Mask Report


Well-Known Member

I had my kid a couple of days before the mask mandate last year. Let me tell you there is nothing scarier than going in to deliever a baby at the beginning of a pandemic, when I knew neither of our parents could come visit or help like originally planned, and when the possibility of not even getting to have my own husband there with me was a real threat for a minute. My entire first year with my one and only baby was completely upended and looked nothing like I'd imagined it would be.

But I still took him in public when needed. I had many friends who's children never left the house for MONTHS - one bragged her son hadn't been in a store since Feb 2020. I tried not to take my little one with me if I didn't have to because shopping with a baby is already difficult, but it wasn't a huge deal if I did. In fact it was important he made the trip with me every once in awhile. I wanted him exposed to the outside and to have a healthy immune system. I had confidence as a mostly intelligent adult to make good decisions over how, when, and where I brought my infant. I got SO many stares when I brought him to Lowe's last summer (mind you, he was wrapped in a body-wrap against my chest and covered. and I even had an old lady beg me to not bring him into Aldi's, she was so fearful for him to go inside. She offered to shop for me or watch him in the car and I'm like, appreciate your kindness ma'am but I got crap to do and a whole cart to fill. I wipe the cart down before he goes in it, and I wipe it after because: teething. I don't have the luxury of family nearby for babysitting. If I can't get it done while he's at daycare, he's coming with me. I'm a firm believer my attitude will also aide me in raising a child who at least behaves in public, since I've been taking him out in it since 3 months old.

Anyways, yea. I got a pandemic baby and he's one healthy little crap because I'm cautious but not overly ridiculoudly cautious.

My grandson was born in June. He's been in daycare since the end of August. The germ pool of the newborn room. He's had so many runny noses and colds I've lost count. The daycare center was shut down for 2 weeks because one of the workers had a positive Covid test. But in light of all of this, he's building a good immune system. They've been taking him out to eat or to the store for a long time.


Well-Known Member
Don't lie. You came on here saying that you were moving here from Houston and everyone was helpful and kind to you. Then you started attacking people and being ugly, THEN had the nerve to bitch and cry when someone gave it back to you.

People get what they're looking for on this forum - ALWAYS. So clearly you're looking for a fight and that is what you shall have.

So stop your whining.

This is the same guy?


RBF expert
My grandson was born in June. He's been in daycare since the end of August. The germ pool of the newborn room. He's had so many runny noses and colds I've lost count. The daycare center was shut down for 2 weeks because one of the workers had a positive Covid test. But in light of all of this, he's building a good immune system. They've been taking him out to eat or to the store for a long time.
We've been lucky, it was only my son and another little girl full time there for the longest time. There were 2 other kids that went part-time, so he wasn't exposed to a whole lot. But same, we also took him out to eat with us if we wanted to go. I've always felt that was important.


Well-Known Member