Media Corruption


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Jordan Neely’s family to file wrongful death lawsuit against ‘subway vigilante’ Daniel Penny

Now Neely’s aunt, Carolyn Neely, who represents Jordan’s estate, has hired the Manhattan law firm of Mills & Edwards to file a civil action against Penny, according to a letter obtained by The Post.

“Please be advised that this office has been retained . . . to pursue a claim for personal injuries and wrongful death. . . . Your action resulted in the death of Jordan Neely,” reads the missive sent to Penny’s attorneys this week.

The letter also requests Penny’s insurance information.

Penny’s attorneys, Steven Raiser and Thomas Kenniff, declined comment.

Penny, 24, is out on $100,000 bail.

His defense fund was at $2.8 million late Saturday. Thousands of donors — who mostly remained anonymous — have flocked to the GiveSendGo campaign created by his attorneys to show their support.

Anything leftover after Penny’s legal bills are paid will be given to a New York City mental health program, his attorneys wrote on the crowdfunding platform.

Fuking Ghouls ..... where was the family while this mentally disturbed sock sucker was alive


PREMO Member
And not according to the DoJ either. The US Attorney’s statement put it somewhat more bluntly in his press release yesterday, and in a way that should have some folks at the WaPo offices checking with attorneys. Emphases mine:

The indictment further alleges that Martin and Smith agreed, along with other currently uncharged co-conspirators, to enter the National Gallery of Art for the purpose of injuring the exhibit. Martin and Smith entered the National Gallery of Art armed with plastic water bottles filled with paint. Martin and Smith handed their phones to other conspirators and waited until patrons cleared the area in front of the Little Dancer. Martin and Smith proceeded to smear paint on the case and base of the exhibit, at times smacking the case with force. Prior to the attack, members of the conspiracy had alerted the Washington Post, and two reporters from the Post recorded and photographed the offense. Additionally, other members of the conspiracy filmed and photographed the offense. Smith and Martin caused approximately $2,400 in damage and the exhibit was removed from public display for ten days so that it could be repaired.

That certainly offers a strong hint that the US Attorney anticipates the likelihood of charging other members of the alleged conspiracy. Who might they be? The members of Declare Emergency, which the Post helpfully fingered as the organizer of the attack, are likely targets for the US Attorney next. But it also sounds as though the prosecutors and the grand jury see the Post reporters as part of a conspiracy too, and for good reason. How else could Smith, Martin, and the other conspirators guarantee that their message would get amplified and their attack make enough news to matter?

As Ryan Maue detailed on Twitter late last night, other reporter speculated at the time that the Post’s team was involved in the conspiracy and the attack:



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PREMO Member

Jordan Neely’s family to file wrongful death lawsuit against ‘subway vigilante’ Daniel Penny

Now Neely’s aunt, Carolyn Neely, who represents Jordan’s estate, has hired the Manhattan law firm of Mills & Edwards to file a civil action against Penny, according to a letter obtained by The Post.

“Please be advised that this office has been retained . . . to pursue a claim for personal injuries and wrongful death. . . . Your action resulted in the death of Jordan Neely,” reads the missive sent to Penny’s attorneys this week.

The letter also requests Penny’s insurance information.

Penny’s attorneys, Steven Raiser and Thomas Kenniff, declined comment.

Penny, 24, is out on $100,000 bail.

His defense fund was at $2.8 million late Saturday. Thousands of donors — who mostly remained anonymous — have flocked to the GiveSendGo campaign created by his attorneys to show their support.

Anything leftover after Penny’s legal bills are paid will be given to a New York City mental health program, his attorneys wrote on the crowdfunding platform.

Fuking Ghouls ..... where was the family while this mentally disturbed sock sucker was alive
They're just trying to get their hands on Penny's GoFundMe money.


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<cough><cough><George Floyd><cough>
I wonder if they got in touch with the shysters or the shysters got in touch with them.
Anything goes now if you can get a "woke" jury.
A woman was awarded 5 million bucks from trump when she couldn't even remember the day she was allegedly raped by him, in a department store where she never even made a murmur until years later.


PREMO Member

Joe Scarborough Whines About People Who 'Get Paid a Lot of Money' to Say 'Catastrophic' Things

In a Twilight Zone-like mini screed on Tuesday’s “Morning Joe,” Scarborough actually had the cojones to decry “people who get paid a lot of money to say” “catastrophic” things on TV, in podcasts, and so forth.

Yo, Joe — take a look in the mirror, my man.

Scarborough praised Joe Biden and Kevin McCarthy for behaving like “grownups” in reaching an agreement in principle in the contentious debt ceiling battle.

Translation: Scarborough knew McCarthy once again threw conservative fiscal policy under the bus and folded up like a cheap suit during his negotiations with Biden.

Mika kicked off the festivities:

Joe, on the debt ceiling, you said they’d get there, but how’d they finally do it?

Yup, the old set-up question. That was all Joe needed to respond — in all of his hypocritical “glory” (emphasis, mine).

They had no choice. They got there. And, you know, we live in this world that’s designed — this political world that’s designed to promote discord, division, hatred, where our political opponents are actually our sworn enemy.

Stop the tape. Um, Joe? You and your MSNBC colleagues (see: Joy Reid, Nicolle Wallace, et al.) promote “all the above,” daily — in addition to endlessly race hustling and intentionally sowing those seeds of division — and distrust. Please.


PREMO Member

MSNBC reports that rampant child sexual abuse is happening in churches, not at drag shows

Some liberals hit back and said that Christian families were the real groomers, raising their young children to be religious like they are, without the children’s consent. We did a post on a blue-check who pushed back on the “groomer” tag by reminding us that most child sexual abuse takes place at home or in the church.

“Will conservatives call for a ban on minors in churches?” asks Ja’han Jones, who ghostwrites Joy Reid’s “ReidOut” blog for her.

By comparison, there have been no credible reports, to my knowledge, of child sexual abuse at drag shows. And, of course, I’m only making the comparison here because many conservatives — including religious leaders in the Catholic Church and the Southern Baptist Convention — falsely equate drag shows or LGBTQ people with sexual perversion. In response, Republican lawmakers are pushing measures that bar minors from attending drag shows.
Will there now be a widespread push to bar children from churches given the thousands of reported sexual abuse incidents nationwide? Don’t bet on it.
The numbers don’t lie: America’s children seem at far more risk in some places of worship than they would be at a drag show.

We don’t have MSNBC’s fleet of reporters, but we do know that a drag queen who took part in Drag Queen Story Hours for children was sentenced to a year in jail in Oregon for 11 child sexual abuse charges. And hateful bigots got Drag Queen Story Hour canceled as the Houston Public Library after they found out one of the readers had sexually assaulted an 8-year-old child.

We have more posts like that one, but the thing is, conservatives can do two things at once: condemn all child sexual abuse and seek to root it out wherever it appears (even in church) and want to protect children from adult-only sexually themed entertainment.



PREMO Member

It was dripping with elitism from the very start. Get a load of this gem:

‘The First Lady of Florida showed up on the campaign trail in Iowa this weekend wearing a ghastly black leather jacket—American flag on front, an alligator and the silhouette of her state on the back, with the sneering words, ‘Where Woke Goes to Die’—that brought to mind nothing so much as the racks of a Red State big-bin store where it would be retailing for $24.99.’

You red staters and your American flags and affordable clothing! Katie Barker would like you to know you disgust her.

We like Walmart, especially under Joe Biden’s economy, so get bent Katie.

Yes, she did. Executive Editor of hateful seething.

Next, she turned her frothing frenzy to Melania Trump and the coat she wore that triggered a different media meltdown:

‘After all, Melania was flying down to where the administration locked up little kids in cages and tore them from the arms of their desperate parents. Did it mean nothing at all, like her spox insisted—maybe like Melania herself, a cipher whose eyes seem to betray an inner emptiness, like the infinite refraction of mirrored light off of all those gold-plated Trump Tower bathroom fixtures?’
It would probably be wise to avoid conjuring up images of vacant stares … and pudding … while Joe Biden is president. He’s also failing miserably to address the border crisis, as thousands upon thousands risk their lives and their children’s lives to stream towards the border. Such compassion.



