Love or Money

Love or Money

  • Love

    Votes: 43 70.5%
  • Money

    Votes: 18 29.5%

  • Total voters


virgovictoria said:
"Things" never quite nurture the soul like the love of someone who gives you a million kisses every day, or rub your feet in the morning before leaving as a gentle way of waking you, or bring you coffee in bed as a thoughtful gesture time and time again. Or make you feel safe and secure when you're scared.

There was a time when I probably could've gone either way, or more towards money, but not now.

How lucky for you!


I just want to be able to pay my bills, but I don't need a large house or bling.

Financial difficulties are the #1 reason for divorce.

Love doesn't stick around for very long when you're struggling to make ends meet, unless both are fine and used to living less than modestly, and there are no children to worry about.

I need both love and money.


wandering aimlessly

The Love vs. Money Test
(How would you answer these simple little questions?)

1. Would you ask your fiancée to sign a pre-nuptial agreement?
I guess that would depend on where we both were financially and what the terms were.

2. You've been dating someone for almost a year when you find out they are heavily in debt. Would you end the relationship?
Maybe not, but why would I not know this? I'm pretty nosy, so I'd have it figured out in waaayyy less than a year.

3. Your spouse cheats on you and, to make up for it, buys you a new Mercedes. Do you forgive them?
No. But I'm keeping the car.

4. Would you support your partner if they were a struggling artist?
Right now I'd say no, because I'm supporting three kids and can't take on any additional burdens. In the future, if I thought they REALLY had talent, maybe.

5. If you are being set up on a blind date, do you:

Ask what they do for a living after you've accepted.

6. Would you refuse a date with someone if they didn't have a car?
Depends on why they don't have a car.

7. If married, would you have separate checking accounts?
Yes. At this stage in my life, definitely.

8. Is the size of the engagement ring important?
Size of diamond? No. Sized to fit my finger? yes.

9. Would you refuse to go out with a fast food clerk?
How much of a discount would I get? :lmao: Not if it was their only job, no.

10.Would you marry a 90-year-old billionaire?
Ew. I just realized that if I was 80 this might not be so gross - so yeah if I was 80 or older.

You tell me-money or love??!!!
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Cleopatra Jones
The Love vs. Money Test
(How would you answer these simple little questions?)

1. Would you ask your fiancée to sign a pre-nuptial agreement?
Absolutely not. If I'm loaded and don't trust you enough and vice versa we shouldn't be getting married.

2. You've been dating someone for almost a year when you find out they are heavily in debt. Would you end the relationship?
Probably with the exception that it was unavoidable circumstances but the fact that I had to "find out" about it would rub me the wrong way.

3. Your spouse cheats on you and, to make up for it, buys you a new Mercedes. Do you forgive them?
Spouse = I'm married. If he's got the money to buy me a benz for cheating than the bastard better have bought me one before he cheated.

4. Would you support your partner if they were a struggling artist?
Tough but I doubt it simply for the fact that I don't really like the artsy farsy type. If they were in school or something else I could relate to than I could probably tolerate it for a while.

5. If you are being set up on a blind date, do you:
Ask first. It may be a total turn off and why waste my time or his?

6. Would you refuse a date with someone if they didn't have a car?
Depends on why they don't have a car. If they lived in the city and didn't need one that's fine. If they live with mommy and daddy still and don't work; that's a different story.

7. If married, would you have separate checking accounts?
Yes and no. 3 accounts, one joint for "family" bills and we'd each have a personal account.

8. Is the size of the engagement ring important?
Somewhat. If he's loaded and cheap or self serving it's an issue if he can't afford much that's another thing.

9. Would you refuse to go out with a fast food clerk?
Yes. Apparently they don't have much ambition which is very different from myself and we'd probably not get along.

10.Would you marry a 90-year-old billionaire?
Hell yes. This is a win/win situation. At 90 years old even with medical intervention I'm fairly sure he won't be able to get it up or perform. If he wants to marry me it's certainly not because of my winning personality. He gets his arms candy and dies a happy man; I get the money when he kicks it or at least have a ton of fun while he's still alive. I love old people. I use to sit and talk to my great grandmother for hours on end. Like I said before win/win! :yay:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
BlackSheep said:

The Love vs. Money Test
(How would you answer these simple little questions?)

1. Would you ask your fiancée to sign a pre-nuptial agreement?
If I were rich enough to need a pre-nup, I'd probably marry a new person every year (like other rich people seem to do). So yes, they'd be signing a pre-nup.

2. You've been dating someone for almost a year when you find out they are heavily in debt. Would you end the relationship?
No - I just wouldn't marry them.

3. Your spouse cheats on you and, to make up for it, buys you a new Mercedes. Do you forgive them?
Sure - since it's a gift, it can't be considered marital property and won't be included in the settlement.

4. Would you support your partner if they were a struggling artist?
Please. Like I'd date an artist. :rolleyes:

5. If you are being set up on a blind date, do you:
Insist on knowing what they do for a living before accepting
Ask what they do for a living after you've accepted.
Agree to the date-no questions asked.
I wouldn't go on a blind date at all.

6. Would you refuse a date with someone if they didn't have a car?
Yes, unless they were sending their private plane for me so I could meet them in the Bahamas.

7. If married, would you have separate checking accounts?
My spouse and I already have separate checking accounts.

8. Is the size of the engagement ring important?
Nope - I'd rather have the money.

9. Would you refuse to go out with a fast food clerk?
Yes, considering most fast food clerks are teenagers.

10.Would you marry a 90-year-old billionaire?
Only if he were childless.

You tell me-money or love??!!!


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
signora said:
Good person meaning - you’re compatible, etc. w/them, but you overlook them because they don't have the right qualifications that you want (e.g, physical appearance, job, education, etc.).
All those things are part of the package. Which is not to say that he has to be 100% in all aspects - 90% is a keeper, as long as there are no fatal flaws. Chewing with your mouth open is a fatal flaw, even if you're 100% in every other aspect.

Fatal flaw puts you back down to 0%.


Me and my hubby were both dirt poor when we first met. So I can say honestly that it was love! :huggy:


New Member
vraiblonde said:
All those things are part of the package. Which is not to say that he has to be 100% in all aspects - 90% is a keeper, as long as there are no fatal flaws. Chewing with your mouth open is a fatal flaw, even if you're 100% in every other aspect.

Fatal flaw puts you back down to 0%.

Chewing w/mouth open or hearing them chew is a pet peeve of mine. It is a flaw, but it's something you can tell them about and hopefully they would be willing to change that habit.


Can a guy take this test?

Lets see

The Love vs. Money Test
(How would you answer these simple little questions?)

1. Would you ask your fiancée to sign a pre-nuptial agreement?
Yup, I have a kid to raise, I cannot afford to be broke again.

2. You've been dating someone for almost a year when you find out they are heavily in debt. Would you end the relationship?
Yup, I have a kid to raise and I enjoy my standard of living, I cannot take on someone elses massive debt nor do I want to. If of course it was something totally out of their control like huge hospital bills form an unexpected illness or something that might be different, but probably not because they kept it secret for a year.

3. Your spouse cheats on you and, to make up for it, buys you a new Harley. Do you forgive them?
Nope trust is the most important issue. If you move yourself outside of "Pete's circle of trust" re-entry is nearly impossible.

4. Would you support your partner if they were a struggling artist?
Ahhh no. I am not artsy and therefore I cannot appreciate the need to pursue a dream like that.

5. If you are being set up on a blind date, do you:
Insist on knowing what they do for a living before accepting Ding, information is power, I am not into being weak.

6. Would you refuse a date with someone if they didn't have a car?
Yes, I cannot fathom that.

7. If married, would you have separate checking accounts?

8. Is the size of the engagement ring important?
Nope, not at all. :lol:

9. Would you refuse to go out with a fast food clerk?

10.Would you marry a 90-year-old billionaire?
Nope. I may sound money focused but I am focused on mine, not someone elses. I do have principles.


Pete said:
Can a guy take this test?

Lets see

The Love vs. Money Test
(How would you answer these simple little questions?)

1. Would you ask your fiancée to sign a pre-nuptial agreement?
Yup, I have a kid to raise, I cannot afford to be broke again.

2. You've been dating someone for almost a year when you find out they are heavily in debt. Would you end the relationship?
Yup, I have a kid to raise and I enjoy my standard of living, I cannot take on someone elses massive debt nor do I want to. If of course it was something totally out of their control like huge hospital bills form an unexpected illness or something that might be different, but probably not because they kept it secret for a year.

3. Your spouse cheats on you and, to make up for it, buys you a new Harley. Do you forgive them?
Nope trust is the most important issue. If you move yourself outside of "Pete's circle of trust" re-entry is nearly impossible.

4. Would you support your partner if they were a struggling artist?
Ahhh no. I am not artsy and therefore I cannot appreciate the need to pursue a dream like that.

5. If you are being set up on a blind date, do you:
Insist on knowing what they do for a living before accepting Ding, information is power, I am not into being weak.

6. Would you refuse a date with someone if they didn't have a car?
Yes, I cannot fathom that.

7. If married, would you have separate checking accounts?

8. Is the size of the engagement ring important?
Nope, not at all. :lol:

9. Would you refuse to go out with a fast food clerk?

10.Would you marry a 90-year-old billionaire?
Nope. I may sound money focused but I am focused on mine, not someone elses. I do have principles.
Guess I don't have to take the test. Pete put all my answers down for me. Except number 3. Change "nearly impossible" to "impossible."


I really think these guys should stay OUT of the ladies room. :razz:


My Sweetest Boy
I think the answers to this little questionnaire depend on where you are in your life now...what you've experienced, etc.

I'm guess I'm with Pete and Vrai.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
bresamil said:
After careful comparison against those females that took this test, I'd say you're most compatible with Vrai. Big surprise, not. :lmao:
This is going to sound mean, even though I don't intend for it to:

Most women are suckers.

I don't know if it's genetic or societal expectations or what, but women are more tolerant of a guy's flaws than guys are about women's flaws. A woman will date a man who is fat, stupid, obnoxious, picks his teeth, is unemployed, is ugly, cheats on her, treats her like crap, etc etc etc.

Men will refuse to date a woman simply because she's not "hot" enough.

When was the last time you saw a fat, ugly, stupid woman with a gorgeous trophy husband? Yet gorgeous women with some troll guy are so cliche they're not even worth commenting on.

The ONLY exception (and you all can scream to high heaven, but it's the truth) is nasty white women dating a drool-worthy black man. What's up with that? I swear, every time I see a black/white couple, he's a hottie and a half, and she's a surly pig.