Mask Report


RBF expert
Yeah, we like it. Dr Pilkerton has been our dogs' vet since she was just out of vet school.

We just hate the drive from Tall Timbers to Hollywood.
I make the drive there from Callaway, I've stayed with them thru moving as I really like them. I picked up Rx food from them Friday and I had to wait outside :sshrug:

The morning after they dropped the mask mandate I went into Aldi's without it. I was THE only one without. Finally someone else walked in without one and then I saw a lady look at him...look at me...and then ripped hers off with relief :lol: I went to Teeter after and was only 1 of about 15 other maskless. I've noticed more and more without as time passes though.

But I got my hand slapped by Costco this weekend... Apparently PG county still has a mask mandate. Manager seemed over it, told me how they're the only county in MD that still has it because of their numbers. I admitted I had no idea, thought it applied to the whole state - and also didn't realize Brandywine was in PG county, not Charles :lol: I put one on, I'm not gonna argue, he's just doing his job but looks like I won't be back for awhile.

My daycare is super frustrated. Last summer (months after this all started) they sent her notice that now the small private IN-HOME daycares required masks and they were following guidance provided by the Governor. Now, they're telling her well, yes Hogan said no more masks but now we're gonna follow the CDC recomendations and that means you still have to wear masks. I've never understood the masks for in-home daycares either. My kid is already IN HER HOUSE... how will a mask help at this point?! It's like 4 toddlers in a huge playroom. They lick everything anyways :doh:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Nope. You can't catch cancer from someone but those who are doing chemo have dramatically compromised immune systems and typically quarantine for a few days after treatment. Even after the quarantine they have to be careful, which is why you never take flowers or fruit as a present for a cancer patient.

I may have to correct this. It's either chemo or radiation that takes out their immune system - I'll have to look up which it is.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Well if I ever go to a pediatric chemotherapy treatment center I will be happy to wear a mask.


Nope. You can't catch cancer from someone but those who are doing chemo have dramatically compromised immune systems and typically quarantine for a few days after treatment. Even after the quarantine they have to be careful, which is why you never take flowers or fruit as a present for a cancer patient.
Didn't you know that visitors didn't wear masks and gowns in pediatric chemotherapy treatment centers before COVID. Ignore what you see in those St. Jude commercials.


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
New me has a better more correct understanding thanks to folks like you.


Active Member
I may have to correct this. It's either chemo or radiation that takes out their immune system - I'll have to look up which it is.

you are very intellige
Didn't you know that visitors didn't wear masks and gowns in pediatric chemotherapy treatment centers before COVID. Ignore what you see in those St. Jude commercials.

I was asked to wear a mask, as were my daughters visitors. And before the pandemic. But now I see how silly that all is. Thank you.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
My daycare is super frustrated. Last summer (months after this all started) they sent her notice that now the small private IN-HOME daycares required masks and they were following guidance provided by the Governor. Now, they're telling her well, yes Hogan said no more masks but now we're gonna follow the CDC recomendations and that means you still have to wear masks. I've never understood the masks for in-home daycares either. My kid is already IN HER HOUSE... how will a mask help at this point?! It's like 4 toddlers in a huge playroom. They lick everything anyways :doh:
That's a good point. It used to be practice to expose infants to as many "bugs" as possible to kick start their immune systems when they are the most resilient. The old wives tale was to expose infants to dairy farms.

Parents are doing their children a huge disservice by keeping them is an anti-bacterial/viral bubble as infants.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
I was asked to wear a mask, as were my daughters visitors. And before the pandemic. But now I see how silly that all is. Thank you.
All I am saying is your specific reference has nothing to do with COVID. They were masking up pre-COVID.


Active Member
That's a good point. It used to be practice to expose infants to as many "bugs" as possible to kick start their immune systems when they are the most resilient. The old wives tale was to expose infants to dairy farms.

Parents are doing their children a huge disservice by keeping them is an anti-bacterial/viral bubble as infants.

this is so true. Thank you for posting.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Parents are doing their children a huge disservice by keeping them is an anti-bacterial/viral bubble as infants.

I sometimes wonder if this isn't the plan. Mask up and bathe in Purel so our immune systems get fat, stupid, and lazy, then we'll be weak enough to conquer. Hell, any ol' thing can take us out. That's why I make a point of licking a dairy farm every day to keep my immune guys in fighting shape.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I sometimes wonder if this isn't the plan. Mask up and bathe in Purel so our immune systems get fat, stupid, and lazy, then we'll be weak enough to conquer. Hell, any ol' thing can take us out. That's why I make a point of licking a dairy farm every day to keep my immune guys in fighting shape.

OMG, you know what I just thought of???

When the overlords try to infect and kill us all because of our fat, stupid, lazy immune systems, you know who will be taken out first?

Leftist mask wearers!

The only Americans left will be Trump supporters!

:patriot: :yahoo:


RBF expert
That's a good point. It used to be practice to expose infants to as many "bugs" as possible to kick start their immune systems when they are the most resilient. The old wives tale was to expose infants to dairy farms.

Parents are doing their children a huge disservice by keeping them is an anti-bacterial/viral bubble as infants.

I had my kid a couple of days before the mask mandate last year. Let me tell you there is nothing scarier than going in to deliever a baby at the beginning of a pandemic, when I knew neither of our parents could come visit or help like originally planned, and when the possibility of not even getting to have my own husband there with me was a real threat for a minute. My entire first year with my one and only baby was completely upended and looked nothing like I'd imagined it would be.

But I still took him in public when needed. I had many friends who's children never left the house for MONTHS - one bragged her son hadn't been in a store since Feb 2020. I tried not to take my little one with me if I didn't have to because shopping with a baby is already difficult, but it wasn't a huge deal if I did. In fact it was important he made the trip with me every once in awhile. I wanted him exposed to the outside and to have a healthy immune system. I had confidence as a mostly intelligent adult to make good decisions over how, when, and where I brought my infant. I got SO many stares when I brought him to Lowe's last summer (mind you, he was wrapped in a body-wrap against my chest and covered. and I even had an old lady beg me to not bring him into Aldi's, she was so fearful for him to go inside. She offered to shop for me or watch him in the car and I'm like, appreciate your kindness ma'am but I got crap to do and a whole cart to fill. I wipe the cart down before he goes in it, and I wipe it after because: teething. I don't have the luxury of family nearby for babysitting. If I can't get it done while he's at daycare, he's coming with me. I'm a firm believer my attitude will also aide me in raising a child who at least behaves in public, since I've been taking him out in it since 3 months old.

Anyways, yea. I got a pandemic baby and he's one healthy little crap because I'm cautious but not overly ridiculoudly cautious.