PREMO Member


The New York Times is out today with a long feature about the “concern” over Joe Biden’s age and conspicuously deteriorating abilities. The story is strangely written, as it seems to go out of its way to conceal the heart of the matter by including lukewarm appraisals of Biden’s awesome capacities (/sarc):

People who deal with him regularly, including some of his adversaries, say he remains sharp and commanding in private meetings. Diplomats share stories of trips to places like Ukraine, Japan, Egypt, Cambodia and Indonesia in which he often outlasts younger colleagues. Democratic lawmakers point to a long list of accomplishments as proof that he still gets the job done. . .
Advisers said his judgment is as good as ever. So many of them use the phrase “sharp as a tack” to describe him that it has become something of a mantra.

But then, near the center (heh) of this unnecessarily long story, there’s this:

Unease about Mr. Biden’s age suffuses Democratic circles. One prominent Wall Street Democrat, who like others spoke on the condition of anonymity to avoid offending the White House, noted that among party donors it was all anyone was talking about. At a small dinner earlier this year of former Democratic senators and governors, all of them in Mr. Biden’s generation, everyone at the table agreed he was too old to run again. Local leaders often call the White House to inquire about his health. . .
In private, some officials acknowledge that they make what they consider reasonable accommodations not to physically tax an aging president. . . Aides limit exposing the president to news media interviews when he could make a politically damaging mistake.


PREMO Member

Washington Post’s Homeschooling Smears Won’t Stanch Public School Hemorrhage

The article is titled “The revolt of the Christian homeschoolers.” It’s a very tiny revolt, apparently. The Post almost exclusively uses these two homeschool graduates to project onto every homeschooling family frightening images of “Handmaid’s Tale”-esque authorities keeping children in line with smacks from tree branches and hoses.

That’s not an exaggeration. Aaron and Christina Beall “had been raised to believe that public schools were tools of a demonic social order, government ‘indoctrination camps’ devoted to the propagation of lies and the subversion of Christian families,” the 5,000-word article says near the top. The “modern homeschooling movement,” it says,

…led by deeply conservative Christians, saw home schooling as a way of life — a conscious rejection of contemporary ideas about biology, history, gender equality and the role of religion in American government.
Christina and Aaron were supposed to advance the banner of that movement, instilling its codes in their children through the same forms of corporal punishment once inflicted upon them.

Get that? Rejecting “contemporary ideas about … gender equality” is linked to and reinforced by “corporal punishment” the article later describes as repeated beatings with a broom handle. The article also makes sure to mention the Duggars — who have zero relation to or interaction with the Bealls, except that both homeschool — and all the other homeschooling boogeymen it can find. It’s a ridiculous effort, albeit quite polished, and it’s not going to work the way the Post intends.

Thanks to lockdowns, people are aware that simply reading your kids books or doing a math workbook at home isn’t a risk factor for child abuse. Yet in this article, The Washington Post spends 5,000 words and two years of reporting to smear something it demanded every parent do just three years ago.

Not just homeschooling, but also the Bible comes in for an — inaccurate — link to child abuse: “Sometimes [Aaron and Christina] still flinched when they remembered their parents’ literal adherence to the words of the Old Testament: ‘Do not withhold correction from a child, for if you beat him with a rod, he will not die.'”

It’s almost the classic example of a loaded question: “Have you stopped beating your wife?” Somehow, The Washington Post feels entitled to ask it of private citizens based entirely on their anti-PC religious and parenting decisions, and then shame them to the world regardless of how they reply.


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After Downplaying East Palestine Disaster, Coastal Media Elites Panic Over Wildfire Haze In NYC

New York-based corporate media elites have flown into hysterics this week over Canadian wildfires creating a blanket of hazardous air over the Northeast United States. The ongoing wildfire health crisis is the focus of hourly updates, with articles fretting over everything from the poor air quality’s impact on “mental health” to the cancellation of Broadway shows.

Yet these same outlets, along with U.S. government officials like Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg, shamefully either ignored or downplayed the arguably more serious health crisis caused by February’s fiery derailment of a freight train along the Ohio-Pennsylvania line in East Palestine. The derailment and the subsequent decision to set the spilled chemicals on fire created a hazardous mushroom cloud over the area, impacting residents’ health and livelihoods to this day.