Motorcycle Accident


24/7 Single Dad
At what speed (velocity) does an object have to move before it is no longer effected by gravity?
You seem to think a bullet fired from a gun isn't effected by gravity. There must be a select speed at which gravitational effects diminish or are deleted.
You said they would hit the ground the same TIME. Not when gravity would would effect them. So you and Gay White Guy better get your POO together before you spout off anymore ignorance. It seems you can read, but not comprehend! You need to remember what you posted, not what you think you posted. Tards of a feather...

Gravity effects them all the time, but it doesn't cause a change until the bullets are dropped or leave the barrel. At that time they both head for the ground, picking up speed at the same rate. One bullet is moving in another direction at the same time is all. The problem with aps' analogy, however is what happens after they hit. The dropped bullet will, perhaps, bounce once and then come to rest. The bullet fired from the gun will skip along the ground
perhaps beginning to tumble in the process untill it finally stops. They hit the ground at the same time, but do not stop at the same time.

Don't remember that rule. What you talkin' bout Willis:eyebrow:

I'm thinking you may not have been fully briefed.:gossip:Now do you see?
At what speed (velocity) does an object have to move before it is no longer effected by gravity?
You seem to think a bullet fired from a gun isn't effected by gravity. There must be a select speed at which gravitational effects diminish or are deleted.

Well.....escape velocity? Still effected, but moving quick enough to over come it.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
At what speed (velocity) does an object have to move before it is no longer effected by gravity?
You seem to think a bullet fired from a gun isn't effected by gravity. There must be a select speed at which gravitational effects diminish or are deleted.
In your scenario the bullets will hit nearly at the same time, with velocity comes drag and with drag comes lift, thus the fired bullet will travel in a parabolic manner and impact after the dropped bullet.


New Member
At what speed (velocity) does an object have to move before it is no longer effected by gravity?
You seem to think a bullet fired from a gun isn't effected by gravity. There must be a select speed at which gravitational effects diminish or are deleted.

Please, reply with quote on that! :duel:
In your scenario the bullets will hit nearly at the same time, with velocity comes drag and with drag comes lift, thus the fired bullet will travel in a parabolic manner and impact after the dropped bullet.

I'll bet the bullet manufactorers will be pleased to hear they can overcome bullet drop by designing bullets with better "lift".:lmao:

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
I'll bet the bullet manufactorers will be pleased to hear they can overcome bullet drop by designing bullets with better "lift".:lmao:
They already know that, thus they try to minimize the drag coefficient to reduce the parabolic tendancies for a flatter trajectory.


24/7 Single Dad
I know what you're 'trying' to say. But, in your example the other bullet is fired from a gun. Therefore it travels some distance before it hits the ground. This takes time and there is no way it can hit the ground at the same time as the bullet dropped. Can this thought penetrate Tin?:killingme

At what speed (velocity) does an object have to move before it is no longer effected by gravity?
You seem to think a bullet fired from a gun isn't effected by gravity. There must be a select speed at which gravitational effects diminish or are deleted.

Please, reply with quote on that! :duel:

here you go
They already know that, thus they try to minimize the drag coefficient to reduce the parabolic tendancies for a flatter trajectory.

This is true, but it is so the bullets don't slow down as much because of drag. Bullet travels farther in less time so it drops further along its path. How can you accomplish lift on a cylindrical object that is spinning? Why the complicated design for an aircraft wing then?


24/7 Single Dad
How can you accomplish lift on a cylindrical object that is spinning? Why the complicated design for an aircraft wing then?

The pilots get real dizzy when they spin like a bullet

Now let's discuss the lift provided by the dimples on a golf ball :lol:

This started out with me saying that a fall from a bike is about the same as a fall from a bar stool. :otter:
Only difference is forward momentmum and as long as you don't have a sudden stop to the forward movement, the effects will be about the same.
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Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
Don't remember that rule. What you talkin' bout Willis:eyebrow:
If your not worried about the test parameters, point the gun up and it will take more time to hit the ground, point it down and it will take less time, pointed parallel to the ground and it is essentially the same.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
This is true, but it is so the bullets don't slow down as much because of drag. Bullet travels farther in less time so it drops further along its path. How can you accomplish lift on a cylindrical object that is spinning? Why the complicated design for an aircraft wing then?
Because planes don't spin at a high rate like a cylindrical bullet does.

The lift equation (Kutta and Joukowski) states that the lift L per unit length along the cylinder is directly proportional to the velocity V of the flow, the density r of the flow, and the strength of the vortex G that is established by the rotation.

L = r * V * G


New Member
Because planes don't spin at a high rate like a cylindrical bullet does.

The lift equation (Kutta and Joukowski) states that the lift L per unit length along the cylinder is directly proportional to the velocity V of the flow, the density r of the flow, and the strength of the vortex G that is established by the rotation.

L = r * V * G

Take it from here Ken King. I bow to your big brain.:notworthy


Lem Putt
Because planes don't spin at a high rate like a cylindrical bullet does.

The lift equation (Kutta and Joukowski) states that the lift L per unit length along the cylinder is directly proportional to the velocity V of the flow, the density r of the flow, and the strength of the vortex G that is established by the rotation.

L = r * V * G

Kutta and Joukowski applies when the rotation is in the direction of travel.

The spin on a bullet is perpendicular to the direction of travel, so Kutta and Joukowski does not apply.

As a bullet spins, the rotation creates equal lift components in all directions, cancelling any effect of the forces.
Because planes don't spin at a high rate like a cylindrical bullet does.

The lift equation (Kutta and Joukowski) states that the lift L per unit length along the cylinder is directly proportional to the velocity V of the flow, the density r of the flow, and the strength of the vortex G that is established by the rotation.

L = r * V * G

Is drag/lift equal around the entire circumference of the cylinder?