Marrying within your own race

Do you believe people should marry within own race

  • Yes, it's just better that way

    Votes: 38 31.9%
  • Well, generally yes but there are a few races I could accept in my family

    Votes: 6 5.0%
  • No, people should be able to marry anyone they love

    Votes: 55 46.2%
  • Heck, I don't care if they marry within another species or marry an alien from outer space

    Votes: 20 16.8%

  • Total voters


In My Opinion
I guess that no music you consider to be 'white ' has filth or violence in it.
You are just talking about one genre of music considered to be' black'. There are also many black artists who have no violence or filth in their music.
I thought we were discussing rap.
yes, many black artists that I listen to, mostly older stuff and yes, there are plenty of white "bands" that have no real place in the music world due to the filth and violence, but we at the time were not discussing that, we were discussing rap.
Of course if you go back a few years to the late 70s/early 80s then you can bring up Tone Loc, and I would have to agree that they were good, and on many songs funny, most enjoyable as I remember. but again, thats not exactly what we were discussing.

I think you paint a picture with to broad a brush.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
Sweet and neat very petite
A hot little blondie with a fine ass seat
Takes no guff from behind the wheel
Piss her off in her ride she’ll give you da mommy speel

Step off…. Woof…. Woof…. Stupid kid…. Step off…..

From sunny Cali shes sure got the look
But to reach the desk she gotta sit on the Telephone book
Short shapely legs skin smooth as glass
Those legs go up and make a damn fine **cough**……..

Stand up…. Woof…. Woof…. Woof…. stand up……

Cute as a bug with long blonde hair
But don’t grab her ass or you get the piercing dark stare
Cultured and smart she is so damn classy
All that charm mounted on a fine ass chassis

Check it out…woof ….woof….woof Check it out

Now all these props about anyone could be said
But in my rap I’m talking bout our own Rosered
If she grins that grin you are a lucky fella
Now if I just could avert my gaze from Hellen and Kella

Check em out…woof…woof…check em out




New Member
I am sorry but I do think your comments make you appear bigoted.Basically you want your children to have only 'white 'characteristics.

You will swear until you are blue in the face that you are not racist but your remarks about Obama were very offensive .

You seem to say you have no problem with inter-racial marriages or dating (as long as it is not in your family)but you have a very 'them and us 'attitude.

I have no problems with who you find attractive etc-some people like blonde hair some red hair ect....I understand that part...
but the way you talk I would be very uncomfortable to be in your presence with my family.I am not having a go at you just being honest with my feelings..

I think that would be best. sooner or later someone is going to ask me what I think.

I dont pretend or mix words, Ill tell them what I think.

and yes, I do want my children to look white. so what?

YOu never answered my question as to what you meant by this when you put my sentence in bold...

'by the way you talk I would be uncomfortable to be in your presence with my family'


In My Opinion
YOu never answered my question as to what you meant by this when you put my sentence in bold...

'by the way you talk I would be uncomfortable to be in your presence with my family'
I know your type, you would keep pressing for the answer that would enable you to become pissed off, much like you are doing now.
you would not let something just go, you would have to push and push until the person you were pushing finally said what you wanted them to say so you could play your picked on by a racist game.

and the fact is, just because I prefer my kids to look like me, or I am willing to point out differences in races, (some people refer to the differences as embracing diversity) you chose to play the picked on here and now.

I have little tolerence for those that make the assumption that someone is racist and klanish just because they refuse to hide the simple fact that there are distinct differences between the races.

good enough or do you want to push some more>?


Well-Known Member
You never miss an opportunity to show your bigotry do you?????

I'm of mixed race and I didn't have any of those problems.....

You never miss an opportunity to show your ignorance, do you? I'd recommend a dictionary. Hint: look up the word "bigotry."

Hint #2: your experience (or lack thereof) does not mean that prejudice and bigotry does not exist.

Interesting; telling even, that you automatically assume that I'm not of mixed race.

