I imagine that this will be a pricey drug, perhaps half as much as a top notch abortion?:shrug:
They'll be able to charge anything they'd like, since it's the only drug of it's kind and the demand will certainly be high.
Pros and Cons...
Sex will happen regardless.
Our best defense is a good offense.
I'd much rather have teens doing it with condoms and pills than with only one of the two.
It's better than an abortion, no matter how you look at it.
The side affects might make it's users think again before using it.
As with anything, it will be misused and exploited.
It's our nature to control and screw around with the natural order of things, This is no different than creating drugs to keep you alive longer, or stem cell research or cloning:eww: Too many people want to change and control things.
NO matter what someone does, someone somewhere is not goign to like it.