Motorcycle Accident

Go G-Men

New Member
Lets start from the beginning, is it okay to sell a midget a BUSA? YES OR NO!

Probably not but I bet a amazon woman wouldn't buy a little red trike and try to ride around town? Just a point.

Personally, each and every one of us who ride know our limitations and we normally respect them. However there are times we don't and bad things are more likely to happen. I know my limitations and as such I don't exceed them. I try to be personally responsible for my riding.

Go G-Men

New Member
no doubt super stud

You know Tommy gun... If you don't want to hear what people have to say then don't post. There are people on here who will take you to task if they disagree with your post. If it is too personal for you than don't read the responses.

I lost a friend to a motorcycle accident a few months ago and all the forumites were all over before his friends knew he was involved in the crash let alone that he had passed away because of it. What I did was choose not to respond and I was glad I didn't.

I did not know your friend but I am saddened whenever a fellow motorcyclist gets killed in an accident and if anything I wrote made you think I was being disrespectful towards him than I am sorry it was not what I intended.

My comments were directed all riders. Maybe someone who is thinking of getting a bike that is bigger than them will read this thread and think twice.


Gold wing -vs- Busa?

I was replying to you goldwing comment, however its a mute point someone who always wanted to ride is now gone way too early in his riding experience. Like I said I did not want to jump in on this thread. My concern is that you think there should be some more freakin laws put on the books to make a senseless death more understandable for YOU.

I am sure this tragedy has affected a large SOMD population and should be a reality check for everyone of us throttle twisters. If you would like to discuss this topic more PM me.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

and everyone thinks hand guns are a killer. its the bullets that do the killing:killingme

...the thing is, bikes are just freaking dangerous. They just are. You're exposed and it's likely that, sooner or later, you're gonna be coming off the machine. Nature of the beast. If you're going 120 when it happens, that's just not the same as dropping it in the parking lot.


...the thing is, bikes are just freaking dangerous. They just are. You're exposed and it's likely that, sooner or later, you're gonna be coming off the machine. Nature of the beast. If you're going 120 when it happens, that's just not the same as dropping it in the parking lot.

true dat!!! wonder why I only do 120 when I am on the beltway:whistle:


24/7 Single Dad
... If you're going 120 when it happens, that's just not the same as dropping it in the parking lot.

It's actually very similar. You fall the exact same distance and you accelerate from the seat to the ground at the exact same rate.

If you're wearing the proper protective gear and don't hit anything other than the ground, you'll just slide. Check out some superbike videos where the guys get off at 200 mph, slide 100 yrds and then just stand up and walk away.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I understand...

It's actually very similar. You fall the exact same distance and you accelerate from the seat to the ground at the exact same rate.

If you're wearing the proper protective gear and don't hit anything other than the ground, you'll just slide. Check out some superbike videos where the guys get off at 200 mph, slide 100 yrds and then just stand up and walk away.

...the concept, but, if we're doing a test, I'll drop one in the parking lot, you do the 120 and then we'll compare notes. I'll buy. :buddies:


24/7 Single Dad
...the concept, but, if we're doing a test, I'll drop one in the parking lot, you do the 120 and then we'll compare notes. I'll buy. :buddies:

If you want to buy the bike, a set of racing leathers, a helmet, track time and a sh1t load of Ibuprofen, I'll give it a try.
It's actually very similar. You fall the exact same distance and you accelerate from the seat to the ground at the exact same rate.

If you're wearing the proper protective gear and don't hit anything other than the ground, you'll just slide. Check out some superbike videos where the guys get off at 200 mph, slide 100 yrds and then just stand up and walk away.

Yeah, but the big difference is that there aren't many places around here that you can slide 100yds without smacking something.


24/7 Single Dad
Yeah, but the big difference is that there aren't many places around here that you can slide 100yds without smacking something.

Very True. :yay:
Since eating trees is very unhealthy unless you're a beaver, I try to limit my velocity to double digits.

It's like the situation where you drop a bullet and fire one from a gun. IF you could find a place that was flat enough, they would hit the ground at the same time since the effect of gravity is identical on both bullets.


"Typical White Person"
I feel bad for the guy/gal and their family's, I really do, but why do people insist on trying to create nanny state laws after accidents?


New Member
I just saw the article in Baynet and felt I needed to say a couple of things.

I was Gene’s supervisor for a couple of years. I will not divulge too much info here but I will say his problems extend WAY beyond some domestic disputes. He was in trouble with the military and that was the thrust of his family problems. That’s all I have to say about that.

Despite all the stupid things he surprisingly did he was one of the hardest workers I’ve ever worked with. He loved his job, he loved the military and he loved his family. This is one of the saddest bits of news I’ve personally gotten in a long time and I am just heartbroken for his family; especially his kids. He had a boy and a girl (around 13 and 17 I think). He brought us a lot of memories at work and I considered him a friend.


Here's to you Gene :patriot:

I knew Gene and still know his family! I thought of him as a brother...we spent many years together when we were Airforce. My heart breaks for his much pain already there ....and then this. I am still cloudy in my own mind that he is gone. It is unbelievable! Genes son is 12 and his daughter is 16. He was so full of passion for everything he did. He will be missed dearly. Good night, Gene - you were so loved! I did not know Amanda...but I heard she was an amazing Mother and Teacher. It is just as heart breaking for her families loss as well.

It is all so tragic....Heres to you!!!


I knew Gene and still know his family! I thought of him as a brother...we spent many years together when we were Airforce. My heart breaks for his much pain already there ....and then this. I am still cloudy in my own mind that he is gone. It is unbelievable! Genes son is 12 and his daughter is 16. He was so full of passion for everything he did. He will be missed dearly. Good night, Gene - you were so loved! I did not know Amanda...but I heard she was an amazing Mother and Teacher. It is just as heart breaking for her families loss as well.

It is all so tragic....Heres to you!!!

Mind if I ask what you did in the AF?


New Member
You Rock!

You knew this was going to happen, yet you did nothing. Don't blame me for your inaction.

MMDAD: No doubt, I should have knocked him out, took the keys to his bike, drove over to his house and torched the bike. That would put me in jail and I don't want that to happen because I have three daughters and two granddaughters to tend to.

Would you like to open your mouth about my daughters and granddaughters? Please do so you make it very clear that you are a lonely man with a small pecker.