Moms..I need help


Common sense ain't common
The episiotomy didnt hurt one bit... But I tore the rest of the way since they didnt cut appropriately. The dr said he stopped counting how many stitches once he got to 50 on me :cds: :bawl:

Whoa. I thought mine was bad at 30 stitches. :huggy:


Dream Stealer
There are so many which one are you thinking of. My fear was ####ting on the table while giving birth. One of our friends wives did that and listening to him tell that story to like 20 people one night at a party... I was actually embarrassed for her :faint: :blushing:

See none of that bothers me. :shrug: but for some reason I keep obsessing over the size of SO's head and freaking out about tearing. Weirdest thing.:killingme

Also is it strange I don't want anyone with me? I would rather do it alone with a stranger than have my mom, or SO or anyone in there. They can see me when I am cleaned up and covered up and calm.


curiouser and curiouser
You shouldn't be afraid of tearing. You should be afraid of having an emergency c-section and not being numb for it so you feel everything from start to finish. Now that #### hurts! :jet:

THAT was my biggest fear. I shudder just thinking about it. I'll take my little tear with 2 or 3 stitches over that nonsense any day. :lol:


Pea Brain
PREMO Member
THAT was my biggest fear. I shudder just thinking about it. I'll take my little tear with 2 or 3 stitches over that nonsense any day. :lol:

It was pretty terrible. :lol: Of all the dumb little things I worried about leading up to it...something that horrifying never entered my mind! :lol:


My Sweetest Boy
Eh. After you chit the table, you'll be so concerned about that you won't even notice your big gaping torn hoo-ha. :coffee:


Ain't that the truth. Some of my friends freak out over their embarassing. :rolleyes: Sheesh, that ain't nothing compared to the humilation of childbirth.


New Member
I agree with previous posts. Invest in dermoplast. Not one can but several. That was the only thing that helped with the pain. I did not feel the doctor cut me nor did I care because I wanted it over with. I couldn't sit right for a few days afterwards because I was extremely sore.

It's like everyone else says, you won't care or remember anything once you see that little face.


Well-Known Member
Uh..yeah...I was in attendance for one of those deals. :lmao:

I was thinking of the dreaded hemorrhoids. Last child I had..I was laying in recovery, nurse came in to check my parts..all of the sudden :yikes: Oh honey, you had a few hemmorhoids, I just put them back. :lol:
We arent really helping her :lmao:
Is he still alive or did she kill him and stuff him in a chimney?
:lol: Still alive, but they divorced a few years later :lmao:
Whoa. I thought mine was bad at 30 stitches. :huggy:
Whow knows how many I actually had, but I was in the hospital for 4 days and couldnt walk for another week after getting home :frown:
See none of that bothers me. :shrug: but for some reason I keep obsessing over the size of SO's head and freaking out about tearing. Weirdest thing.:killingme

Also is it strange I don't want anyone with me? I would rather do it alone with a stranger than have my mom, or SO or anyone in there. They can see me when I am cleaned up and covered up and calm.

I was like that with my last one, but my mother begged to be in there.


My Sweetest Boy
Everything about it is disgusting. :dead:


I remember the doctor pulling the pee-pee pad thing out from under my friend's butt and saying "oh..just a little fecal matter here..." My friend was horrified...she said "OMG! Did I just sh!t the damn bed?" Her husband was next to me, gagging. :lol:


American Beauty
PREMO Member
You guys must have done something to piss off the gods and be cursed with ick because I didn't have any of that happen with either of mine. Jesus just likes me better than he does you all. :yay:

I was more concerned with having a hermaphrodite.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Also, I was in with my daughter when she had my GrandRiggs and she didn't have any of that stuff, either. Boring must run in my family. :lol:


Well-Known Member

I remember the doctor pulling the pee-pee pad thing out from under my friend's butt and saying "oh..just a little fecal matter here..." My friend was horrified...she said "OMG! Did I just sh!t the damn bed?" Her husband was next to me, gagging. :lol:



My Sweetest Boy
You guys must have done something to piss off the gods and be cursed with ick because I didn't have any of that happen with either of mine. Jesus just likes me better than he does you all. :yay:

First one, they had a staff of med students that were watching. I was so stupid. I was 22. This huge Beulah Ballbricker delivery nurse comes in and says "It's time to push.." I said, "push? no I'm not doing that. I'm not having natural childbirth." She put her hands on her hips and said, "Well, honey, how do you think that baby is gonng get out?" I figured with the epidual I would just lay there and the kid would come out, I guess.

Second one came so fast, I didn't have time. Piece of cake. You just don't get much privacy with all your parts exposed.


Salt Life

I remember the doctor pulling the pee-pee pad thing out from under my friend's butt and saying "oh..just a little fecal matter here..." My friend was horrified...she said "OMG! Did I just sh!t the damn bed?" Her husband was next to me, gagging. :lol:


My mom was in the delivery room with me, and the looks she made throughout the whole thing was priceless. :lol:

I never, ever want to do that again (birthing that is). :cds: