Men don't have the right to choice!


vraiblonde said:
Write your Congressman. At this point in time abortion is legal, the woman carries the child and she gives the birth.

It's completely impractical for a man to insist that a woman bear a child if she doesn't want to. I'm not saying it's right, I'm saying that's the way it is. You could get a judge to say that, yes, she must have the child, then give it up to you. But how will you ensure that she doesn't do something to harm it? "Take that, you bastard - how's a little fetal alcohol syndrome grab ya? Have some heroin, baby!"

Blame biology. You can't give birth - women can. It's just the way it is.
I agree, it is impractical. This entire topic is conjecture, but it is discussion. :shrug:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Pete said:
I agree, it is impractical. This entire topic is conjecture, but it is discussion.
It is discussion, but it's pointless discussion because of the biology involved.

The simple solution for men who don't want to be put in the position of some chick aborting their child is to be a little pickier who you mate with. Until guys do that, they have no valid complaint.

Same with women - if you don't want to have some dirtbag run out on you and leave you alone with a baby, don't have sex with them in the first place.


kwillia said:
Woah, you are talking double speak now. Are you saying that just because a woman is willing to let the father have primary custody, she loves her child less? How can you expect to overcome the stereotypes when you want to immediately assume she is doing it because she doesn't care, thus reinforcing stereotypes of your own?
Quick, name for me 1 woman who "let" the father have custody. Beebee Momma Gude is the ONLY one I have heard of EVER and I don't know any details of that matter.

I am saying that ANY parent male/female who simply says "Go for it, I don't have the time or inclination." is a dirtbag. For many years it has been men, but women are starting to catch up.

Love less? I suppose that is possible. I think these parents still "love" their child, but I think they "love" themselves and their free unencumbered lifestyle more therefore they make the choice. I totally admit my half of the species has not stepped up to the plate like they should and historically are the main culprits. Too many Bucky and Ray's have run around fathering kids and leaving them feeling their fatherly duties are fulfilled by the U.S. Postal service when it delivers the weekly check.


vraiblonde said:
It is discussion, but it's pointless discussion because of the biology involved.

The simple solution for men who don't want to be put in the position of some chick aborting their child is to be a little pickier who you mate with. Until guys do that, they have no valid complaint.

Same with women - if you don't want to have some dirtbag run out on you and leave you alone with a baby, don't have sex with them in the first place.
Well sex is has become a "recreational activity" so it will be an issue forever.


curiouser and curiouser
Pete said:
Quick, name for me 1 woman who "let" the father have custody. Beebee Momma Gude is the ONLY one I have heard of EVER and I don't know any details of that matter.
A friend of mine just married a man with a six year old son. When the little boy was 2, his mom just up and moved to England, leaving him with his father, and never looked back.

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
Pete said:
Quick, name for me 1 woman who "let" the father have custody. Beebee Momma Gude is the ONLY one I have heard of EVER and I don't know any details of that matter.

I am saying that ANY parent male/female who simply says "Go for it, I don't have the time or inclination." is a dirtbag. For many years it has been men, but women are starting to catch up.

Love less? I suppose that is possible. I think these parents still "love" their child, but I think they "love" themselves and their free unencumbered lifestyle more therefore they make the choice. I totally admit my half of the species has not stepped up to the plate like they should and historically are the main culprits. Too many Bucky and Ray's have run around fathering kids and leaving them feeling their fatherly duties are fulfilled by the U.S. Postal service when it delivers the weekly check.

My husband's ex. Decided she wanted two kids, left them when they were both less than five years old. I married him and raised the kids, no support from her. They are now in their late 20's and 30's and GUESS who is concerned bout them, but never was between the ages of 10 and now? Dear old mom......Their dad is the greatest dad I have ever seen. SHE is a definite dirtbag. Guilt, in her old age, is catching up with her.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Pete said:
Beebee Momma Gude is the ONLY one I have heard of EVER and I don't know any details of that matter.
Larry was raised by his father, as well.

What it boiled down to in both cases was the Dad was in a better position to care for the kids. Larry's Ma had no means of support, there were four kids, and no dough. With Bebe Mama, she was a low-wager, plus she worked in DC - at least an hour to and from work every single day - plus long hours that included weekends.

Even with child support, it still wouldn't have been a good deal for the kids.


vraiblonde said:
Larry was raised by his father, as well.

What it boiled down to in both cases was the Dad was in a better position to care for the kids. Larry's Ma had no means of support, there were four kids, and no dough. With Bebe Mama, she was a low-wager, plus she worked in DC - at least an hour to and from work every single day - plus long hours that included weekends.

Even with child support, it still wouldn't have been a good deal for the kids.
Finding people this "selfless" is very rare, "self centered" is more common. I agree these women are to be admired.

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
vraiblonde said:
Larry was raised by his father, as well.

What it boiled down to in both cases was the Dad was in a better position to care for the kids. Larry's Ma had no means of support, there were four kids, and no dough. With Bebe Mama, she was a low-wager, plus she worked in DC - at least an hour to and from work every single day - plus long hours that included weekends.

Even with child support, it still wouldn't have been a good deal for the kids.
Did these women still have a relationship with the children?? If not, they got out for purely selfish reasons. In other words, oooooops, decided I really don't want the responsibility...Just wondering. Going to bed. Check with you tomorrow. Good night all.


Tight Pants and Lipstick
PREMO Member
tomchamp said:
Once again jazz you turn ALL the blame to the man...if a women gets pregnant is it all the mans fault... maybe she should do a little watching who she's doing.

Do the responsible thing and neuter yourself, so to speak. If you are a male and are sexually active and want no pregnancies, have a vasectomy. You can reverse the process if and when you choose to create a family.

In the meantime, one would still be a walking venereal disease if he isn't protecting his member anyway. Pop or no pop in the latex.
Last edited:


BS Gal said:
Some people make decisions for the right reasons. MANY MANY more just wanna party.

The point is moot anyway. Just like DJ said. In addition if they passed a law that said the father had to consent to an abortion before one could be performed I would bet that less than 1% of abortions would be contested by the father anyway.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
BS Gal said:
Did these women still have a relationship with the children??
Yep. Larry's Mom lived about a mile away when he was a kid and Bebe Mama is over here all the time.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
For me I see it this way. An unmarried man having any say over what a woman does with a pregnancy is like me giving you a ride in my car and then you claiming ownership of it. It ain't happening.


Well-Known Member
Ken King said:
For me I see it this way. An unmarried man having any say over what a woman does with a pregnancy is like me giving you a ride in my car and then you claiming ownership of it. It ain't happening.

Prices went up on GM road and you were short on cash? :peace: :peace: