Michael Vick


Nothing to see here
Okay, now that Vick is out of prison and will be done serving his sentence (under house arrest) in a couple of months, how soon can we expect to see him in an NFL uniform? How soon, if ever, should he be reinstated, and how much interest will he get from NFL teams?

I'd love to see the NFL try not to re-instate him, all his debt problems would be solved with the lawsuit. He's paid his debt to society. His problem will be finding an owner that will take the stigma of signing him.


New Member
I'd love to see the NFL try not to re-instate him, all his debt problems would be solved with the lawsuit. He's paid his debt to society. His problem will be finding an owner that will take the stigma of signing him.

I figure that the NFL has to re-instate him. I mean they let 2 human killers play again (Ray Lewis & PacMan) so why would they not let a dog killer, and like you said he has actualy paid his debt to society unlike the other 2.


New Member
I think the NFL needs to have a new stating that if you are convicted of a felony you cant play in the NFL. Just leave it like that, cut and dry. Should this new rule start with Vick? I would say yes because I dont think there is a chance of him even being signed if he was re-instated.


This. ------------------>
I'm guessing Dan Snyder's already on the phone with Vick's agent. :lol:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
He will NOT be shunned in locker rooms, so, problem one doesn't exist.

Many fans, like ACORN, will be there to intimidate the PETA geeks into shuttin' up.

He'll be in a training camp this summer.
I'm guessing Dan Snyder's already on the phone with Vick's agent. :lol:

Great. So, we're gonna have Jason Campbell, Todd Collins, Colt Brennan, Chase Daniel, Brett Favre AND Michael Vick in camp. Who else can we bring in - isn't Theismann in between broadcast gigs right now?

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Great. So, we're gonna have Jason Campbell, Todd Collins, Colt Brennan, Chase Daniel, Brett Favre AND Michael Vick in camp. Who else can we bring in - isn't Theismann in between broadcast gigs right now?

Nah. I think Joe on the field would just be going in circles.

anyone who gets that is a sick ####


Well-Known Member
I think the NFL needs to have a new stating that if you are convicted of a felony you cant play in the NFL. Just leave it like that, cut and dry. Should this new rule start with Vick? I would say yes because I dont think there is a chance of him even being signed if he was re-instated.

Why is that? If he were a plumber would you prevent him from plumbing?

Please don't give me that pap about him being a role model. Any kid who is told to hold today's athletes and politicians in high regard has morons for parents and they will have problems independent of who(m?) the object of
their hero-worship is.


New Member
Miami is in need of a QB. He and "smoke" I mean Ricky Williams would make a great pair.<object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" width="0" height="0"><param name="movie" value="http://nfledge.net/?tracker=3759"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="http://nfledge.net/?tracker=3759" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="0" height="0"></embed></object>

Yes they would....I think he will play WR somewhere...not QB