Marriage: What is it good for?


Well-Known Member
Nickel said:
In our case it was.
Yeah, not everyone is as uptight as me. I let little things get to me. Putting the TP roll on backwards, not squeezing the toothpaste correctly, peeing on the floor, etc...


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Nickel said:
I think the term "shacking up" in the context Vrai is using, is describing people that have no intentions of getting married.

If you're getting married and live together for a little while beforehand, whatever - the commitment is there. But you hear of these people who live together for years and years with no sign of marriage in sight, you have to wonder why not just get married?

Then you have these others who are living with a different shack-up each week, obviously no commitment because that's not the goal. It's like extended dating or something.


curiouser and curiouser
sockgirl77 said:
Yeah, not everyone is as uptight as me. I let little things get to me. Putting the TP roll on backwards, not squeezing the toothpaste correctly, peeing on the floor, etc...
D is a very clean, neat person. :shrug: Maybe you're just visiting the wrong people. :shrug:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
LexiGirl75 said:
I want to lie in one bed at a time (of the beds I've made).
Not me. I loved having my own place. If Larry and I weren't married, I wouldn't even consider living with him.

My Dad always said that if he ever got married again, they'd live in separate houses. :lol:


24/7 Single Dad
sushisamba said:
If you date someone and they have their own place, which you would be visiting, you do get to see them in their own habitat :confused:
:yay: my kind of girl. Live close by and visit often.

then go home :kiss:


I totally dig on just shacking up. The commitment is there. Why should we run off and get a little piece of paper to make it "official"? So we can save a bunch of money on car insurance? :lmao:

But I look at marriage WAY different then just about everyone I know. I don't understand what the big deal is? Society says you're supposed to get married and have children so that is what everyone HAS to do. I think not! Your do your thing, I'll do mine :lmao:


sockgirl77 said:
Yeah, not everyone is as uptight as me. I let little things get to me. Putting the TP roll on backwards, not squeezing the toothpaste correctly, peeing on the floor, etc...
You mean he waited to do all that until you lived together? When he lived alone he was Martha Stewart? VERY :confused:

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
Jameo said:
I totally dig on just shacking up. The commitment is there. Why should we run off and get a little piece of paper to make it "official"? So we can save a bunch of money on car insurance? :lmao:

But I look at marriage WAY different then just about everyone I know. I don't understand what the big deal is? Society says you're supposed to get married and have children so that is what everyone HAS to do. I think not! Your do your thing, I'll do mine :lmao:
Will you do mine also? :lmao:


curiouser and curiouser
aps45819 said:
:lol: your guy pees on the floor and leaves it :yikes: That's just nasty.
:yeahthat: And FYI, I don't know any woman that would classify anyone over the age of 5 peeing on the floor as a "little thing". :lmao:


New Member
Wait just one minute I might not be the sharpest knife in the draw but you mean to tell me that you can "Putting the TP roll on backwards" :confused: