm quite content with my sexual life as it is.

You were avoiding Elaine's questions, so I thought I would help answer for you. :yay:


New Member
MrHarvard09 said:
Rose,was that directed towards me? I dont have to use sex as a gratification in my life,I'm quite content with my sexual life as it is.
Then why are you here trying to meet girls?? :confused:


New Member
What's troubling me? You know exactly what is. I'm sitting here trying to be a nice person, and just because I randomly make mistakes, you point it out to use it against me , Very childish, I worked hard for what I've gotten.


Luvin Life !!!
MrHarvard09 said:
I honestly don't care about the whole karma thing?What use is it o me? It still doesnt make my point incorrect. Furthermore this is frustrating me deeply,and troubling me.

Good Gawd man you are killing me here. Look I don't feel much like working so could you just loosen up that tie and relax.


New Member
Ok,theres nothing wrong with companionship, trying to get to know someone with both common interests and someone who has a common bond with you through shared experiences and views,gosh im so angry right now.

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
MrHarvard09 said:
Rose,was that directed towards me? I dont have to use sex as a gratification in my life,I'm quite content with my sexual life as it is.
Because you have two good hands? :confused:
MrHarvard09 said:
What's troubling me? You know exactly what is. I'm sitting here trying to be a nice person, and just because I randomly make mistakes, you point it out to use it against me , Very childish, I worked hard for what I've gotten.
Nobody said anything about you not working hard for anything :duh:

Are you bi-polar?


New Member
MrHarvard09 said:
Ok,theres nothing wrong with companionship, trying to get to know someone with both common interests and someone who has a common bond with you through shared experiences and views,gosh im so angry right now.
You should look for a Yale or MIT board..... find chicks on your level.

(or pooh & tiggs corner)


New Member
LOL why is it red,because people dont like me?is that any type of indicator to the person i am?hmm,this is an unfair and biased system,but alrighty,*sits back in chair and tries to relax as he works also*