Marriage: What is it good for?


Salt Life
vraiblonde said:
When you meet your beloved at the Rail and she's already got several children by several different men, and isn't shy about jumping in the sack to make you the next Bebe Daddy - what do you expect?
There goes my dreams. :ohwell:


CageKicker Extraordinaire
vraiblonde said:
If Larry and I were just living together, I'd have gotten pissed and ditched him a thousand times by now. :lol: Marriage makes you stick it out, especially if there are kids involved. The only ones left at home are his two, but I wouldn't just up and ditch them because I was pissed at their Dad. At least when it was my own kids, I could have taken them with.

I understand what you're saying. The only catch is that it assumes that people care about what marraige means. IMO, most don't.

Personally, I had my dry-run of living with someone I am in a long-term relationship with, and won't do it again unless we plan on marriage. (She's been divorced twice with two kids, and I don't see marrying her unless things change and become a lot more stable.) At the time, it was a matter of conveince and it was known from the beginning that the living arrangement was temporary. I spent more time there than I did at home for months, so I didn't think much of it. Long story short, eventhough I'm still with her and neither of us plans on going anywhere; living arrangement wise, I'm on plan B. :lmao:


CageKicker Extraordinaire
vraiblonde said:
I'm trying to think of a tactful way to say this.....

Aw, what the hell:

When you meet your beloved at the Rail and she's already got several children by several different men, and isn't shy about jumping in the sack to make you the next Bebe Daddy - what do you expect?

When you have to peel your fiancee off his ex-girlfriend in order to get him to the courthouse so you can be wed - what do you expect?

People who have low standards and poor judgement get what they deserve - each other.


:lmao: Well put. I also like to use the following for people like that: "Two things are infinite: The universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe." I love people like that. If it wasn't for them, life wouldn't be very humorous.

Not only does the number of people that don't get that amaze me, but how many people get pissed at you for being a cynic when you say things like that. History repeats itself. Wanna change "history?" Establish a new one by cleaning up your act and keeping it clean over time.


Stubborn and opinionated
vraiblonde said:
I'm trying to think of a tactful way to say this.....

Aw, what the hell:

When you meet your beloved at the Rail and she's already got several children by several different men, and isn't shy about jumping in the sack to make you the next Bebe Daddy - what do you expect?

When you have to peel your fiancee off his ex-girlfriend in order to get him to the courthouse so you can be wed - what do you expect?

People who have low standards and poor judgement get what they deserve - each other.


Speak it board mommy!:yahoo:


100% Goapele Head!
sockgirl77 said:
Yeah, not everyone is as uptight as me. I let little things get to me. Putting the TP roll on backwards, not squeezing the toothpaste correctly, peeing on the floor, etc...

Well gotdam I think I found my lost twin :high5:


100% Goapele Head!
vraiblonde said:
Not me. I loved having my own place. If Larry and I weren't married, I wouldn't even consider living with him.

My Dad always said that if he ever got married again, they'd live in separate houses. :lol:

Your dad sounds like me. :lmao: I have a triple bedroom design I am just hoping to be lucky enough to have built.


New Member
Marriage would be awesome, so long as both parties involved are honest and believe that marriage is the house we live our lives in. If you don't take care of it, it falls apart.

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
Am I the only one...

who hears the title of this thread being sung like:

"Marriage! Huh-yeah! What is it good for? Absolutely nothing, say it again..." :jet:


Stubborn and opinionated
jazz lady said:
who hears the title of this thread being sung like:

"Marriage! Huh-yeah! What is it good for? Absolutely nothing, say it again..." :jet:

Karaoke party at Jazz's house.:roflmao:


wandering aimlessly
jazz lady said:
who hears the title of this thread being sung like:

"Marriage! Huh-yeah! What is it good for? Absolutely nothing, say it again..." :jet:
:high5: First thing I thought of when I read it.


100% Goapele Head!
Railroad said:
I just got back from helping my wife through one of the more embarassing and messy aspects of the partial loss of muscular control caused by MS. While doing that I thought about this thread. Living with her would not have shown me that someday she'd have MS. It would not have prepared me for anything significant, compared to what she and I deal with on a daily basis. She is in her mid-40s and needs my help to do almost everything.

When we were (almost) living together before we got married it was a convenient way to support a very active sex life, the sex life which newlyweds of all sorts enjoy. In view of what we know now compared to what we knew then, the only advantage to the pre-nuptial living together was the number of times we had sex.

Learning about your mate can take a lifetime. Keeping up with the changes can be breathtaking. Staying with your mate is a challenge that isn't easy to endure.

Dag, I really like RailRoad :huggy: You are all that and a bag of Utz. Based on the above I view you as a good man. Your wife's blessed.


100% Goapele Head!
crabcake said:
I can't believe I'm the first to say this, but who's dumb enough to let what Hollyweirds do guide their life's decisions? :shrug: If you do, you get what you ask for. :ohwell:

Don't think of it in the conscious way. Somethings are just that subliminal that it just makes you start believing it even if you haven't experienced it.

For instance, we don't know how it feels to have celebrity status everywhere we go (at least I don't) but we assume it is the best thing in the world (from the outside looking in). But, those celebrities hate to even go anywhere because of the paparazzi and crazy fans and groupies.

To the conscious mind hollywood relationships/marriages are definitely not always good examples. But with it constantly on the news, radio, magazines and newspapers. You start believing it's the norm (what people are doing) and sometimes that's enough to compel one to give it a try.


New Member
Ms. Black Kettl said:
Dearest Pandora,

I wish I could know so mucher about relationships like you. Please help.

Your bestest fan,
Ms. Black Kettle

Meet me at the lake! I'll help you there. :biggrin:


Salt Life
LexiGirl75 said:
But with it constantly on the news, radio, magazines and newspapers. You start believing it's the norm (what people are doing) and sometimes that's enough to compel one to give it a try.
Are you smoking crack? :confused: I don't take relationship advice from anyone but my s/o. I don't turn to celebrities for the answer.