Apparently, you didn't grow up or live in some of the neighborhoods I did. I've seen enough bigotry toward mixed-race, particularly (though not limited to) black and white children, to last a lifetime.

Note the correct usage of the word "bigotry."

Don't blame me for your insular view of the world. You should get out more.

PS: I purposely miss many opportunities to display my bigotry.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by bcp
I wouldnt let it get to you.
Nothing wrong with mixed race children at all, matter of fact, some of the most beautiful women in the world have black and white parents,,, well, one of each, not actually mixed so you could see it or nothing,,

the reason you might find more blacks open to the idea of mixed race children than whites will be is for the reason I mentioned earlier.

People want their children to resemble them to a point. Mixed race children more often than not look closer to being black than white, it is only reasonable to assume that many white people would feel that the child would not be a representation of them.
I dont find that bigoted at all.

Oh he/she isn't getting to me; I just like to point out the ignorant racist comments when I see them. I called him/her a bigot because of this quote....

Originally Posted by BOP View Post
I recommend punching him squarely in the face, often.

That way, he can get a feel for what it's like to be a mixed race child in many minority communities.
His/Her suggestion that many minority communities treat children of mixed race bad is an insinuation that non-minority communities welcome all mixed race children w/ open arms...(or at least that is how I saw it) And we all know ignorant racism knows know color.. They come from all backgrounds and nationalities.....

If he/she wasn’t trying to suggest that minorities treat mixed race children bad, then he/she would have simply said

“I recommend punching him squarely in the face, often. That way, he can get a feel for what it's like to be a mixed race child…”

But he couldn’t help but take a little racist cheap shot….. I know racist comments come from him/her all the time, but sometime I just have to say something..............

Way to take someone's words and twist them all to hell. Do you get a prize for that, or something?

I wasn't talking about how mixed raced anything (couples, children) are treated within the so-called "white" communities. You are just like Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, et al, in that you overlay your own prejudice onto others, just so you can be outraged about something. Being outraged about racism is so the in thing, isn't it?

I've seen many, many minorities (primarily, but not exclusively, blacks) treat mixed race children very badly.

Further, if you'd do a little reading, as I have, of minority authors (again, primarily, but not exclusively, African Americans), you'd read of people in the black (or Indian, or _________ ) community(ies) treating mixed-race children pretty badly. It's heart wrenching, even sickening.

But you, in your insulated little world, don't know anything about that. You assume that your life and experience is the criteria by which other people's thoughts and attitudes ought to be measured.

F*ing self-righteous, sanctimonious hypocrite. You make me sick.


It's ghey to be enraged about racism these days. Obama was elected for Christ's sake! :lol:


Well-Known Member
I am sorry but I do think your comments make you appear bigoted.Basically you want your children to have only 'white 'characteristics.

You will swear until you are blue in the face that you are not racist but your remarks about Obama were very offensive .

You seem to say you have no problem with inter-racial marriages or dating (as long as it is not in your family)but you have a very 'them and us 'attitude.

I have no problems with who you find attractive etc-some people like blonde hair some red hair ect....I understand that part...
but the way you talk I would be very uncomfortable to be in your presence with my family.
I am not having a go at you just being honest with my feelings..

Another sanctimonious twit heard from.


Well-Known Member
Hey Moe!

I want my children to look HUMAN...
I hope you don't work with the public or with children.
And I hope that when you get old enough to be in a nursing home, that none of you care takers are African American.
People seem to forget that they get old.
They also forget that they have children and grandchildren and that sometimes kids pay for the parents sins....
In the words of Dave Chappelle
...."if there’s hate in your heart, Let it Out!..."

There's a perfect opportunity to display my "bigotry." And yet, here I am, missing it.


Well-Known Member
Maybe they are afraid to tell you because you might burn them alive, brand them some kind of name or shame them in front of the rest of the family. Kids are not stupid; they know who to keep stuff from and who to tell.

Yeah, because so many kids nowadays are terrified of adults.



New Member
I know your type, you would keep pressing for the answer that would enable you to become pissed off, much like you are doing now.
you would not let something just go, you would have to push and push until the person you were pushing finally said what you wanted them to say so you could play your picked on by a racist game.

and the fact is, just because I prefer my kids to look like me, or I am willing to point out differences in races, (some people refer to the differences as embracing diversity) you chose to play the picked on here and now.

I have little tolerence for those that make the assumption that someone is racist and klanish just because they refuse to hide the simple fact that there are distinct differences between the races.

good enough or do you want to push some more>?

Not for one instant did I think you were picking on me nor do I feel sorry for myself one little bit.
You still could not answer me-why be afraid that you would say what 'I want to hear'. If you are not racist then you would not be pushed to say anything that could be 'misconstrued' as 'racist'.


In My Opinion
Not for one instant did I think you were picking on me nor do I feel sorry for myself one little bit.
You still could not answer me-why be afraid that you would say what 'I want to hear'. If you are not racist then you would not be pushed to say anything that could be 'misconstrued' as 'racist'.
so why push for the racist angle because I openly stated that I want my children to share the same features that I have, mainly, white.

except, My child is not 100% "white" either as far as the statistics go. but, close enough.


New Member
so why push for the racist angle because I openly stated that I want my children to share the same features that I have, mainly, white.

except, My child is not 100% "white" either as far as the statistics go. but, close enough.

You like to twist things round don't you.
Well you make all the jokes about Obama going to Africa and getting bitten by a HIV infected monkey.YOU joke about the chimp jokes that you can use for the next 4 years.YOU even made a statement about 'little black man making all the white people pay'-which was deleted at a later date.Of course this is all you' joking 'and 'jesting 'but it is clear you have issues with different races.But of course I am the racist for even thinking these statements could be racist:rolleyes:


In My Opinion
You like to twist things round don't you.
Well you make all the jokes about Obama going to Africa and getting bitten by a HIV infected monkey.YOU joke about the chimp jokes that you can use for the next 4 years.YOU even made a statement about 'little black man making all the white people pay'-which was deleted at a later date.Of course this is all you' joking 'and 'jesting 'but it is clear you have issues with different races.But of course I am the racist for even thinking these statements could be racist:rolleyes:
how come the chimp comments in reference to Bush werent racist to you??

do you see something different due to the race of the two that would make the chimp joke racist for one but not the other?
I think you are making my point that you look for any comment that can be considered racist when made regarding a black.

as far as the little black man (and he is a little black man) making the white people pay, look at his record in Chicago and you just might see that he has a record of this.

I bet you didnt find it offensive when nobama referred to his grandmother as a "typical" white person.

get the chip off your shoulder.


New Member
I come from a long long lineage of Norwegian peoples.

dark has little place at the family gatherings.

all we are missing at the reunion is the hood and the cross.

so why push for the racist angle because I openly stated that I want my children to share the same features that I have, mainly, white.

except, My child is not 100% "white" either as far as the statistics go. but, close enough.

This is why I pushed the point. Just seems a strange way to get your point across..


In My Opinion
This is why I pushed the point. Just seems a strange way to get your point across..
well, there are no blacks at the bcp family reunions. as far as I know, and its been tracked back to the 1600s on one side, there have been no blacks in the history. American Indian yes, some german, whole bunch from Norway, and some from england in the 1700s, but, no black.


New Member
well, there are no blacks at the bcp family reunions. as far as I know, and its been tracked back to the 1600s on one side, there have been no blacks in the history. American Indian yes, some german, whole bunch from Norway, and some from england in the 1700s, but, no black.

So what about the future?.I am sure you will be happy if one of your family got together with another race. Not talking about you(your preference has already been discussed ) but someone else.You would have no objections-as you already said you have no objections to inter-racial marriages....
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