Love or Money

Love or Money

  • Love

    Votes: 43 70.5%
  • Money

    Votes: 18 29.5%

  • Total voters


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
signora said:
I agree, but there are some that want/except too much that they could let a really good person walk by because their standards were too high.
Just because they're a good person doesn't mean they're the right one for you.


100% Goapele Head!
jaybeeztoo said:
Is there really a Virgo curse :twitch:

"Curse" is such a harsh word but yes there is :poorbaby:

:lmao: we are our own worse enemies when it comes to love because of the freakin perfectionism :tantrum or was that pickyism. :confused:


100% Goapele Head!
vraiblonde said:
There is NOTHING wrong with that. The problem comes when desperate women "settle" for some schmuck who isn't worth the powder it would take to blow him to hell.

:lmao: Lawd have mercy...

Vrai, I must've missed that thread, where can one purchase this powder again? I have a couple of men I'd like to practice on. TIA :flowers:


New Member
vraiblonde said:
Just because they're a good person doesn't mean they're the right one for you.


I read something not too long ago that said it is ok to love somebody with your heart but you have to listen to your head when you just know they are not the one for you.

I loved a guy that I just knew would always drink too much and that his drinking could potentially cause much heart ache down the road. A good friend of mine sees him every so often. He recently started drinking again after having about a year of sobriety. So there are so many factors to consider beyond just love. Love is really a second hand emotion. :shrug:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Pandora said:
So there are so many factors to consider beyond just love. Love is really a second hand emotion.
Tina Turner refers to love being a "secondhand emotion" because she's really in love with the guy and trying to pretend it's just sex.


100% Goapele Head!
vraiblonde said:
Tina Turner refers to love being a "secondhand emotion" because she's really in love with the guy and trying to pretend it's just sex.

You just reminded me, I wanted to share with y'all that I finally watched the movie "Ray" yesterday after owning it for over a year. It was pretty interesting.

Love back then was way different but I think most of y'all are in that age range. Btw where's Kain? :whistle:


New Member
LexiGirl75 said:
You just reminded me, I wanted to share with y'all that I finally watched the movie "Ray" yesterday after owning it for over a year. It was pretty interesting.

Love back then was way different but I think most of y'all are in that age range. Btw where's Kain? :whistle:

What? :yikes: In that age range? You bumped your damn head. Ray Charles died in 2004 at the age of 74. :killingme

Gezz Lexi :doh:


Cleopatra Jones
I don't know that I'd remarry based soley on love or money. When I married the first time I thought that I was "in love" but as I've aged I realize now that it was just my misguided youth and wanting to be "in love" with someone and be loved back.

Now I'm looking for the "total package". :shrug: They have to be stable in both their career and mentally; that's not to say they have to make a ton of money just can maintain fairly well. I have to be attracted to them; they don't have to be drop dead gorgeous but anyone who claims looks don't matter is a liar. You HAVE to be attracted to them to maintain a healthy relationship. I have to love the ever living crap out of them. Not that there will never be issues but the good feelings have to far outweigh the bad; it can't be a close race.


wandering aimlessly
pixiegirl said:
I don't know that I'd remarry based soley on love or money. When I married the first time I thought that I was "in love" but as I've aged I realize now that it was just my misguided youth and wanting to be "in love" with someone and be loved back.

Now I'm looking for the "total package". :shrug: They have to be stable in both their career and mentally; that's not to say they have to make a ton of money just can maintain fairly well. I have to be attracted to them; they don't have to be drop dead gorgeous but anyone who claims looks don't matter is a liar. You HAVE to be attracted to them to maintain a healthy relationship. I have to love the ever living crap out of them. Not that there will never be issues but the good feelings have to far outweigh the bad; it can't be a close race.
You're picking Pete! Finally!! :huggy:


Well-Known Member
pixiegirl said:
I don't know that I'd remarry based soley on love or money. When I married the first time I thought that I was "in love" but as I've aged I realize now that it was just my misguided youth and wanting to be "in love" with someone and be loved back.

Now I'm looking for the "total package". :shrug: They have to be stable in both their career and mentally; that's not to say they have to make a ton of money just can maintain fairly well. I have to be attracted to them; they don't have to be drop dead gorgeous but anyone who claims looks don't matter is a liar. You HAVE to be attracted to them to maintain a healthy relationship. I have to love the ever living crap out of them. Not that there will never be issues but the good feelings have to far outweigh the bad; it can't be a close race.

I could afford one more!


New Member
vraiblonde said:
Just because they're a good person doesn't mean they're the right one for you.

Good person meaning - you’re compatible, etc. w/them, but you overlook them because they don't have the right qualifications that you want (e.g, physical appearance, job, education, etc.). Nobody is perfect and we all have our flaws.

So just saying sometimes people need to come down a little on their standards ladder and look at what’s on the inside of the person (personality) instead of the outside appearance and the materialistic things about them.
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Pitty Party
virgovictoria said:
"Things" never quite nurture the soul like the love of someone who gives you a million kisses every day, or rub your feet in the morning before leaving as a gentle way of waking you, or bring you coffee in bed as a thoughtful gesture time and time again. Or make you feel safe and secure when you're scared.

There was a time when I probably could've gone either way, or more towards money, but not now.

I'm outta chapstick by the way



aka Mrs. Giant
1. Would you ask your fiancée to sign a pre-nuptial agreement?
Maybe. I would definitely sign one.

2. You've been dating someone for almost a year when you find out they are heavily in debt. Would you end the relationship?
No, though I would question how honest that person is with me.

3. Your spouse cheats on you and, to make up for it, buys you a new Mercedes. Do you forgive them?
No, but I will keep the Mercedes ... did you say we were married? well then I'll keep everything, change the locks, hire a barracuda lawyer, close all the accounts and burn his clothes on the front lawn!

4. Would you support your partner if they were a struggling artist?
To a degree. It's still a partnership, I'd expect lots of sex, clean house, and homecooked meals if I was paying all the bills.

5. If you are being set up on a blind date, do you:
Ask what they do for a living after you've accepted.
I'd just like to make sure they do work and aren't fresh out of jail or something!

6. Would you refuse a date with someone if they didn't have a car?
LMAO - No. When I married my ex-husband he didn't have a car.

7. If married, would you have separate checking accounts?
Yes. I have learned many a valuable lesson from my first marriage.

8. Is the size of the engagement ring important?
Yes, if it doesn't fit how can I wear it?

9. Would you refuse to go out with a fast food clerk?
Well is the clerk of legal age? If he's only 16 I think it would be illegal.

10.Would you marry a 90-year-old billionaire?
If I was in love, maybe. Though I'd probably prefer shacking up. I'd hate to lose my Social Security and Medicare.


aka Mrs. Giant
signora said:
Good person meaning - you’re compatible, etc. w/them, but you overlook them because they don't have the right qualifications that you want (e.g, physical appearance, job, education, etc.). Nobody is perfect and we all have our flaws.

So just saying sometimes people need come down a little on their standards ladder and look at what’s on the inside of the person (personality) instead of the outside appearance and the materialist things about them.
:yeahthat: I get overlooked all the time.


vraiblonde said:
I've already tried love twice. If it doesn't work out with me and Larry, I'm going for the money next time. :yay:

I thought you were going lesbo the next time :confused: