Moms..I need help


Throwing the deuces
My husband was in the delivery room reading me a Hot Rod magazine until it was time to deliver. Then he gave me a "blow by blow" account of what was going on. NOT something I wanted to know, I was a little busy, don't you know?? With the second one, I had to wait until he got back to the hospital from letting the dog out at home to use the bathroom. He came back and the doctor went to check me and my son's head was already sticking out. :lol: I never felt a thing and I guess he decided to birth himself.


Pea Brain
PREMO Member
You guys must have done something to piss off the gods and be cursed with ick because I didn't have any of that happen with either of mine. Jesus just likes me better than he does you all. :yay:
Obviously. Look at your hair and look at mine. :bawl:
EWWWwwww I just remembered when they push one your tummy afterwards EWWWWwwww sickening!!!
:lol: They didn't have to do that to me. They just plucked it right out of me when they finished filleting me. :yay:
I was more concerned with having a hermaphrodite.



There are so many which one are you thinking of. My fear was ####ting on the table while giving birth. One of our friends wives did that and listening to him tell that story to like 20 people one night at a party... I was actually embarrassed for her :faint: :blushing:

That was my major fear also, crapping all over the nurse & my OB. :killingme I never had to worry about it though. My little man was stubborn so they induced me at 41 weeks. 30 hours later, and in much pain (1st epi had worn off & the 2nd one wasn't cutting it), they did a c-section. No emergency, thank god, the labor just wasn't progressing and I hadn't slept in 2 days. I never thought I'd be so happy to get cut up. :yahoo:

Is he still alive or did she kill him and stuff him in a chimney?

I know my hubby would keep his mouth shut about that, had it happened. I told him that what happened during the birthing process was to stay between us unless I felt like sharing it. If not, I'd knock his azz out! :buddies:

See none of that bothers me. :shrug: but for some reason I keep obsessing over the size of SO's head and freaking out about tearing. Weirdest thing.:killingme

Also is it strange I don't want anyone with me? I would rather do it alone with a stranger than have my mom, or SO or anyone in there. They can see me when I am cleaned up and covered up and calm.

No, I don't think that's strange. Some people want everyone, even their brothers, Dads and FIL's in there with them. Me? Hell no! I just wanted my hubby in there during delivery. My Mom was at the hospital with us but once the real pain started I didn't even want her in the room. I was miserable. I had told her beforehand that I'd probably kick her out once I was in too much pain, she knows I like to be alone when I'm in pain, sick, etc.

You do what makes you comfortable, no matter who's feelings may get hurt. Of course, I hope you don't kick your man outta there.

Ain't that the truth. Some of my friends freak out over their embarassing. :rolleyes: Sheesh, that ain't nothing compared to the humilation of childbirth.

Yeah, nothing really embarrasses me anymore. I haven't yet had a mammogram but I doubt I'll be too worried about anyone looking at my boob after spending 9 months in stirrups. :whistle:


Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
LT, you should come over and let me, Dye and Jazz deliver your bebe on alcohol experimentation night. You'd be surprised how much easier squirting a child out of your hoo-ha is when you've had a couple of banana daiquiris.
That sounds like a new drinking game, every time she has a contraction, you have to take a drink. Makes you look forward to one of those 20 hour deliveries.


New Member
Serious help :killingme

So. I am pregnant. I am not afraid of being pregnant. I am not afraid at all of the pain of labor, I am not afraid of giving birth. I am not a bit afraid of taking care of an infant, or raising a good kid or being a good parent. These things I am strangely calm about. However I am intensely terrified of one particular thing. Just one thing is enough to give me nightmares and mini panic attacks.

Tearing during delivery.

Seriously. Please don't make fun, it has seriously made me crazy. I don't know if it's hormones making me obsess or what, but the thought is haunting me. :cds:

Here's my concern. My OB is dr. Polko's office (they are making me see all of them). I know she is wonderful. Best in the area, everybody loves her to pieces. But I know for a fact that she doesn't give two craps about your lady bits and will snatch that baby out without a second thought ( I worked at the hospital, I know this). My phobia is so great, that I am actually thinking about shopping around for a new OB, one that can assure me they will let me go through labor gradually and slowly enough to let my body react appropriately. i realize this doesn't always prevent it, but my mind is stuck on this.

So, am I crazy? Am I ready for the looney bin yet? And can anyone recommend an OB that will fit my needs? :killingme

this totally explains your personality :lol:


New Member
Talk with your doctor. If you feel they are unwilling to cooperate with you and your wishes, find another one.

My doc told me before she gave me the episiotomy that she recommended I get it done to help avoid improper healing from a jagged tear. With the epidural, I didn't feel a thing and the stitches dissolve by themselves so I didn't have to worry about a follow up appt to get them removed.


Well-Known Member
Obviously. Look at your hair and look at mine. :bawl:

:lol: They didn't have to do that to me. They just plucked it right out of me when they finished filleting me. :yay:


:killingme :killingme welll actually sorry :huggy:

It is nasty! Remember all that fluid they sucked out from you during the c section... well guess what happens when you have it vaginally and then they push on your tummy :dead:


Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
See none of that bothers me. :shrug: but for some reason I keep obsessing over the size of SO's head and freaking out about tearing. Weirdest thing.:killingme

Also is it strange I don't want anyone with me? I would rather do it alone with a stranger than have my mom, or SO or anyone in there. They can see me when I am cleaned up and covered up and calm.
Would you rather go through all that, or be one of those beeforilla's that don't know their prego until the kid falls into the toilet?


New Member
Serious help :killingme

So. I am pregnant. I am not afraid of being pregnant. I am not afraid at all of the pain of labor, I am not afraid of giving birth. I am not a bit afraid of taking care of an infant, or raising a good kid or being a good parent. These things I am strangely calm about. However I am intensely terrified of one particular thing. Just one thing is enough to give me nightmares and mini panic attacks.

Tearing during delivery.

Seriously. Please don't make fun, it has seriously made me crazy. I don't know if it's hormones making me obsess or what, but the thought is haunting me. :cds:

Here's my concern. My OB is dr. Polko's office (they are making me see all of them). I know she is wonderful. Best in the area, everybody loves her to pieces. But I know for a fact that she doesn't give two craps about your lady bits and will snatch that baby out without a second thought ( I worked at the hospital, I know this). My phobia is so great, that I am actually thinking about shopping around for a new OB, one that can assure me they will let me go through labor gradually and slowly enough to let my body react appropriately. i realize this doesn't always prevent it, but my mind is stuck on this.

So, am I crazy? Am I ready for the looney bin yet? And can anyone recommend an OB that will fit my needs? :killingme

You'll be fine mama. I was scared to death too with my first baby. I tore and got 15 stitches it hurts yes but is worth it when you look in your baby's eyes
:love: I will be honest the first 3 months of motherhood can be very rough but you'll get used to it. It's hard adjusting to having the babies needs come first. You'll be dog a$$ tired and the baby is wide awake but motherhood is so worth it. It's hard, you'll think you're going to go crazy but the sweet moments far out weigh the bad ones. Labor wasn't too bad for me. All 3 of my kids were delivered within 6 hours, sure it hurts like hell but that's whan an epidural is for. I did the 1st 2 babies natural and did the epidual with the 3rd, now that is the way to go :1bdz:


New Member
Yeah but what happens when they think you will have a 8 lb baby so they give you an episiotomy for an 8lb baby and you actually have an almost 10 lb baby :yikes: :bawl:

That made my va jay jay hurt just thinking about it my biggest baby was 9 pounds 6 ounces 2 weeks early and it hurt like a mo fo :cds: