Moms..I need help


So happy!
I have two kids, 8 years old and 6 months old. With the 8 year old the Dr cut me and I still tore after the episiotomy. It took 45 mins to stitch me up, Dr wouldn't tell me how many stitches. Now with the 6 month old the Dr let it happen naturally and I tore up this time and it was bad. I had a hard time peeing for weeks after. I would have rather had the episiotomy.


New Member
Talk about it to everyone. No, Seriously. If you have to see every doctor in the office, make sure every doctor knows that your primary concern is tearing. Make sure when you first go into labor, and still have control over the things flying out of your mouth that you let the nurses and on call doc know that your concern is tearing. That is literally all you can do.

Now. Once you go into labor? That will no longer be your only concern. You are going to have so many other focus points, tearing will be one of them, sure, but not right up front in your head - and that is a good thing. At that point, you should be focused on other things, things you can control.

Like the others said, if they cut you so you do not tear, the pain should be minimal next to labor pain, and you will not notice. Or you'll be loving epidural land and hopefully not feel too much other than the pressure.

And I'd be in on any contraction drinking game.


Sweet and Innocent
You shouldn't be afraid of tearing. You should be afraid of having an emergency c-section and not being numb for it so you feel everything from start to finish. Now that #### hurts! :jet:

All of your stories about tearing = :twitch:

I had two emergency c-sections. With my first, my son was breech and we had no idea that he was breech until I was complaining about upper back pain during labor. Doctor bought out the sonogram and was shocked to see that my baby had turned a night before into breech position, so I had an emergency c-section. There were no time for anything. They put me to sleep while cutting my belly open. I missed all of the birthing experience of my first child. I woke up and my baby was in my husband's arms. I was so confused of how did my baby got there without me knowing that I gave a birth to a baby.

When I was in labor for 12 hours with my first, I had no drugs. I was going through natural labor of no drugs at all to hide the pain. If I had drugs to hide the pain during labor, I might not have known about the upper back pain to send a message to my doctor about that my baby might be breech.

With my second, I had another emergency c-section, but this time I had time for drugs and was awake for the whole birthing experience.


New Member
This thread is hilarious!

The dermoplast is great. HOSPITAL STRENGTH. I never used the sitz bath thing.

Look - it's your first kid - you are freaking aout about all the what if's and believe me - none of that will matter 2 seconds after delivery.

You will be fine. Just convey to your doctors that you want to be cut and put back together nicely. My last baby was 8 pounds 1.5 ounces and I felt EVERY BIT of it but it was over in a flash.

I have no idea how many stitches I had. I sat fine and did "everything" else fine after delivery.

DO NOT take laxatives or stool softener if the bathroom is upstairs.

Enjoy and just don't read the horror stories - we are mostly all laughing now so it couldn't have been that awful!

My mother tore and they had to reconstruct her girl areas and other areas too - but I never had that type of problem. And I was little 7 pounds!

You must post when the baby comes so we can see the new bundle of joy!


why so serious
My advice is talk to your doctor about your concerns and if you need to, shop around. I did not tear or need an incision with the child I had naturally (the other two were emergency c-sections). He was born in Albuquerque NM and I had a nurse-midwife at the hospital.


Hot Flash
My advice is talk to your doctor about your concerns and if you need to, shop around. I did not tear or need an incision with the child I had naturally (the other two were emergency c-sections). He was born in Albuquerque NM and I had a nurse-midwife at the hospital.

I had a midwife for my first. No tears and no episiotomy. I believe Catt mentioned earlier about perineal massage. For my second (who was larger) my ob/gyn did give me a teeny tiny slice. No pain during or after.

Liberty. Google perineal massage.

Guys. Don't google perineal massage.


Dream Stealer
I had a midwife for my first. No tears and no episiotomy. I believe Catt mentioned earlier about perineal massage. For my second (who was larger) my ob/gyn did give me a teeny tiny slice. No pain during or after.

Liberty. Google perineal massage.

Guys. Don't google perineal massage.

:killingme :lol:

sad part is, I have come across this in my googlings already, and have prepared to start as early as tomorrow. :yahoo:



Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
I had a midwife for my first. No tears and no episiotomy. I believe Catt mentioned earlier about perineal massage. For my second (who was larger) my ob/gyn did give me a teeny tiny slice. No pain during or after.

Liberty. Google perineal massage.

Guys. Don't google perineal massage.
What's even worse is misspelling it perianal, the first picture to pop up will make you lose your lunch.


Active Member
:twitch: I was fine until I read this thread =( Now I just want to go curl up somewhere and tell the kiddo that he can stay inside!


..if momma ain't happy...
...and I thought I'd laughed at other posts here...good lord my stomach hurts!

Liberty, honey, you'll be fine, talk to ALL the doctors about your concerns, and do it now, because it really will not be at the top of your priority list when labor starts.

I had three baby boys, they're now 26, 24, and 19, and I can remember all three births like they were yesterday (which is actually scary). No drugs, 5 hours labor with boy 1, 3 hours with next two.

My best advice to you, eat healthy, don't put on too much weight, EXERCISE and keep those tummy muscles toned!

I'd not let them talk you into contraction drinking games if I were you...

Merlin (and all you other boys reading this), go away...


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
When you're actually in labor, all your modesty will go out the window and you probably won't be worrying about your lady business. :lol: That being said, if you aren't comfortable with your OB, you should switch. You will probably be getting all kinds of ridiculous in the coming months, so you want someone you like. :lol:

Just wanted to add my .02 to this. This was not true for me and I had 2 kids.


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
I was cut both times with my kids and didn't even feel it. Everything else hurt so bad, the episiotomy pain got lost in the shuffle. :lol:

LT, if you have concerns, talk to the Dr. about them. If she gives you grief, then get a new OB. But typically doctors don't want you to tear any more than you want to tear, because stitching up the ragged edges is a beech. They'd much rather stitch a clean cut.

I agree with this.

Besides, again, everyone is different. The female body does actually provide a lot of labor hormones & "physical mechanisms" that are a natural anesthesia for SOME women. Some feel more pain, some less. I personally didn't want any anesthesia for the first kid - wanted to go without. Well, turns out - that was just plain stupid, in my opinion! :lol: So I signed up for anesthesia and whatever drugs would be available for me on my FIRST pre-natal appt. for the 2nd kid. And then I didn't get to have any of them, because he decided it was time right as they were getting ready to put the epidural needle in.

So go figure! :lol: