

Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I've changed my mind. They might as well take the stuff if it gives them a thrill because the store owners aren't going to be back for a long time and the merchandise would have been water damaged anyway. Taking TVs and stereos when you don't even have a home to put them in, much less electricity, is pretty dumb. And taking jewelry to (I'd guess) fence at some later date is pretty silly, too, considering the circumstances.

Any smart retailer is going to have insurance to cover their loss, and many will cheat the insurance to say they lost more than they did (this is a pretty common practice, actually). So if it makes these folks feel like they're getting away with something, more power to 'em.


9/11 - Never Forget!
I could only condone the looting if it were for items needed for survival or essential living. Since jewelry, appliances and such certainly don't fit that category, shoot to kill orders would soon help to bring an end to that activity.

...and I completely reject the notion that cheating the insurance companies is acceptable just because some people get away with it. In the end we all pay for that form of theft.


New Member
vraiblonde said:
I've changed my mind. They might as well take the stuff if it gives them a thrill because the store owners aren't going to be back for a long time and the merchandise would have been water damaged anyway. Taking TVs and stereos when you don't even have a home to put them in, much less electricity, is pretty dumb. And taking jewelry to (I'd guess) fence at some later date is pretty silly, too, considering the circumstances.
Any smart retailer is going to have insurance to cover their loss, and many will cheat the insurance to say they lost more than they did (this is a pretty common practice, actually). So if it makes these folks feel like they're getting away with something, more power to 'em.

One man that was interviewed was in his own home when 2 men came in and robbed him at gunpoint. His wife was at the hospital with her mother and all her jewelry was taken...then again, maybe he's just riding the bandwagon of insurance fraud. Where is the cynicism smilie?:ohwell:


These idiots are not only robbing (looting) businesses, they are also looting peoples homes. It is all deplorable and I totally disagree with you Vraiblonde, it is WRONG to loot. The only excuse would be if they were taking food and clothing to survive!


Salt Life
Wouldn't the store owners just write it off to their insurance companies anyhow? But I'm wondering, (and maybe this has been brought up before) but when you live in a city such as New Orleans, do they even have flood insurance? If so, I imagine it's pretty hefty!


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Okay, you guys are right. I didn't think about the looting of private homes and the robberies.

Criminals are criminals and now, upon reading some of your responses, I realize it's not a good idea to embolden them or excuse them in any way, shape or form.

It was just a random thought, and not a very good one. :lol:


They also are breaking into hospitals and stealing medicine. On the Today show this morning, the mayor of Mississippi said looters will be dealt with. Yeah, them Mississippi good ol' boys will deal with them!!

Lock & Load!


I'm all for shoot-on-site orders for looters, but it'll never happen.

Here's what I'm not seeing in all of this, and I hate to be blunt, but I've seen a ton of video of looters and I don't see one white face out there. Every looter is an African-American, every single one. I saw lots of white faces in the crowd waiting to get into the Superdome, so I know there are lots of whites there, but they damn sure don't seem to be a member of the entitlement class who thinks it has the right to take anything from anybody.

When are we going to hear from Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson about how these folks are living up to the worst of the stereotypes that they have complaigned about for decades? When are we going to hear these Black leaders condemn these people for bringing embarassment and humiliation to Blacks across the US?

Looking at the effects of the tsunami on Indonesia, you didn't see widespread stealing and violence against authorities. Four different waring groups even decided that the need to save lives took precedence over any political power plays, and laid down their arms and helped until things stabilized. But not our ever-repressed entitlement class. They are embarassing to themselves, their people, and to this country, and I'm hoping that some Black leader will have the guts to say so.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Bruzilla said:
They are embarassing to themselves, their people, and to this country, and I'm hoping that some Black leader will have the guts to say so.
There were black people calling into Chris Core going crazy that these folks are perpetuating the stereotype. But you're right - you'd think Jess or Al or somebody would step up.


vraiblonde said:
There were black people calling into Chris Core going crazy that these folks are perpetuating the stereotype. But you're right - you'd think Jess or Al or somebody would step up.

That's because they only are into things that give them money.


Tight Pants and Lipstick
PREMO Member
vraiblonde said:
Okay, you guys are right. I didn't think about the looting of private homes and the robberies.

Criminals are criminals and now, upon reading some of your responses, I realize it's not a good idea to embolden them or excuse them in any way, shape or form.

It was just a random thought, and not a very good one. :lol:
Vrai, this is what I was talking about when I mentioned what surfaces in the face of adversity... When you have the good (rescue and aid), you'll also have the bad (looters and hysteria). When we were talking about being in the Superdome, I thought about the surfacing of both sides and don't think I'd like to see it (as well as the other things mentioned)...

Unfortunately, ya' just knew this stuff was bound to happen. :ohwell:


Rocky Mountain High!!
There is a guy here whose family was on a rooftop Tuesday. He said even the police are "looting" to get rescuers what they need (genertors blankets etc.), since there are no shop owners around, and no-one to give FEMA invoices too. It will all balance out in the end. what REALLY got my goat was a CVS owner/manager charging FOUR DOLLARS for a small package of generic chocolate chip cookies to a family with 5 kids and one on the way who had-had NOTHING to eat for a day and a half!! He did it ON TV!!! :burning: THAT steams me.


happyappygirl said:
There is a guy here whose family was on a rooftop Tuesday. He said even the police are "looting" to get rescuers what they need (genertors blankets etc.), since there are no shop owners around, and no-one to give FEMA invoices too. It will all balance out in the end. what REALLY got my goat was a CVS owner/manager charging FOUR DOLLARS for a small package of generic chocolate chip cookies to a family with 5 kids and one on the way who had-had NOTHING to eat for a day and a half!! He did it ON TV!!! :burning: THAT steams me.

Was he supossed to give them away? (and they were $3.49) Normal price for getting cookies at a drug store :shrug: He also came out and gave them free fix a flat for their tire :yay:


Rocky Mountain High!!
nomoney said:
Was he supossed to give them away? (and they were $3.49) Normal price for getting cookies at a drug store :shrug: He also came out and gave them free fix a flat for their tire :yay:
...only once he realized he was on tv, and did you hear him say, come back and pay me when you can :lol: i dunno...it broke my heart to see those poor little kids with NO food in their bellies. that show was heart wrenching to say the least....


happyappygirl said:
...only once he realized he was on tv, and did you hear him say, come back and pay me when you can :lol: i dunno...it broke my heart to see those poor little kids with NO food in their bellies. that show was heart wrenching to say the least....
I watched all the different specials last night; and it all blends in together. But they were tear jerkers last night.

Just curious, if a boat ends up on your roof, do you get to keep the boat? :lol:


Rocky Mountain High!!
....he'll prolly report a total loss and be paid double for everything he sold anyway.
Rottncop said he'll prolly be promoted for doing it :lol: